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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. except in our case, making Claude 'extreme' will just make him Edelgard's ally, as that will the only thing that will make sense then. Except if you are suggesting making him (a bit) evil, then i agree with @Eurydicein that Claude wasn't really the character you are looking for. His story is one more of trust, belonging, friendship and finding out the truth. They tried to sell him on the whole ''mistrusting schemer'' thing, but that's how Claude was at the beginning, the guy who left his comrades behind and was searching for power, and not the one he developed into, who cares for their allies and their lives, and eventually trusts (In every route, he orders his allies to retreat if in danger. And in alot of cases they fight to the death for him), while searching for the world's truth. I'll agree though, it would've been fun to see a 'fallen' Claude in one route as an enemy, one who lost all his friends, and thus, does everything for his goals.
  2. That is Edelgard's role though. She is the extreme one. Adding another extreme one with similiar ideals won't make it more interesting. In fact, it will make even less sense then why they fight.
  3. me reading manga, stories or fiction in general: nice i can read 80 more hours of this in the next 2 hours me reading study/work stuff: WHEN WILL IT END And Mekkah just pulled a Mangs lmao
  4. Just something that popped in my head again and wanted to watch and share it :3 I don't know if that's how it works in the remakes, but Langrisser 4 (and the other originals, i guess) it works like this: If you kill a commander, but not all troops, you get 1/2 exp of the surviving troops. Aoe spells that take out everyone gives full exp, of course. And you always get full gold, wether you kill troops or not. Honeslty, me at late game L4 atm, i usually head for the commanders because troop bonuses are massive. It's much much easier to kill the commander, and sometimes necessary, as alot of maps have some kind of turn limit (kill before boss escapes, protect green unit, sometimes literal turn limits), that i just head for the commander instead.
  5. Edelgard would be proud That reminds me of the whole 'neutrality' thing LOL
  6. The thing eith Jusis though is that he was never prejudced against commoners, since his mother is a commoner, but how he is a noble but not really, due to his mother. There's also his conflict with his father in CS2, which is like 1 of the 3 or 4 things that game did well
  7. Of course. Why am i not surprised xD Anime pls. Please. Jusis is best Cold Steel.
  8. Umu umu. Imo, Old class 7 can be split in two. Those that are super very good, and those that shouldn't have existed xD I wonder though
  9. Banned for not listening to the forgotten
  10. so much to do... when all i wanna to is just to lie in bed and sleep and maybe read something
  11. There's also 2 kinds of those Those are reallly old and mentally old and wise as well. And those who are not.
  12. Histoire is smol, and is more like a mini-form of an adult, rather than legal totally 1000 year old loli xD I could, but... I think i will get a certain reputation over here after XD
  13. i don't remember if there are sharks, but there are somg BIG fish
  14. Lol, reminds me of Ricotta in Ys 8 while fishing.
  15. Honestly, i don't know. A few years ago, before the whole refugee fiasco thing, i thought talking and coming to an understanding could be a thing, but the years showed that that just doesn't work, and that those peeps find violence and hate mongering ok. Best solution is just to shun, ignore and not give them any space, and call out their lies. They shouldn't be given any platform if all they do it hurt people. And no, i am not saying to censor them, they can say what they want (as long as it isn't hate speech), but we also have the right to call them out (and to them, that's apparently censoring.). And that's honestly normal in a democracy. They all have different ideas and ideals, and they need tear each other apart and compromise. Both. Austria has it much worse then us. Even after the Scandal, the right extreme party only last like 5% iirc. Also, their conservatives are much much more right leaning then ours, what's with them willing to work with right extremists and all, and even adopting some of their positions.
  16. Ah yes, sorry xD The reason for that is that in battle while you have 10 vs. 10 ( both at full hp), each of the 10 guys in a unit has a chance to insta kill one. Or atleast a guide i read said as much. Usually AT-Def should be the usual case though
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