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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Dear god, all the gender reveal party memes xD 👍 If only Cipher didn't die in the process
  2. I did a Nosfe tank byleth before, so... Sure he wasn't a killer, but he wasn't killed, either
  3. :pog: i don't even play Feh, but Julia is looking nicccce ngl i felt it would be like that just from playing the demo.
  4. I've been canceling subscriptions (Football streaming, Game pass, etc) all around today lel. Instead i will put that money from the subs i rarely used anyway monthly into games so i can get games faster rather than wait for sales, because some games never get sales anyway (looking at you, Atelier), and some games coming out soon i wanna get day 1 enjoy! And be careful!
  5. even in games i claim to be an expert at, i was there once just never give up;)
  6. ...No. You can pretty much Nosfetank in any FE. Here's me Nosfetanking in FE4 FE5 has some of the strongest light mages in existence in Sara and Linoan and you already saw me nosfetanking with Miccy in FE10 Even Fates with it's overnerfed Nosferatu you can Nosfetank
  7. And ublock fixed the whole imgur adblock thing ❤️ ublock origin
  8. Xb2 and Nier: Automata are both on my backlog. I will probably play XB2 come x-mas vacation
  9. i think @twilitfalchion thought ironman friendly = every decision actually matters and dead units can't be replaced while actual ironmans are exactly the other way around
  10. My experience was completely the other way around. Edelgard, on hard, died in 2 hits, Dimitri killed every who dared to look at him funny and Claude in Madenning died in 2 hits as well. Also, Ike was perfectly fine in FE10, and there are a couple more things that bother me there, but i really had that discussion so many times, so Good morning ;)
  11. Don't grind and hard should be fairly challenging. Only do Story/Paralogues missions Also Blue Lions OP. All of them are strong AF and make the game easy. If you want challenge go Eagles or Golden Memes first.
  12. I think you will love this track as well we may get too immersed for our own good sometimes....
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