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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Insert '' Trails... Better Trails'' Meme here xD Anyway, time for my full thoughts Well, what i can say? Verdant Wind was amazing all the way through. While i didn't like GD class as much as BL, the class is pretty damn cool! And Claude is undoublty and by far margin the best lord out of the 3, and one of my favs. FE wide if not my #1. As i sad before, VW is the only one to completely satisfy me, and imo the best ending. Very fitting i ended the game with it. Especially with that Final Boss^^ Honestly, i kinda consider this a true end somehow. Even if all ends are true and canon xD My Complaints about this route are honestly pretty minor. Mainly the Edelgard cutscene which really didn't fit in that route like it did in SS. That's the only OOF i have with this route. I would've also liked for Judith and Nader to be playable tbh. With that: Routes: Verdant Wind >> Crimson Flower > Silver Snow = Azure Moon Lords: Claude > (Seteth) >>>>>>>>>>> Edelgard > Dimitri Classes: Blue Lions > Golden Deers = Black Eagles. Final thoughts about the game: I won't say much here. I really loved it. Well spent 270 Hours over 2 Months. My main gripe with the game is the map reuse tbh. And Maddening mode requiring you to grind like no other <.< Final Score: 9/10 Tier List of Characters: Yup. The only Character i actively dislike is Gilbert. I liked to loved everyone else. Even Byleth i grew up to like, despite being a mute XD. Now to wait for Ashen Wolves because i want more of the game. MORE!
  2. It's done Boiz Ending Party Glad i left that route for last, as it was definetly my favourite and the most satisfying route imo. Full thoughts later. Like maybe tomorrow XD
  3. NGL dubstep is one of the reasons i want to cook up a way to clear the Map quickly xD
  4. iirc from SS they could be stopped if you kill someone. The people hidden in the western and eastern door. One controls Tesla Coils Viskam, the other the Titanus reinforcements
  5. Yup. I am already cooking something in mind for when i start it later today. Will need Claude, Lys, Raphael, Seteth and Flayn on the same side hmmmm Might take a few turns to set up, because i need someone to open the door and then for Claude to Brave Bow their Edgy leader. So won't be a 1 turn skip. Will need alteast 4 or 5
  6. Yup. I remember it from SS. It's cool. Although dunno how much Maddening will make me suffer xD I am thinking of just warpskipping ngl. But the music <.< WUB WUB WUB
  7. I could play a map normally! Or I could use the Warp Spell What i am about to say next might anger some people, but Anyway, time for DUBSTEB OH NO! ...give us change music feature pls, IS.
  8. yup i have them on normal play (unlocked everyone already), but not WoL
  9. That's what i am referring to. And sometimes it shows. When she fixes stuff or talks about stuff that isn't Rean. There is a reason why i started to like her a bit during the chapter where we met her Grandfather, only to end up hating her more and more along CS1/2. don't have those xD
  10. Speaking about smash SCREW THE GENO FIGHT! like wtf 1 vs. 5 how is that fair <.<
  11. Yes! She such good nerdy girl :3 And she did Mechas before Mechas were cool Here, time stamped some S-crafts for ya https://youtu.be/chewcdo5afM?t=207 The Mecha is not to be seen however. Kinda wished Alisa would've been like a grown up Tita all the time, but instead we got the Alisa we have... Like, the one point i loved about Alisa is her nerdiness, but we don't get enough of it, if at all and iirc +20% to her stats, too! You have to call us Senpai, kiddo.
  12. TITTTTTTTTTTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. ''PREPARE TO MEET YOUR DOOM!'' NGL the one and only reason i want to play CS3/4 is returning characters. But then i remember other stuff.... everytime he doesn'T we have to call @Armagon out on it.
  13. You are hence named Kiddo. you aren't the only one xD Also, looks like Kirei.
  14. I might've misworded it abit, but what i meant is that alot of it is filler anothing really happens. Especially in CS2, were apparently a war was going on but we were on a glorified School Trip instead. Then the Epilogue that threw salt in the wounds with it's bleh 16 floor dungeon. Disgusting. I already had my problems with school in CS1 (To make it simple, if it wasn't trails, i wouldn't have touched it with 10 mile pole. I hate and utterly dispise school settings. FE3H is the sole exception.), but despite that i enjoyed it quite a bit. CS2 was the first Trails i finished where i thought "i don't Trails anymore. Just let me finish the damn game already please" instead of the usual "can't wait for more Trails" i had after every Trails game. Edit: I aplogize for being that negative. I just lose my cool prett fast when it comesto Trails nowdays.
  15. I mean I am 27... probably Grandpa by this Forums's standards
  16. I got told that yesterday, the part about the bonding. A small ray of hope as you say^^ But i just want Rean & Erebonia to be done with already. CS1/2 barely have content for half a game together that was somehow extended to 2 games, and the characters are ugh... Well, i am sure my opinion about them is quite known. .... Man, talking about CS makes me sound like some of those super angry old FE fans who hate anything new xD
  17. Enjoy! I am not really into Trails atm (and don't know if i ever will be again. Thanks CS2, thanks Rean.), but if you can restore my hype levels again, do so^^
  18. I read your review and it seems like you enjoyed it :D Your thought mirror mine pretty closely, especially the character bit and how it's the strongest part of the game. Btw, if you want to reach lvl100 fast: Post game dungeon + highest difficulty possible + devour
  19. ...excuse me? Really? I was really a bit weirded out by Miccy x Sothe, although i can accept it, but Marth x Caeda is your typical Kaga noble romance. Not what i would call not bad even
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