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Everything posted by vikingsfan92

  1. I think the biggest obstacle by far is not in heroes itself but the real world. In any medium gender swapping is an extremely mixed bag of people with some pretty strong feelings on both side. Not sure IS really wants to open the potential can of worms atm. Especially since Nintendo doesn't really have a great mobile track record in general and this is one of the few hits they have had. Nintendo might not have an active hand in development but their name is still viewable when you boot the game up so they probably have some amount of say on stuff that might be seen as rocking the boat. Plus with things like Bowsette existing I could see Nintendo being off any gender swap stuff in general for certain franchises where they more directly develop/ fund.
  2. Thing is I never actually read your post before posting mine. I had spent a while thinking and then spent some time typing it up on my phone and rewatching some of the in game cutscenes and realized I was too tired to continue went to bed and then after I woke up I posted it without actually looking at what was posted in the mean time. I know that I have no way to either prove or disprove this but it was what happened. I apologize if it looks like I am trying to steal your thunder but I legitimately didnt read your thoughts until after I posted mine. I personally think yours is not quiet the same as mine as yours mention that Seior and Heior are a split of another being where as I didn't. It has parts that get close to each other but you definitely think there is more going in with Heior in yours then I did in mine. Where I just think she is a normal sister who will get attacked and Seior takes the hit. So I am kind of saying the sister is also a red herring.
  3. After actually using Edelgard some more I LOVE this refine. Especially in Aether raids. Actually had her tank a bunch of units enemy phase next to an ally because of akward positioning and she did better than expected given she is weaker next to allies but not so much any more. Already had situations where she has done things my summer Edelgard can't. Mainly against blue enemies who are bulky. So now I think they are more interchangeable and it really comes down to enemy color for which is which to use. Pretty much the only thing I would want is cooldown minus 1 but that is easy enough to cheese with the right ally so it's a non-issue for me personally.
  4. Also on a diffrent note I wonder if they will give Brave Gullveig a modified version of the summoner weapon since Kvasir shows us an extra one and she is supposed to be past Gullveig. Probably would just be a colorless tome like the summoner weapon in Mjolnir's strike.
  5. One thing else I was thinking about for my wild theory is we only know two instances of time travel Gullveig's pretty much entire existence and the time travel we just did. It would be easy to explain time shenanigans if they all were done the same way and by the same person. But I admit most of my theory is pretty much looking for the biggest twists I can find. I do think Heior is still more likely to become Gullvieg but given this whole arc is a time shenanigan arc I don't know if I believe they will go for the simple answer. And why I am at least not buying Ksavir is the daughter just yet. Especially with the mid point coming up as that is the point they are most likely to not do the expected outcome.
  6. Was thinking about some crazy things they could do. Thought of something pretty wild. Wild theory with twist speculation that is probably wrong:
  7. I am curious what there refined weapons are going to be for the remixed Legendaries as its tough to say how much of a bump it the heroes without the refine. On there own remixed skills tend to not do a huge amount to heroes. I was kind of hoping/expecting for Assault troop as a remixed c skill Edelgard though as duo Edelgard was who introduced it.
  8. The personal winner for me is actually three hopes from the story perspective of what I want to go back to from Engage. I haven't beaten engage but I personally like the houses cast more. One thing regardless of recruiting the class splits did was actually let you bond with the charcters more where as with Engage and other older games it is just a ton of new people one after another. As for why I am saying hopes over houses it mainly comes down to the golden deer not being done dirty by SS. The more time goes by the more I feel like SS was an idea that they needed to move on from to give all routes needed love and feel less samey. VW and CF were hurt the most but I also think AM could have been better without SS existing.
  9. I still think Gullvieg is more likely Heior and really don't want Gullveig to be the summoner kid. I also hope the way they introduce Brave Gullveig is good but it honestly is a bit scary how I could see IS going similarly wild with Brave Gullveig story. So while I don't like it I can see them going the meme route I mentioned. Also I am not sure they are committed down this road just yet will have to wait for the next part of the story. Maybe we will find another way to solve the problem but they just didn't want to use the whole sacrificial ritual set up again.
