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Javi Blizz

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Everything posted by Javi Blizz

  1. Considering the post merge asset/flaw stats of a unit (where there’s no longer a flaw), which assets let Effie to score higher?
  2. Today’s results: 121+161 Potions missed: 1/4 Remaining Escape Ladders: 2/3 Defense Loss: -40 Lift (yesterday -60, yay) Current Lift: 10347
  3. Did today’s matches early thinking that people wouldn’t change their bonus structure and it has worked! As a result: Ladders used: 1/3 (Time out) Points: 161-141-161-161-141 Changes: Azura out - Fjorm in Current Points: 10105 Missed Pots: 1
  4. Coming back to T20. Still trying to understand what I did wrong last week xD
  5. Like in the Three Princesess TT+, many runs worth 705 points (A/A), so yes, one of the easiest ones for me
  6. For those who want to know (if any), currently 123100 points is rank #2597
  7. @Chrom-ulent, have you any problem with F2P? Because I can be completely wrong, but what I get from your latests posts is that you think that throwing money to the game makes you a better/more skillfull player :/ Also, interesting to know that by your definition I’m no longer a F2P :O Didn’t know that having a 5*+10 Brave Ike without spending a cent had taken me out of my F2P status. Also, you can set up whatever you want for defense, cancer or not. I have been ~300 points short of reaching T21 twice getting -80 lift from defenses everyday, so imagine a more skillfull player (which is not very difficult, since I make to many mistakes), they would be able to reach T21 easily with those -80 daily lift.
  8. So let’s imagine that 3*-4* launch units are put in a 1*-2* permanent pool. Do you need Fury 3? Desperation 3? Lucky you, you only need to pay 2K feathers for it! Yes, let’s make unit building even more difficult
  9. Well, to be honest I don’t think casuals were lazy or didn’t know that they could scroll. I think the main problem is that the event may have lead casuals to think that they had to find ANY OF THE CHARACTERS OF THE COLOUR SCREEN, which would explain with more sense why some of them are so high. I’ve been saving orbs for this banner and Lyn is not going to change that. My review of the banner for my interests: L!Azura - Don’t have her yet. If I get more than one, they’ll be merged. Pity Breakers that I wouldn’t mind: none. Duma - Don’t have him yet. Tried in his Mythic banner and failed. If I get 2, I’ll keep them for AR reasons. If I get more, merges to one of the best 2. Pity Breakers that I wouldn’t mind: Loki (G Infantry Duel for my 5*+10 Niles), Maribelle (Dazzling Staff for my +Atk Loki). H!Myhrr - Don’t have her yet. Tried in her seasonal banner and failed. If I get more than one, one copy will be kept as Armor March fodder, at least until I get another Amelia for that purpose. Pity Breakers that I wouldn’t mind: YT! Olivia (don’t have her), Zelgius (merges, currently +1), Ike (free Aether fodder). L!Lyn - Already have her. If I get her, I will merge, since my current one is -Atk/+Def, and Tactics aren’t that important to me (if I want to play tactics, I have both Robins). Pity Breakers I wouldn’t mind: B!Ike (Steady Breath fodder), Hector (Distant Counter fodder), Sonya (don’t have her yet), Helbindi (G Infantry Duel fodder), Grima (merges, although currently +0)
  10. Last hour I was at rank ~11K. Seeing that yesterday by the same time I was rank~40K, I think I can do it! ??
  11. I’m running Tobin too @Stroud! Mine has Atk+3 and the anti bonus refine, and he’s been doing great in TTs, AA and now here
  12. @daisy jane @DarkAlf thx! It seems that I’ll go for 5K then. I can grind as much as I want during the weekend. Since I’m the one who drives when going to work, I don’t have those time lapses, but I can spend at least one or two stamina bars at work. Potions are not a problem, and I play Lunatic 7 manually either way, so nice
  13. @DLNarshen @Hekselka thanks! Then top 1K seems a bit too far for me, but I think I could reach top 5K if I push hard enough
  14. How many points have been needed in the lasts TT+ to get rank 1K? And top 5K? I need some feathers, so if I’m going to grind, at least I’ll try to get a nice rank too
  15. What I usually do is build units that I don’t plan to merge at 5* as 4*+10 with Gem Weapon (without +, just the 3* version) or TA + Breaker, and if they run a Gem Weapon, Steady Stance or Armored Blow as their A skill. And it works better than expected
  16. Wow, what’s happening this week? Usually I’m safe with 370X points and right now I’m in demotion to T19 with 3713 :O And I’m going down, because I’ve done Arena 3 times this week and I’m not going to bother doing it a fourth time
  17. Yay, I got 240 points short of promoting to T21 -.-
  18. I see, you’re right, I confused the Walhart quests with those ones. Well, sad news then
  19. So, the first set of GHB quests expire tomorrow...what do you expect to come guys? Re-run, new set or nothing?
  20. I’ve only used her for Aether Raids defense until now, and the rest of the team is not the best, so I can’t really say if she’s good enough. I wish I had just a 10% of your feathers T.T
  21. The best thing is to take your time and not rush in the making of the +10, because then it gets more frustrating. On the way between Niles +7 and +10 I’ve: - 5*ed Peri - Given regular Celica Brazen Atk/Spe - Given Aether to Zephiel and Effie - Given Berkut’s Lance+ to Effie - 5*ed Male Robin ... Also, sometimes is better to spread your merges between some characters than concentrate them in one. The +10 is going to arrive, sooner or later
  22. I have Donnel at +4 (basically blue brave ike set), and a bunch of Eliwoods (completely built, Blazing Durandal/L&D/Galeforce, +Speed) and Effies (DC Berkut’s Lance, but bad iv’s), but I think I’ll give some 5* upgraded fodder and 5* promotions first. And well, I want 2 more Silas to give Clive Even Def Wave 3 and Armorsmasher+ to make him a Silas with other blessing (he has yet Steady Stance 3), but that’s another issue
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