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Everything posted by Stroud

  1. I am happy with what she did, but I kind of want the Artist to change in each new game because it gives more diversity. And there are still artists out there I would like more in fire emblem..
  2. Also still waiting for Rinkah, but its not so bad that she is not a surprise Fire Dancer. Still.. I hope she comes until end of year. But at the moment I don't mind too much I also like to merge Legendary Julia further which is a bit of an ordeal.
  3. Its kind of rare for me to be on the winning team from the first round on. Camilla still rules, even with the luck she had here. Was a nice surprise.
  4. Wow, this looks pretty nice.. they got us good. We were so focused on certain pairings... No wonder Julius does not like Reinhardt. Welp, without the bait called Olwen I think I can pass this. Ishtar or Berkut would be nice to have but not characters I need.
  5. True, why do I even ask. xD Welp. On one hand its better because I guess Special Heroes are less likely to have interesting conservations. At least I can hope that we get a nice TT dancer.
  6. Yeah, its really a shame with Rinea that she hasn't been made more of. Also even with his insanity how Berkut treated Rinea. Was not something I liked much..Welp, lets see how they implement them in FEH. Do we get Forging Bonds with this one later? Maybe they can use this to give a little more about them...but so far I don't see any announcement about TT or FB. I mean I also can't say that Tatiana is the deepest character. And I still like this pairing, for me it just spiced up with the circumstances. And I kind of liked that the ship was already there even with all the ..ah, Tatiana!. Only thing is that you can have at least an attachment to Tatiana. At least I find them more believable compared to Rinea/Berkut, but that is just my preference.
  7. Sometimes its exactly this point. Some part about Rinea and Berkut feels unfulfilled and there is desire to have them in a different light. I prefer Zeke and Tatiana over them as a pair, but I get that there is some demand for this. Also the demand for Characters which are not playable in general. I would be happy if they put Leila from Blazing Swords in a banner.. Personally I can at least say I am glad that I might have a good chance on skipping this. And I need a banner to skip. Most of the time I can easily skip special banners, because I just find it more difficult to set them up and really need one of my top loved characters to give it a shot.
  8. I'll be damned if the other 2 are Zeke and Tatiana.
  9. Somehow funny how King of Fighter/ Fatal Fury characters are going into other fighting games.. Yagami is in Million Arthur: Arcana Blood from Square-Enix Mai was in Dead Or Alive And Geeze Howard in Tekken 7... Welp.. I have some ideas who I like to see. But I just wait for the announcement I hope that we will get one female at least in the DLC.. (Don't give me Kazooie here). Smash only has a few there.. not that they cater and like told here they could adjust Mai to make her more PG. Nakoruru would be nice too. She is pretty popular. I don't see much chance for Eri or Fio. But who knows.
  10. More often I dislike re-releases in general. I can't be hyped with Persona 5 Royal. Even if they add quite a few things. I am also not too happy about DQ11, because the PS4 version honestly feels not complete. Even before it was announced. With the DLC,s is had which also cost a bit its ok and it doesn't need to have one. Also I want for Insys more to focus on different projects after they are done with the DLC,s. Be it some remake of Por/RD or Genealogy or a new Fire Emblem. I think they should put the capacity there.
  11. I would have found it cooler if Edelgard would be taller.. But can't have it all eh xD. What gripes me more is that the Older characters have no change. they could have different clothes or Hairstyles..
  12. Black Eagles: Ferdinand Blue Lion: Sylvain, Felix or Annette Golden Deer: Leonie Serios: Manuela or Shamir. But I guess Dorothea is a high contender.
  13. Manuela profits yeah, I think her growth implies that she could also work as a Wyvern Lord with her even Str/Mag. At least I just want to play around with it and not have her stuck as a mage. Caspar also has Authority disadvantage so he might profit from it. Also all those who are bad with Authority or Riding and Flying. Especially Dedue can be turned into a Horse or Wyvern more quickly. And he has enough damage output with the right skills that his lacking speed does not hurt too much. Welp, but his exclusivity to BL is a shame for BL. Its a shame that Brawl is so limited. Annette with Aura Gloves would be pretty neat. But Mages cannot have it and Rider/Flyer also not what a shame. Dorothy would also improve a little even if she is solid, because she has Riding Bane and could be made more easier into a Dark knight. Bernadetta has Axe Bane, which could be really helpful for her, I actually think she might be interesting with Vengeance. Also she has easier access to classes which can fix her lacking Str growth a bit.
  14. Quite a few people are presented with Free 5* here. But I got a free Hadin with atk+. I think of keeping him.. Kind of funny, I wanted a Blue Armored unit with Bold fighter.. started building Effie to have this and now the game has thrown, Hardin and Kjelle at me. Also have Legendary Tiki now, but that was bound to happen while pulling a lot for Julia.
  15. Starting to use these to build a team with Legendary Julia and Seliph. Still needs some work.. Especially Seliph at one point I want him to have DC...