  10. Watch this baby be somehow specifically only the Brave version of Gullveig so somehow IS can make it our fault.
  11. It was a thing that happened in this point in time
  12. That's probably it tbh haven't put too much effort in ar lately. Didn't even know this is a thing
  13. I just watched one of my Aether raids defenses for the first time in a while and it's nice to see one of my units straight up wasn't there in the replay. Brave Edelgard is in the last non bonus slot in my team layout but was not in the battle at all.
  14. Improvement to the base system =/= wanting perfection. I think the real argument we have is our definitions of good enough don't match in this case which is subjective. I have said countless times in my posts I am wanting it to simply be less bad than it currently is. I have also said I personally find the state it is in to not be good but any improvement is welcome. Just because I am not the best at coming up for a solution to this problem doesn't make me wrong for wanting it refined. And having feels bad in you "cheering" system is not good especially if you have to be somewhat active to do so. And I think the fact "its worked like this for x period of time" alone is reason enough to for IS to do a deep dive on the mode and see if it can work better imo. And my point is the player feeling is actually hugely important. Make a mode feel like it has issues for any amount of people and less people engage in said mode. Maybe people like me who have issues with the mode would be more tolerant of the flaws (which again I am not saying is possible to remove entirely) if there were other stuff in place to make it feel better. When said mode is supposed to be a community wide event and you are actively making people not want to do it is not good. You want more people to participate not less and I promise you that the way its set up has turned off people. Not just this year either as their have been complaints about it literally every single year. I am having a tough time explaining how I feel about this in words mainly because I feel its not easy to explain how I feel. To give it my best effort though its the type of situation that I feel falls under conflicting valid points I think is the closest description I can give. Or maybe in other cases simply we don't put the same weight behind separate factors. Its the type of thing where I think points are simultaneously working for and against both sides no matter who makes them. While I don't agree fully or see eye to eye on these thing its the type of situation where I think were points can be simultaneously true. Maybe our overall stances don't match like the fact I am not convinced the multiplier system is without shenanigans built in but I see that the reasons we are using can be reworked/reframed for both sides if I am honest.
  15. I think a good way to sum up how I feel is even if it is not intended it still to feel like a not very inclusive event if certain charcters like Lavetian don't ever get the slightly postive results of even a single round win. There are alot of people who are content with just simply not losing round 1. Which for a for fun game mode being made more important because of ahr is not ideal.
  16. Chrom has consistently been near top of cyls for years. Not just middle of the pack but very near to winning it several times before he actually did win. So not sure where the notion he is not super popular. It's not just about winning the whole thing though. If there are charcters that you know are not finals or even semi finals contenders in the bracket you have issues with that alone. The whole point is supposed to be anyone can make it to the finals if not outright win. While Chrom is not in as bad shape as Edelgard he still hasn't even been close to winning one. I hate acting like the systems in place can not be improved upon. Ahr loses all appeal if the meathod being used is to decide it is not in the best state possible and it is clearly not on several angles to the point it is problematic imo. I am far from the only one who doesnt like vg or its current state. I think you might differ on the degree of the problems you see vs the ones I see or what problematic elments even are or how much they actually are an issue. But the system in place can be replaced with something better be it minor tweaks or something new entierly. And I think this is one of those circumstances where they do need to actually look at feedback that says it's not perfect more than feedback that says it's fine as is. Not because one opnion is more valid but because looking at feedback that says it's fine is stagnation essentially and that is where some bad things can pop up. Look at other game modes who haven't changed for long periods of time and how they needed a kickstart to revitalize/rebalance them for the changing times and remove problems and how they feel after updates. Arena tickets for instance were a huge positive for the mode.
  17. Sure but when your contributions are already at or below 0.2% I would argue the last thing you would want to do is make that 0.2% feel like it matters less. It's a feels bad that doesn't need to be their. The fact that you can be forced to not even contribute the max simply by your schedule is also a problem. I get that it's not an easy one to solve but there surely is a way to make it better. I think you are not fully understanding my point as I may not have explained it clearly its not just about the numbers of big team who wins its about how the matchups go. The problems I am pointing to existing are more about the descprency when super popular charcters go against others being skewed towards the underdog. Its not the type of problem that occurs in every vg because sometimes their simply isnt a huge popular charcter even competing but it still is ugly when it does imo. And why I think looking at the one outlier is important. Its not just straight the underdog vs popular as not every match is the same distribution like when the super popular charcters enter vg. When there is a more even match-up popularity wise the problem is lessend simply because its not the huge diffrence in numbers that some of the more problematic charcters have. 3 different charcters who have consistently lost lose yet again in separate unique matchups ( Chrom and double Edelgard). Chrom has lost 7 vgs now. And the one remaining match was between two of the most recent charcters who haven't had a chance to be in many vgs. Especially Foremortis who is still an extremely new charcter by comparison to alot of others.
