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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. What people think of when they hear Mozart and Salieri what i think of sorry
  2. @Karimlanwe moved over here, for now, since LPW is getting thanos snapped or something
  3. i don't even see page 7569. Last post i see is 8 hours ago, after that everything is poof
  4. @DragonFlames can you post it again here? your post dissapeared xD @Falcom Knight @Armagon @Acacia Sgt @twilitfalchion @lightcosmo @Caster @Robert Stewart @Interdimensional Observer we could use this Thread until the other Thread sorts itself out, if you guys are ok with it
  5. I really think it's time to switch threads, everyone. Lol Wew have the Last Teehee thread, we can migrate there. There are some hints throughout the series that Uni actually respects Nep quite a bit
  6. It's the only one i am probably watching for the whole year hehe
  7. Do you think we should move over from buggy LPW and make this our main chat Teehee?
  8. Flashforward section + First schoolmagoria dungeon 2 hours or so
  9. sadly, now that it let up, it's starting to get hot again... hopefully i can sleep tonight... ugh i hate this weather
  10. caption this. We in the capital stole it from you xD it suddenly went from 32°C to 19°C lmao
  11. so um is there a reason why page 7573 keeps getting deleted
  12. Didn't play much yet of the update, so can'T say much gameplay wise (except that light mages need more of a nerf lol), but gba style art/portraits doesn't fit srpg studio at all, imo.
  13. Ugh I am melting Too hot <.< And friends are asking to eat outside <.<
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