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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. What if the line she says depends on the route we choose? If we choose Edelgard If we choose someone else? I really hope the route choices will be different enough to warrant different playthroughs (even if the customizability is looking like doing a good job of that already.). I don't want the difference between the routes to be just 2-4 Maps ala FE5/GBAFE. Didn't like that
  2. could be they decided to increase the item limit from 5 to ~8 or something
  3. Honestly the only games that felt like that were the Jugdral and Tellius games. The other were pretty much your typical RPG adventure but instead of Hero + Party of 4-8 it was Prince + Party of 15-25 Maybr the school could act as a camp later on when the war gets started?
  4. While i haven't been playing for that long, i did go and play the older games, and the only characters where i think as such are ones the have certain special wepaons/abilities. Like FE4 and holy Weapons, or Ayra with Astra (should be first Astra user iirc), FE5 Ced's Student and Grafcalibur, Mareeta and her Sword, Ike and Ragnell, etc... Otherwise, no, classes don't have much to do with Identity for me. Now if Fire Emblem did Squad Stories ala VC4, then yeah, reclassing would be an issue. But FE doesn't have those. speaking about VC, VC5 never it seems ;_; Honestly, the Trailer didn't give those kind of vibes at all. If anything it was more serious then anything. I am one to Despise the school setting, and in a certain series i love, think of the newer games like how the old FE fanbase thinks about awakening mostly thanks to the school setting. Both FE16 trailers gave me a complete different impression then the whole silly high school thing
  5. I think of units i never use People reclass Jagen in the Marth remake games all the time and never say ''That's not Jagen!'' And don't forget the replayability. I wouldn't have played Conquest 3 times if i was stuck with the same classes every time
  6. I am gonna add my voice to this. As long as she doesn't act like a kid, i wouldn't mind it at all. + It would make it all that much stronger if she dissapears/betrays MC at the end. A Dragon Shinobu would be nice, too! Didn't the first Trailer say something about Seiron recieving a revelation or something? My guess is that Byleth isn't the only one to ever receive a revelation, and the green haired onee-san from the church used to receive them (or her ancestor)
  7. Really? This is not how it felt to me at all. Infact, it felt more like Harry Potter/Hogwarts then your typical jp high school.
  8. This game is the first game in a series of games/duology That's the vibe i got from this Trailer. This game will mostly be light hearted with hints thrown here and there at some real suff happening. Then come the last 30% and it goes full epic, and then it ends with a cliffhanger with the last line being Edelgard's line from the first Trailer I have been playing too much Trails haven't i It will be less anime High school and more Hogwarts. That's how it feels like to me anyway The Accident at the start happens while you are escorting the 3 Heirs to the Church Sothis is a Troll. A Big one.
  9. Yeaaaaah i am not pulling gotta save for Trails
  10. Just a small reminder: They are nobles, Byleth is a mercenary... Even if he is their teacher, i think a noble holds a much greater power in that case
  11. I agree with you, however for a completely different reason... I didn't feel like it was even a high school to begin with. It was much more magic and Hogwarts like and feels like it. Usually, i pretty much dispise the school setting, but this one is making me excited for how fresh & new it looks for FE. Are you talking about customization? Because that's one thing i pretty much prefer in the newer games, and as We saw in Conquest, it doesn't make the game any less interesting. It all comes down to map design.
  12. One of the games i am most excited for after the direct.
  13. You might be joking, but i'd be so down for Fire Historia
  14. It says Iron Gauntlet. Unless the Iron one has a Brave effect Trails of Cold Steel 3 Houses. We are getting Teacher Rean before the official Teacher Rean xD
  15. yup, noticed that as well. They either nerfed magic or it was an ability or something, Also, The Trailer gave me alot of ''This is a first game in a duology/trilogy'' vibes. Feels really like it will be a set up. And then they end the game with a cliff hanger so everyone gets excited for the next game. Also, is it me, or does the map really really look like Tellius? Another thing: Is Sothis' VA Magilou's from Berseria? Sounds alot like her. With Velvet being Edelgard, are we getting the whole Berseria cast back?
  16. I quite liked what i saw, while the Avatar bothered me a bit, everything else is so fresh and new, i can't help but feel excited. And while i am one to usually hate high school setting alot, it didn't me bother me here that much because it actually looks like a training/officer academy and not your usual High school #5000. Also, Harry Potter Vibes are cool. Aslong as we aren't there 70% of the time, and aslong as Byleth isn't the Sole focus or having the whole world revolving around him, i will be fine with it.
  17. @starburst It's not that i am afraid of the map, i just find the fox map so damn unfun (unlike most of the other CQ maps). CQ is my fav. FE gameplay wise (and also my first FE xD), and the one i replayed the most of all FEs, but everytime i replay i just hate that map. I already have some Tactics in mind when i reach there, but i need some motivation to pick up Conquest again, especially when my free time is consumed by other games atm. Once i pick it up again however and continue, i will make sure to post on that Thread^^
  18. I am up the Chapter where you have to rescue the Hoshido Siblings from whatshisname on CQ Lunatic. The only reason i didn't continue is because the Fox Chapter is coming up soon and i absolutely hate that map. It was pretty tough. Especially the defense map was super hard, i was stuck on it for like 2 Months. However, the challenge is also pretty fun, if i say so myself^^
  19. Honestly, i wish they would go home. I am not a fan of social links/bonding stuff/S-Support/etc being forced into every rpg i am playing. Not one game i played that has those forced in are better then their predecessors mostly because of such stuff Honestly, i was never able to self-insert. The MCs for me are Character of which i see the Story through, not to self insert in. And while yes, i don't like people being assholes to me, you are not gonna have everyone be nice to you just because you did something. That's not how it works. The MC definetly should get something for what he is doing, but he should not have everyone revolved around him and be able to steal every Character's Waifu because he is the MC Yeah, playable Dragons are cool. I like them
  20. I get what you are saying, but at the same time, why can't other characters have their own romances as well? Or Why does everyone have to be romanceable by the MC/Avatar? Why isn't there an ally character that can't stand you, for example? There should be more exceptions then just a few ones, tbh. Sometimes, less is more.
  21. Please no. I really hated Julius and think he is a pretty awful antagonist, only barely better then Anankos. Just move away from the whole dragon/dragon-controlled/dragon possesed thing please. Relationship building shouldn't come at the cost of the Story & characters. I am fine with S-Supports, however don't let everyone romance everyone, and especially don't let the Avatar romance everyone, or the whole world would just revolve around him, which is bleh.
  22. If i have 1 wish... No dragon or dragon controlled final boss, please.
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