  18. For starters I think it's more of an issue of scale and is more of a complex issue. Just because something doesnt happen 100% of the time doesnt mean it still cant lean a certian direction. I am sure we can find some past results to argue over but I feel alot of that would be justifying the result rather than actually seeing if the meathod has issues. As the issue tends to hit the most popular of the charcters the hardest. Chrom another very popular charcter also in this vg has a track record of pretty much strictly losses continuing here. It's far from an Edelgard exclusive problem she is just the poster child of it. I also think the part where you don't apppear to fight against how it can feel like you are hurting your team if your schedule doesnt let you contribute at max bonus time is more of problem than people give credit for. Especially for the bigger team as more people can screw it up for their team. And even if it doesn't the fact it's a feel bad mechanic for people not being able to contribute the most they can for their given team is still motive enough for voting gauntlet to be deleted/reworked imo and removed from ahr.
  19. I am probably not going to get my point across properly as I am not the best explainer of this. But part of it is I think the exact opposite of you described where it feels way to skewed towards the "underdog". Its not just this voting gauntlet I feel this way about it either its just this one has more reason to be discussed in comparison to others. So you get the same flaw of feeling like 100% winrate but its always the upset character. Its not a good feeling when every time a character appears you can pretty much accurately say they are losing or winning. Edelgard isn't the only example of this she just is the most extreme example. And as I said above regardless of which team you are on its really really dumb that you can actively hurt your supported team by doing it at times that you can that don't line up with the optimal voting gauntlet times. Sleep schedules alone can make you feel like you don't matter contribution times if bigger bonuses are near the end and you are never awake for the end. And while awake their is alot of just general life crap that can prevent you from doing voting gauntlet when it would help the most which alone I think is enough for me to be justified in my heavy rework desire. And even without the timers I feel the multipliers themselves are badly implemented and don't balance out popularity correctly. I think they actually over correct for size differences between teams too much at times. but I do think its something I don't have a good way to express why I feel that way that feels like it is satisfying. Its a flawed bad system on multiple levels imo. I don't think its an exactly easy fix nor do I think its my particular area of expertise to implement a fix for it but I know I am not the only one who has expressed disdain for the method being used.
  20. I feel its silly that voting gauntlet has not been reworked or touched at all when it has been pointed as flawed for years. And I hated the fact that it was used for AHR since the actual first time it was. It is a real dampener on the whole event that a problematic mode is used for it. Yes I realize that there is no flawless answer to it other than letting people choose their free unit but voting gauntlet is so flawed it shouldn't be in a community event imo without heavy heavy reworks.
  21. Better destroy voting gauntlet entirely as its flawed and has been since its inception. Any system that time of votes matters as much as it does in voting gauntlet should be deleted as the nonsense it is.
  22. Managed to free pull rearmed Robin on the Legendary banner which is great got to relook at rearmed foddering mechanics again. Also finally got Ascended Elincia through sparking.
  23. My most wanted resplendent is next huh. I am a big fan of her art too. I am going to wait until she is the active resplendent though as I don't care for any of the current ones. It will be nice as the resplendent will be the final copy I need to get Brave Lyn to +10.
  24. I have kind of wanted to have a Brave Edelgard for each defensive season so I might forma this one and slowly merge the forma up so I can have two +10 Edelgards. Already have one for Anima/Astra so this one will be for Light/Dark. Now that the brave houses units are in the 4 star special its more realistic to happen.
  25. It maybe a mainline title but it is unique in the aspect of monetization and replayablity. Every other game in the series can be released again with updates where as you cant exactly release a mobile game again. So that still leaves it chacters in a unique spot for the future with a less certain future over inevitable remakes of games. Even three houses and Engage will get remakes at some point although obviously it will be a couple of years before that happens. As for the oc label I think it's a fair argument I am actually inclined to agree with more and more. It's just the popular term at this point and not sure what else to call them.
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