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Javi Blizz

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Everything posted by Javi Blizz

  1. Well, so C!Robin has maxed and has been replaced by Amelia. However, 2 green armors and 0 blues does not seem so good as the previous team. I think that one C!Tharja maxes too (really close) I’ll swap to a Tactics team keeping C!Lissa (she hadn’t been used before, so she can get plenty of HM. Same for the new C!Cecilia)
  2. I’m kind of bored of getting defense victories, but getting -80 in the first defense of the day. They should take into consideration for everyone either the highest or the lowest lift loss of the day, but this randomness is killing me. I’m considering sending feedback about it.
  3. Here are my new 2 +10 units. With them, my Arena core is finally +10 :D @mampfoid
  4. I think this is the first time that I want to upgrade the 3 seals asap. Currently running C!Robin, C!Tharja, C!Lyssa and Genny, although the first two will max in a few days
  5. Wow, this week is being a pain with the max 100 lift per battle. I’m not sure if I’ll make T18, even if I don’t lose units in attack. Pots and defenses feel like a stone when light blessings are not active (then I can score 161 pts per match)
  6. Yes, I’ll update both him and MM in the +10 thread as soon as I can Edit: wow @Vaximillian, that Cecilia looks pretty scary :O
  7. Today I got a 4* Roy in my free pull from last year banner, so finally all my core is +10! :’D Now, I can use TA3 fodder again and use ALL my feathers for different purposes than Arena
  8. Nice! 3742, which should be enough to reach T21 again (2 weeks ago I got 3743 and it was much more than enough). AA is done too, which is unusual, since I tend to left it for the last day. About the spoiler, nice, I can use again my favourite unit from the Askr+Fjorm rotation, although I don’t think he/she will give me enough points for reaching T21 in the next weeks.
  9. In fact, we receive more rocks too: Before: 20 rocks - 20 rocks - 20 grails - 20 rocks - 20 rocks : 80 rocks and 20 grails Now: 30 rocks - 30 rocks - 20 grails - 30 rocks - 1 blessing : 90 rocks, 20 grails and 1 blessing
  10. So, I’ve decided which team I’m going to use: C!Robin-C!Lissa-C!Tharja-Genny (unless a free pull gives me C!Eirika) Once Robin and Tharja reach max HM (which will be soon) I’ll swap them for C!Cecilia and probably Zelgius or V!Eliwood
  11. So this week we are limited again to 100 lift max per battle if I’m not wrong...
  12. Unless Surtr and Myhrr are using Vantage, swap the fake gravity trap and the real bolt trap. Swap Feh Statue with the Fortress (D) Then, it'll be perfect
  13. So then it would be base 80 + 60 = 140 lift per match, which does not sounds bad to reach T20 (T21 is another world). I personally prefer 2 Eir, since that way I can run a RGB (Aversa, Surtr, Azura) core. I don't think merges are an option, just a +1 that would come from the hypothetical 3rd blessing. Thanks!
  14. If the ally has Sothe’s C Skill (Atk/Spe Spur) and Spur Atk, things would be even better too!
  15. The Aether storage has the same problem as before: a ranged flier (Aversa and Eir are pretty common) can break it easy since the decorative flowers doesn’t protect it. If you place the decorative flowers 2 tiles below (under the lava tile) ranged units have much more difficult to reach it. You could place the Feh statue where the catapult is placed. Move the lamp to a tile were it blocks some movement, for example on the tile next to the lava in front of were Myhrr is. Finally, try to overlap ranges from minizura and Lucina, in order not to get them baited separately
  16. But it could be even better @mampfoid @Diovani Bressan, you could give her both Atk/Def link AND Atk/Def Bond (or other bond) to abuse the WoM seal hahahahaha
  17. I wish we can finish the Threaten (Threaten Res), Drive (Drive Res) and Dance (Torrent Dance (Res again)) families finally between this TT and the next one. Just for the sake of completeness (and to give a support unit Drive Def/Res). Otherwise, I’d like this skills: First seal: HP/Atk+ Second seal: Fierce Stance, Armored Blow, Warding Blow Third seal: Brazen Atk/Def, Brazen Def/Res, Brazen Atk/Spe
  18. @daisy jane, you should add some defensive structures. But with your actual buildings, you could move the fortress (D) down 2 tiles (under the lava one) so that you protect better the pots from ranged fliers and the statue and the lamp one tile down so the enemy can’t free shot minizura. I’d change the position of the traps, since there they don’t do much for your team
  19. So, yesteraday 110+110-80=140 points and today 140(Free summon Eir)+120-0(Def Win)=260 points. I wonder if I’ll be able to reach T18 this week (currently 6680, the promotion is 7199). I don’t think so however, since Defense is very random. My current attack team is: Surtr+0 and Aversa +1 with Light Blessings 2 Eir +0 Regular Azura+0 If I pull another Eir, I’ll give a blessing to Azura. Would that be enough to avoid using bonus unit? @DehNutCase? At least for Light weeks.I’m still a bit lost in how score works in this mode. I have yet to see if Surtr still has this virtual Muspellflame ones he’s not longer a bonus unit though
  20. LOL, I did that exact same mistake in my lost match, could have been against your team? Hahahahaha In fact, today has been terrible: +60+0-80=-20 lift :/
  21. Hey guys, where’s out next tap battle? They used to start as soon as the previous one ended
  22. Thanks @mampfoid @Vaximillian @DarkAlf. At least this week I can take a break from Arena and save some crests :D
  23. That trailer. That music. I NEED MORE BOOK III RIGHT NOW
  24. Yay! First crown and first time in top 3K-5K in AA, here I go!
  25. What if they don't show the trailer during the channel, but at the usual time?
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