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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. he claimed bookie. he predicts who dies (he never explained if this was the lynch or NK) and if hes right he gets a vig
  2. lmao is sully scum is arcanite scum am i scum who is the most likely final 2 mafia
  3. the longer my post is the bigger the chance of a captcha popup ive found
  4. Also I assume the empower would make it go through your delay, for the jail.
  5. tl;dr i feel like you aren't actually trying to get snike lynched and aren't ever going to actually quote his posts with specific phrases to make that happen id love it if you'd prove me wrong but i read ALL of snike's posts and i didn't get the same impression you did and i am the quickest gun in this town how are you going to convince other people of your case when i spend almost all of my time convincing people of mine and still fail on some
  6. ive been bullying you and you haven't cracked tho for real i think you are tunneling on snike. what will you do if arc flips scum?
  7. I am going to go ahead and downplay my Kaoz paranoia too. I think Kaoz is just asking a question. Put him back at light green
  8. He claimed it practically start of the game as soon as he subbed in
  9. Posting my final PoE/reads before I have to out for the night. Assuming cousins are showing up. It remains unchanged from before, but I still want to bring up my misgivings. I'd make an addendum that Alette's defenses today are much better tonally than yesterday and I am less prone to think she is playing me, so much as just off the wall and incapabe of casing. athena_57Baldrick (replacing eclipse)Fable Mackc2 (replacing Nightmare)Refa ViaWalrein Killthestory (replacing Zkirsche) SatsumaFSoySoy + Snike (replacing Polydeuces) - Possible ITP... Omega (replacing Marth) - I have a lot of mixed feelings about his content. He is definitely more opportunistic than Kills to me. If there is an ITP left I think this could be it... Role based especially. But no way to prove it. Alette (replacing Fenrir Aesir (replacing Anime27Arts)) - Somewhat suspect for not really contributing despite the dayvig -- this is a possible world Kaoz (replacing Bibbon) - Suspect if Arc is town and he doesn't lynch Sully Lord Gaius (replacing EƤrendil) - Looks much better if Arc is scum. Clear if I am right about both Arc and Sully. Arcanite (replacing Weapons)SullyMcGully (replacing Elieson)
  10. okay, so, in your world, who else is mafia with snike? who make sense as snike's partner?
  11. those people arne't scum reading him independently some people have explicitly FELT that he is scummy and those people who had those feelings are town the other people had reasons. less personal, less opinion based reasons that are harder to read. like yours for readng snike.
  12. i.e. anything other than vague "he has an agenda" i have an agenda. im trying to get sully lynched on d4 that doesn't make me mafia its just a bad reasoning. your entire philosophy might be bad, i don't know. if so, it makes it very hard to read you because its impossible to tell if you are town or mafia. you can make bad reads either way if you use bad methods
  13. That he has posts that read as ingenuine, AND/OR that he makes sense with the known mafia.
  14. I'd agree re: the numbers so I think this Arc lynch being scum LED is unlikely. specifically because I feel that arc is independently scummy and most of the people scum reading him are confirmed town to me (notably me)
  15. Alette, how many Mafia do you think are alive? The game started with 22 players and 3 are dead. At maximum we have 6 Mafia, and 1 ITP. I have suspected for the whole game that Weapons is the ITP, but these associations with Sully make him look more like he has buddies after all, and Sully is one of them. There are enough people people in the town to make this lynch happen without a single mafia vote. If we assume Arc is one of them, then only two could be Mafia votes. Alette, please read this post: If you do nothing else this game, read it, and give your opinion on it
  16. PS: Just to make my PoE clear: Only world I see where I am wrong on Sully and right on Arcanite is one where LG is mafia. LG is cleared if and only if Sully flips scum. @Omega. I'd like to see some actual thoughts here please
  17. More on this: You have picked a strategy, a very bad strategy, and it does not involve coming up with alternatives. It involves convincing me you are town, and that's all. I don't buy for a second that you want to get lynched as any alignment. Nothing you do is honest, and even if your strategy does come from town, you're just trying to entrap someone into casing you, which no self-respecting scum is going to do in this situation. It's so bad that it's mind boggling, and I cannot believe that anyone would town read you for it. You are never getting lynched when you pull this, unless the wagon is already happening in the same phase and it's not a CFD to lynch you. This simply doesn't hold up. Here's the thing. You are hyper conscious of the game state and actively sheep the town's reads, which is why I'm scumreading you. Therefore you KNOW this strategy has no chance of leading to your lynch today, and you also know that it has the best chance of making people doubt my case me and not lynch you D4. What I'm not seeing from you is helping them solve beyond keeping yourself alive. In fact, you have actively said that you think it's impossible, and you'd rather die. And now you're outing for the rest of the phase. This is scummy and I am still shocked that people are even halfway buying it.
  18. I agree, you should actually case your other mafia suspect(s). The fact that you went full AtE and both you and Arcanite self-imploded is NOT what town should do to win. It's simply not. I especially don't like that you're not hard scum reading me. You aren't solving. You aren't even paranoid. You're acting like you know what to do in this situation despite not knowing who the last Mafia is, and that's worrying. @Vi-astra I think you said you saw that the way that Sully has handled the Arc slot throughout the game does not look good. I've stated my side. Can you give your own thoughts on that?
  19. That's not the question I asked. Assuming you got that role as Mafia, how would you use it? How would it be different from what you did in this scenario?
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