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Jingle Jangle

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Everything posted by Jingle Jangle

  1. For my best, I would say a good amount of voices in Echoes and 3 Houses. Too many are too good to say one stands out for me. As for worst, I would say Selkie. Her English voice sounds trying to be a cutesy anime character; instead pains me everytime I hear it..
  2. I think Flayn would be the best choice for a protagonist in a manga. she can be inserted into any class without baggage. As well as detailing her life before the game started in further information.
  3. In an attempt to get Brave Lucina copies with 225 orbs my highlights are : B Lucina +hp -spd Nailah (+def -atk) Gray (+hp -atk) Azura (+spd -res) B Lucina (+res -hp) Didn't find a good iv for her, bit I least canceled out my speed bane. Nailah is a nice bonus.
  4. Oh, I see. In that case, I wonder later down the line if there will be more dragon flowers given. Since I certainly want it.
  5. In that case, I wonder if there will be a similar moment where Eir stands up against her mother.
  6. I wonder when will Eir have her moment in the spotlight? So far mostly she played advisor to Alphonse. When will we get the scene where she points her dagger at Hel from the trailer?
  7. Looks like I have to rely on Holloween Hector for my scoring. Later down the line, I want to build Bunny Loki with the Candlewax Bow. Been looking for a bow that can suit her well. Chill Def seal is nice to have on a physical-based team.
  8. I would prefer that the next Fire Emblem game takes place in its own setting. Another entry in Fodlan is going to be resrtictive in what it can and can't be. Who's to say what ending/character ending is non-cannon? A remake should be set aside for the end of the Switch lifespan.
  9. I understand that dragon flowers are a resource not to be taken lightly. It just hurts to see my gen 1 units remain at the same place while the new shiny units get all the rage and crazy stats. These days it takes about a 5*+10 just to be on the same level as the new hero banners. I wonder how many flowers gen 4 units will give 80? 100?
  10. I wonder which banner in the calendar is the brave redux v2? Also, wow we're close to book 3 ending; feel that we are still a bit more than halfway there. I'll be shocked to see Lif and Hel beaten so suddenly.
  11. Liking this mode feels like an official FE randomizer. I hope that I won't get screwed by the rng later on.
  12. Odd that there isn't a twitter campaign, PV/NP videos, no sq from the release or download milestone. NA can be really stingy with rewards at times.
  13. What are some strategies for completing chapter 13? Not having Edelgard makes things difficult in addition with the majority of the BE students being fragile against the high AS thieves.
  14. For future duo units, I wonder who will be the "main" unit? It will be odd to tell if two characters are the same size. Possible that later ones may have a little angel, little devil vibe going on.
  15. Out of the tickets and free pull, my highlights are Holloween Hector (+res -hp) and a 5* Reyson (+hp -spd). I didn't expect my free rolls to be so good.
  16. For me, I would say Dedue is tied with Finn in most loyal to their lords in different ways. Dedue for willing to go down Dimitri's path of bloodshed without hesitation. Finn for raising Leif and Nanna under persecution for years. Starving and unemotional after all the hardships he was faced with. Varies in the loyalty of acting under vs in honor of.
  17. The reason that Ferdinand grows out his hair in the time skip is for a wig in the case he becomes bald like his father.
  18. The next head sprite for leaked. Also, tap battle got removed from the event list.
  19. Nice choices for the banner. Now just waiting for Illyana to make her actual appearance. Skill-wise not so much swift sparrow 2 and more AR skills is baffling. Going to give the banner a skip so that I have more orbs for the brave Lucina re-run next week.
  20. Aether Resorts don't interest me too much, but I like the idea of making my own dragon feathers Surprised to see Illyana on the next Halloween banner. L'Arachel is rocking the mad scientist getup. Duo Heroes sounds either neat or lazy depending who are they. 185 bst super unit with a map ability is overpowered. Feels like they are 6* heroes without exactly saying it. Free Orbs and tickets are always nice. I need more information about Hall of Heroes to make a verdict. I wonder if cylMicaiah was planned to be a duo unit at some point? Overall I thought this was a solid feh channel. One of the better ones.
  21. Hilda: Her original design did not look impressive. Barely in pre prelease footage, with a pretty annoying trait. My opinion changed when she turned out to be on the of the better students in the game combined with some clever jokes. Rhea: I thought she would be Emmeryn 3.0. What changed is how involved she is in the plot ( for the first part at least). And a strong performance in a certain scene.
  22. My favorite paralogue is the one with Flayn and Seteth. For showing their lives before the monastery, more details about the Western Church, and showing a place outside the church that's not another battleground.
  23. Conflicted. Good to make mages distinct from each other. But creates gaps in performance because some tomes are better than others.
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