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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. anyway, some good music to wash my negativity and the chickens clucking away sorry to modern Trails fan. I hope you can continue to enjoy the games, but i really can't anymore and i gotta vent sometimes
  2. Falcom chat's reaction everytime mini boss music is playing. They keep spamming chicken images and gifs lmao because of how the track sounds like chickens clucking Xd Enjoy 😉 I am just laughing right now. This sad, but that's my only reaction to this Ex dungeon?
  3. Also music still super bad We not have bees this time, but chickens clucking as well
  4. some stuff from the Falcom chat (Spoilers obvs)
  5. Enjoy! If you want i can suggest some more you will probably enjoy as well Has been that way since CS1, following all the trends and modern tropes while discarding everything that made the games great game by game. I was putting all my hope into the next arc.... But seems it's finally time to let go. Although i've ckecked multipe sources over the net and it seems "action elements" instead of pure action is the more correct translation. Whatever that means. The battle system i loved so much though is gone. Even if Falcom completely ruined it's balance in the CS games, i always had a small hope in me they will attempt to balance it and make it better And not abandon it completely. Oh well, time to see how Haji is doing, last i saw it went into it's sooo bad it's good territory. Seems like Harem End is confirmed for Rean as well, from what i watched yesterday
  6. Man, Haji is just making me sad. And the action trails even sadder, if the leak about it being mainline is true
  7. Hajimari Spoilers Reaction face (nothing spoilery really, only a face of a character)
  8. already reading it 😉 I've probably picked up the whole villainess subgenre on Mangadex lmao
  9. Oh i know which comment is that, as i saw it myself a few days ago xD nope, Karen
  10. 99 pages why x would win xD Edelgard but less trigger happy and in school and shiptrash xD
  11. Ayy finally someone else who remebers that site XD Shipping wars threads moved faster than you could read them :sip: xD
  12. Yeah i was a lurker only back then as well on good old onemanga forums, if any of you oldies remember it xD
  13. You guys weren't there during the Fate shipping Wars... Or the Detective Conan ones or the Naruto ones or the Snafu ones or or or... etc xD wew boy WEW BOY
  14. For me it's usually less the characters and more the ships. Especially in Anime/VNs I hate alooooooot of the popular ships out there Shirou x Saber being a prime example
  15. Add to that Snarky little Alchemist + Pirate dude Primal Art (reduce wait time everytime they are attacked) and yeah, you can imagine haha Also, Rorona and Lulua having same lvlup animation is adorable ngl haha
  16. Mom's support abilities are: 50% Chance of Area all Magic attack when supported unit is attacked + Magic Card added to the At Bar (another attack) 30% chance of restoring MP for whole party when supported unit is attacked + Magic Card Couple that with Brave Stance and you get pew pew pew
  17. yeah already tried it lel Also lol ''long name'' xD Currently i am running Sterklongname - Snarky little Alchemist - Pirate dude Sensei - Mom Mom + Pirate Dude Brave Stance = 👌
  18. 5* xD one 5 SP attack i meant haha priorities haha
  19. Ys Bosses when they go below 50% HP Ikr haha 1 5 SP attack leads to 2 back parties unloading their whole skill collection lmao
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