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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. xD Oh god. Poppo using that must be a horror, since she is already a star stealer character... Add that song (which steals stars from nearby players and they can't do anything about it...) Oh boooooooy. Thankfully not that easy to make Poppo get her hands on Ultimate Weapon Girl card xD 👍 aslong as you don't ask every days or something, it's fine xD
  2. Forcing other players to listen to This while winning the game and all they can do is watch is a good feeling :3 Seems you enjoyed it 😄
  3. I think that dude needs Florinashinal help *badum tss*
  4. or are they? Do all Florinas have same stats? same supports? same weapons?
  5. i still remember them because they were...different from all other languages i speak xD example: 84 - quatre-vingt-quatre. Which translated to 4-20-4. As in 4 x 20 + 4 xD ...i hope i don't dissapoint then. I definetly have some plans for them Hopefully it all works out xd But yeah, Campy made Agartha react a bit different as we saw this chapter^^
  6. The only stuff i remember from french class are the numbers xD Snake buddies is what let to this being different than normal 3H. Notice DK's bolded 'They'
  7. Banned for thinking normal mode makes FE6 any better 😛 There's nothing redeemable about that game
  8. Well, they aren't Archaisms. Musse would've recognized them otherwise 😉 But Mole peeps had access to high tech in 3H as well, so i am using that. Warsaw Blue xD Well, i don't blame you. French is hard. If Oiseau is even french xD Also, poll is up 😉
  9. Thanks, all of you^^. Anyway, let's get this show started. OST: Inevitable Struggle Chapter 11: The Death Knight I cast Cross Crusade at a group of enemies from behind cover. From the other side i see His Highness doing the same. A strange group of enemies. A mix of mechanized infantry and beasts. I am thankful that i went to ask Tita & Olivier for help, and that Agate is helping us. That way we are able to go all out. Otherwise we would have been severly outgunned. Literally, thanks to the enemy having access to much higher levels of technology than what we saw in Fodlan. But even these weapons are no match for our orbal ones. I use my rifle to take out a small robot that wanted to flank his highness, who's casting Galion Fort at a group of beasts. I see Tita supporting Agate, who's locked in combat with the enemy commander, a masked knight on a mount. She defeats another group of enemies that try to flank him. Yet she is also getting flanked. I move to hide behind another pillar, and use Oiseau Bleu to freeze those enemies in their tracks. We push into the enemy group and move towards our objective, the mage standing infront of the sealed grave. We need to take him out before he unseals it. ''So that's why they gave us these strange reinforcements.'' The masked knight says, ''You four have some strange weapons yourself.'' ''Nothing out of the ordinary compared to the ones you are leading.'' Answers His Highness, who finished dealing with the beasts. ''Wanna tell us what your objective is?'' The knight doesn't aswer. More enemy reinforcements appear. Robots and worm like beasts who dug themselves out of the ground. I move behind one of the pillars once again and start casting. The strongest space Art i have access to. The knight notices this and starts moving towards me. But Agate is in his way. The others are defending me as well. For that Art's cast time is long. Enemy gun shot is countered by Olivier's gun shot. Tita hits multipe enemies at once with her weapon of choice. Agate blocks a strike meant for her, and counters. I feel his highness linking his Arcus unit with mine. He is preparing to support my Art. Agate slashes at the Knight and pushes him back. His Highness uses Quick Draw to unbalance a worm like beast preparing to attack me. And that's all the time i need. I cast it. The currently known strongest space Art. ''Seventh Caliber!'' From above, multi-colored swords of light fall down an all enemies. And except for the knight and the Mage infront of the sealed grave, they all fall. Yet that mage is quickly dealt with using my orbal rifle. ''So, Sir masked knight,'' I speak to him with a smile, ''ready to surrender?'' He answers with a Slash that Agate blocks. Playing hard to get, i see. But with the four of us, we will undoubtly defeat him. The knight tries to use magic to get away from us, yet Tita's orbal cannon scared the mount and makes it spiral out of control. And Agate proceeds to unmount and disarm the knight. Before we try to capture him... ''Phony Prince, watch out!'' What? I hear the sound of weapons clashing. I look to where it came from, and see Agate blocking a strike meant for His Highness. Another masked person. Without another word, the masked person takes the defeated knight and teleports away. ''We should probably leave as well,'' Tita says, ''We can't be seen using our weapons, and the knights of the church will arrive sooner or later. Especially with all that noise.'' We already hear people coming from above. ''Come with me.'' Agate says and he shows us a way out. Different from the one we came in from. A way that takes us to an underground city. ''Welcome to Abyss.'' Agate welcomes us to said city, ''I will show you the way outside. You need to return to your classmates so you don't seem suspicous.'' After we hide our weapons, i return to the Holy Mausoleum, where my class is investigating the fight that just took place a few minutes ago. Abyss, was it? After the whole investigation is over and i have some time, i should... Choice 1: explore it and see what Agate has been up to. Choice 2: forget about it.
  10. Nah. We don't know that yet. The next chapters will tell us 😉
  11. Descending into the darkness... always a sight for the eyes :3
  12. well, you don't always get great child units. I misunderstood Benice's post, that's all xD
  13. oh wait. I thought you wanted to pair Fee off with someone xD.
  14. Pairings for 2nd gen don't mattet, honestly.
  15. Serenes is being extra slow today <.< Why should i wish anyone who didn't do anything wrong anything bad?
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