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Javi Blizz

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Everything posted by Javi Blizz

  1. Yay! It seems that this will be my first season staying in T20! Currently ~500 ranks over the treeshold, which should be enough. Thanks to B!Ike +10, M!Marth +7, Roy +5 and Fjorm +1. Next week will be a bit more difficult, having to replace Fjorm for L!Tiki, but I hope BST helps to compensate the merge. Also, Earth Blessed Donnel +4 will probably replace Roy, since maybe the trainee BST + Blessing can outscore the merge (although Roy has DC and Donnel has SB)
  2. Congrats @Vaximillian! Also, does focus red units really exist outside of Legendary Banners? I’ve got Zelgius, Ayra and Brave Celica while snipping for H!Myrrh, and now Sigurd in my free pull instead of H!Nowi. I know I’m being lucky getting so many good units in so few orbs, but at least if not the focus, gimme repeated units for fodder/merges :’(
  3. Well, it seems that the reward is not desired enough for such a high treshold. Let's hope that it goes better when there's a more limited reward...
  4. I'd probably use my votes in character which are not in the game. All of them men since IS seems to think that they don't exist for whatever reason. I'd also give preference for games that have less women remaining, in order to reduce the chance of receiving regular alts. So keeping Kliff out, expecting him to be in a Farfetch'd Heroes 2 banner, I'd vote: - Python - Kamui - Valbar - Mycen - Cormag - Duessel - Knoll
  5. I have used my ~30 orbs in search of Myrrh and I’ve got Zelgius and Ayra. Didn’t remember how getting a pity breaker was, even with them is still a bad feeling xD
  6. Yes, I know, but I want to build her as my Blue Cavalier Galeforce unit (I want to make a Galeforce unit from each mov-colour combination, currently have fully built Raven, Eliwood and half built regular Cordelia).
  7. True, sometimes Raven kills the enemy so quick that he doesn't procs Galeforce. But I'll give Lon'qu a chance the, you never have enough Galeforce units :D
  8. @mampfoid don't worry, I've made some research and maybe I've found a few candidates @Kaden, the thing is that I have those units built yet (except Myrrh and Quan, who I don't have). My Subaki is 5*+2, Slaying Lance + [Def ref] - Swap - Bonfire - TA3 - QR3 - Goad Fliers - Iote's Shield (this build gives him a bit more bulk than his default SL+ + QP). Palla has Wo Dao+ [Atk ref] - Reposition - Moonbow - Sturdy Blow - Swordbreaker - Goad Fliers. Following @XRay advice, I've search in the stats list of the wiki, and I've found some interesting picks for the combination: For cavalry, I've looked at Cain (42HP/32A/32S/27D/21R) and Abel (39/33/32/25/25). For fliers, Catria (39/31/34/29/25) What do you think, guys?
  9. Since people says that Lon'qu is like a -Atk +Spe Raven, would be useful to give him Galeforce or would it be a waste? Maybe Dragon Fang or Aether could work? If only there was a weaker Regnal Astra inheritable...
  10. Sturdy Blow gives you +4 Atk for damage and +4 Def for the double attack chek
  11. Is there any character (horse/flying) that would benefit from having Sturdy Stance (from H!Dorcas) as their A skill and Darting Stance as their SS at the same time?
  12. Nice! :D Also got my higher non-Fjorm week AA mark (5119). It seems a good start of the Arena week
  13. So, I’ve just got my best score ever 3706. Will it be enough to keep T20? I can’t fish higher than that, only missed 1-2 kills with Fjorm
  14. Wow, seals looks good. It seems that Hone Atk will have to wait for the second upgrade. I think I’ll upgrade first Darting Stance and then Brazen Atk/Res. Although is a Brazen skill, I think is the one I would use less in my units, so there’s no hurry
  15. Well, as I said, you can do it with a 4* healer with regular pain (not +), as long as you avoid ranged units in the training tower ?
  16. @Anacybele, just use any healer with Pain+ (dazzling refine), Savaje Blow, Savaje Blow to babysit the kills to Clarine/Odin/A!Tiki, even at 3* they should be able to kill a unit with 1 HP. I used this: Unit/Dancer/Dancer/Lucius Lucius comes with Pain+. If not, you could try with a 4* Lucius with regular Pain, avoiding to attack ranged physical units. He comes with Miracle too, which could help if he doesn't have a refine. If you don't like Lucius, Azama also comes with Pain. In that case, avoid mages instead of bow/daggers. Reseting the train tower and previewing the enemies makes this easier too. Dancers doesn't need to boost stats, but if you can give them as a Sacred Seal Hone Attack/Spur Attack/Drive Attack, even at level 1, that helps.
  17. Well, 3 of the 4 characters looks good. Kagero is just...dissapointed. I mean: she had an alt half a year ago, she's wearing a standard nohrian maid uniform, and is an armor while Felicia and Flora are infantry units wearing the same uniform. If the only reason was to add a busty women that is not Camilla, Sonya also has a regular version in the game yet (which Charlotte lacks), which could have worked too. I'll go red for my free pull and then wait as much as possible to decide if I want to summon here or not.
  18. I don´t think that the old units will be bonus. Leaving at least one of them out will make people who only have it complain (which in this case would be fair). Having the 8 being last year and this year banner would be even worse (no free bonus unit). I'm guessing that the other 3 will be the askr trio. As for the seals, I think that having a guard seal is counter producent for this banner. I think the premium seal this time will be either Drive Res or Atk Tactics. The normal one could be Threaten Res (if Drive Res is not included) or Cancel Affinity f.e. The budget one I'd bet for something such as the new Def/Res+
  19. Well, with so many things (daily bonus, BHB, new VG quest, new hard tactic drill...) it seems that I’ll be able to make a last full pull from the legendary banner
  20. @XRay, @Ice Dragon, would it be overkill to give Chill Res to any debuffer such as Saias? Or could it be useful to give it (and/or Chill Def from Walhart) to Arena Core units to babysit the bonus unit? I could consider Valentine Hector for Wrath, since I have him and comes with DC and Berserk Armads. However, I think that I'll keep this fodder a little bit longer just in case that any unit that I merge in the future could want it (especially wrath)
  21. I have te following premium fodder, and I'd like to know which units could want their skills: Luke: Panic Ploy 3 Karla: Wrath 3 Spring Catria: Chill Res 3 Maybe you could propose some sets for the receiving units? But keep in mind that I'm F2P, so maybe DC/CC could be difficult to get.
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