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Jack of the Dead

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Everything posted by Jack of the Dead

  1. This is the first thing I see when I come back? a OTP thread? things haven't changed a bit.
  2. Oh man, where was I when this started. GRAVEDIGGER INSIGHT TIME: In America, we have this process called embalming. If you're getting buried in the standard way, this is what must be done. (not clothed for this portion) People who are put directly in the ground do not have to go through this process. (there have been cases where some funeral homes are complete assholes about closed casket services and don't do anything to the body except throw em in the casket. this is why i am having an open casket for any of my family members) it is my understanding that the clothing is also required for most middle eastern nations. In the Muslim funerals that i have been a part of, the people where always clothed. I know that many cultures somehow wrap the dead before burial. as for cremation, depending on the service, they burn them in whatever they are wearing. if the family has special requests (ie. special dice set, family bible, specific jewelry, etc) that goes with them as well. the only documented cases i have seen of no clothes on the dead were mass graves in fascist dominated societies. (of course I'm not overly familiar with most Asian burial customs.)
  3. as for moral standings. Order. as for room cleanliness standards. Absolute chaos.
  4. Warriors were my high school mascot.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=z2fV5ZHzjEk
  6. It must suck to be president and get cockblocked by you own security. who in turn got to touch her boobies. EDIT: HAHA! he gave her a thumbs up!
  7. I was just alerted today that I was selected for one of two most representative student at my college. I'm in Phi Theta Kappa so its kinda cool that I was even nominated for this much less selected. the other was a good friend of mine who is in the same organization as I am and is a Rangerette. (google it if you really want to know, or even if you don't. it's always good to have more information.) this is proof that nerds can be popular.
  8. I didn't even have the patience level to read it... so many errors... chills are going up and down my spine
  9. I'm just curious to see what was most popular amongst the forest as far as avatar types are concerned. My First MU was a guy named Mark and my second was a woman named Karla because FE7 was magical and I am a terribly not creative person.
  10. "Ordinary shares of Nintendo stock are traded only via the Tokyo Stock Exchange (Section 1) and the Osaka Securities Exchange (Section 1) in Japan." as per the investor relation's page of nintendo's site. He basically said do whatever the hell you want just let me say if you can or not. and he gave nintendo the ok. they have the most recent year's report in USD but not any years prior. so I still have to do the math.
  11. The point is they want to encourage people to go to a doctor first. (that way doctors make more money right off the bat). Its also to appeal to the people who are apt to self diagnose or who legitimately have a problem and this may be a route to get it fixed. in the end. it is all about money, and this is just another plan to get rich.
  12. so im taking an accounting class and we have to do any number of financial reports on a company we choose. It has to be a publicly traded company and cleared by the professor. I in my infinite wisdom chose Nintendo because I figured that would be the easiest one. WRONG. The professor decided to leave out the little detail that it should be an American company until about two weeks after our first assignment on it. now, everything has to be in USD. all the statements given to me were in yen. fucking yen. so how i have to covert every cent to usd from yen for every account and category. so that is my vent for the month. How is everyone?
  13. there might be a reason why the buttons have stopped working. have you considered that it is something you consistently do that causes this?
  14. I jumped over a bonfire. A texan bonfire. not one of those pussy little camp bonfires.
  15. Assassin's creed (in general) Take a shot every time you fall off a building (excluding leaps of faith) shot every time you desynch +2 shots if you died +2 if you died in combat (not actively running away, only one extra shot in AC1 or 3 because of how easy it becomes to die) shot every time you kill a civilian shot every time you hear non-english cursing finish drink every time you kill a main story target (i.e. you have a short dialogue before he dies with the animus mumbo jumbo in the background) shot every time you go up a level in notoriety (if not story based) and last but not least 2 shots every time you miss with a pistol or arrow (animals included)
  16. nobody said he had to move you to go through you... just sayin.
  17. no. just no. fanfics are terrible and will never capture the essence of the original. they fail because they are showing their own portrayal of a character. Besides, you can't just copy Owain's style. take lucina for example
  18. Well, shouldn't he be a hero instead of a war priest? I know you're comparing him to the light aspect of things, but if he mainly uses swords, (as most heroes do) and can use axes if he wishes, doesn't that classify him as a hero? ah well time for my contribution. Sigfried Schtauffen - Soul Calibur Definitely an Armor Sword/General. His speed is limited in the game unless you know how to use his stances. EDIT:SHIT someone else used soul calibur next Edward Elric Definitely a mage.
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