  16. Well..kind of late for Spoiler Tag but. Overall even if some things are not best written the relationships in Genealogy are truly interesting for me. The only Fire Emblem I really like to look at a family tree. Which makes sense with the name..
  17. I mean Julius has a fair chance as a mythic hero, we have no humanoid representation of Loptous and Julius kind of is the only one as far as I know? As for legendary hero I would also kind of bet on Leif if it must be a sword user. See Insys, this happens if you always make those generic sword lords! Welp.. Now that I think of it.. Arvis also is the uncle of Seliph, even knowing I never saw Arvis in that light... Some reason I like the family compositions there...
  18. @mampfoid at it again, this one was nice. And even without a Dancer. I hope that some day Legendary LuCena shares a banner with Legendary Julia. She is so good for such setups. Not so fancy but at least I did Abyssal quite nicely and with a little unexpected Unit. Used L!Azura, Athena, Dimitri and Summer Ursula. Why I pushed Summer Ursula through don't ask me, I just found a Horse with Dagger useful for my setup. Dimitri has such a good Damage output for Abyssal, sadly one Savage Blow was necessary and a little debuff. Which is why I used Ursula.
  19. Welp, reminds me almost of Mario Maker with some trial and Error Shenanigan like leap of faith. How I love those levels. The way I see it Thurnwheel is intended as a quality of life. Because Insys just knows there are those kind of players who do not take iron man runs. And if they ever lose a unit they will reset. In this case, yeah you could almost question if they shouldn't be playing casual. On one of the interviews I read it came a bit to me, that fire emblem has to cater at least 2 type of gamers. RPG fans and Strategy fans (Of course you cannot totally divide them, but these is a line for the game itself) , they also saying themself that you can actually play the game with less RPG (Grinding for example) and get more into the strategic aspects. And some RPG players tend to want to have a "perfect" savestat, which includes having Classic and all units. This may be a bad habit for them out of other games. Its not rare to reset the game to a certain point in RPG,s because something was missed. I mean there is no clear line, but its some kind of an orientation they had while making the game. And it can be true, while testing the game I could imagine that they developers also relied on Thurnwheel and did not test too much how you can get through the game without it, so there may be some flaws thanks to the thurnwheel. I still think most of the time you have can have your own decision. And players who need to rely a lot on the thurnwheel should know where they stand. Overall I want to add, there are always players who play in a different way and maybe a way you do not expect. And its difficult to take all into consideration. For the Thurnwheel I see that they thought quite much about the frustration which some players go through, even if its on their own choice. Redoing the maps.
  20. I mean its confirmed that we get a few additional Characters with the DLC in April next year. I just don't know how many and if it will be some we know. But I am not against characters we will first see by then. "The Phantom House".
  21. Lucky, got Julia with around 50 orbs.. Still thinking about merging her. But Legendary banners are so uncertain... Dang. I am not too interested in pulling Tiki or other Nagas, so I may wait until Julia appears on a good Legendary banner for me, which can take a long time...
  22. Oh dang, I see. yeah this makes more sense why we do not see Dagda on the map. But I agree. The reuse of map has been a shame. While I find the recycling of some maps interesting like using one half for some mission and the whole map for another mission, other cases have been more disappointing. Especially the paralogs in Duscur and Brigid have been some kind of a bummer for me. You expect to see at least some part of their culture maybe..but nope. On the other side with the rush its just to be expected. And I think they overwork enough. Also for FE standards the maps are a step forward in design with the different perspectives.
  23. I almost think Kleiman would make sense. If Duscur is close to strength, maybe I have not read much. But Sreng should be involved with Duscur somehow if that's the case.. and the part of land in north of Kleiman looks too big for the description. But also would make sense.. Quite difficult... Interestingly we also don't see Dagda on the map. But I guess its just the land south to Enbarr. Dang writing about it I realize that its quite a lot of stuff happening outside. So far I have been focused on Almyra. Maybe because we get to know Nardel. So I can imagine more of them. Ok Brigid also has some relation thanks to Petra.
  24. Just have read again.. its said to be a small peninsula to the west of Sreng. Sreng is the north eastern country bordering Faerghus. So it should be somewhere north outside of the map.
  25. Yeah, it would be nicer if certain things which are really about the game and not related to FEH would be keeped in the subforums, if these include potential spoilers. Or at using the spoiler functions if unsere. I guess sometimes, at least for me I am a bit mad for being spoiled for a while. And its more about being spoiled then the spoiler itself. So I guess in case of Doctor Who at some point you just enjoyed it and forgot about actually being spoiled at some point. So it can happen with RD too. Or just have it as a motivation to end this game so you cannot be spoiled any further. Sadly this has lead me to rush through 3 Houses which also isn't always that good. I just remembered the time with Bloodstained, where some smart guy put a nice spoiler thumbnail on his YouTube video...which is why I am kind of grateful to what Atlus did with Persona 5 to encourage people not to spoil and wish other companies would also care about it more. Not that they need to.
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