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Javi Blizz

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Everything posted by Javi Blizz

  1. Guys, I'm in doubt. Should I give a Guard Bow to mi +6 Niles when I get a Setsuna or should I keep his Slaying Bow? Although a bit of extra bulk is never a bad thing, right now with B!Ike's Infantry Pulse, Niles goes down to 1 CD for the first Iceberg, which is too good to pass. What do you think that I should do?
  2. That button already exist, is called Julia/Deirdre xD
  3. @mampfoid, I meant Brave, but in the sense of Brave Hero, no in the sense of Brave Weapon user. @Hawk King yes, I’m going to give him Slaying Lance+ (Def).
  4. I remember that too! That seemed a very funny build, but I didn't had Carrot Lance fodder. And now that I've seen the light, I prefer to go the B!Donnel way xD
  5. @Hawk King, I've been thinking about what you told me the other day. I wasn't aware that Donnel's stats are practically the same as B!Ike (one has CYL BST and the other has trainee BST, which is the same). So, I think I'm finally going to build him as a blue B!Ike. The only one I currently have is +Atk/-Spe if I'm not wrong. Would it be a good idea to start working with him until I get a +Atk/-Res?
  6. As I posted in the general thread, I finished a few days ago my F2P B!Ike +10. Once he reaches S-rank Summoner Support, I'll post a photo here :D
  7. Not only DC, both Breaths, Wrath if I ever get it...as a f2p, those are such rare skills that I can’t justify giving them to a unit that doesn’t cover as much as I need. For example, I gave DC to Roy because I consider his refine amazing, covers the only weakness of B!Ike/Fjorm and is easier to merge. But only when he was +1 and had Aether and Drive Speed learnt too, so he could score almost as much as my M!Marth +4 (if it were possible to merge her further than +5 I’d have given DC to her probably, but knowing that she was limited, she has some less expensive skills). I’d love to give DC to Berkut or Camilla, but I need other things in my barracks before. That doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t give for example Warding Breath to Hardin if I get him. That would cover a spot that is actually free in my barracks. Or Distant Counter to Myrrh. But those 2 are units that I don’t have, so that would mean more saving and sniping xD
  8. The problem with DC armors is that they are 5* exclusive (M!Grima, Hardin, Zelgius and I don’t remember if there are more). For dragons, I can’t really find the motivation to build Nowi or even to 5* Far or A!Tiki. The only one that interests me a bit is F!Corrin, but she needs so much investment. So, the remaining options are infantry melee such as Bartre or Lukas
  9. The problem with DC armors is that they are 5* exclusive (M!Grima, Hardin, Zelgius and I don’t remember if there are more). For dragons, I can’t really find the motivation to build Nowi or even to 5* Far or A!Tiki. The only one that interests me a bit is F!Corrin, but she needs so much investment. So, the remaining options are infantry melee such as Bartre or Lukas
  10. @mampfoid yes, I start her at +0. I’ve chosen her because she’s part of my arena core and has great sinergy with B!Ike (being green mages their worst enemy, but that’s DC Roy job). Also, I like her design and her voice. @Hawk King well, it isn’t 100% sure that it’s going to be there yet. Besides that he’s a character I’ve been liking more and more since Heroes, that would allow me to have a second “B!Ike” for Arena Assault. However, which other units would you suggest? Maybe we find something interesting
  11. @mampfoid, guess who has gotten 3 B!Ikes (and a free Leif) in 220 orbs? :'D I'll post a photo later, I have given him Summoner Support now and want to have it on S for the picture (and I've to study too). I've left the banner in 10%, so I'll continue a bit when the july quests come, although maybe I'll start doing full pulls just to brake it and end with the banner. I've my own OGHector, and had a copy of Distant Counter fodder (which I have sacrified to my Roy due to happiness, I was going to do it sooner or later), so Better!Better!Hector can wait. Now I'm in the same point as this madness of +10 started...I've a spare Brave Ike to fodder xD . However, this time I know who's gonna be the chosen one (and people is probably going to want to kill me xd). I remember discussing with @Ice Dragon a few months ago about because I didn't understand then why someone would want to make another green axe to take the same role of Brave Ike. It was a discussion about Bartre. Well, it seems that now I have someone waiting to get Brave Ike's set (he has the healing special prior to Aether, Threaten Def 2 and soon he will eat the 4* BK which has been collecting dust in my barracs for long enough to get Steady Stance 2 in order to inherit the 3 skills from B!Ike), and for a Slaying Axe+. Refering to summoning projects, I think I've decided who's the next 5* exclusive on the list: Fjorm. However, I'll take it easy, not like with B!Ike, since I want to summon from red and gray too (for Roy and Niles). At least with her, I know when to get my orbs ready!
  12. I’m considering moving my Summoner Support to Brave Ike if I get the last copies in this banner. 55 HP sounds even better for when I decide between Infantry Pulse/Panic Ploy
  13. YEEEEEEEEEEES So, Brave Ike and Distant Counter fodder in the same banner? This must be a dream. Watch me get 4 Myhrrs instead xd
  14. Hey guys, now that it has passed some time since the new scoring system came, is it clear where are the cuts to stay in tier 20 and to enter in tier 20?
  15. @mampfoid, finally, I got Cordelia! (-Hp/+Atk) And Panic Ploy 3 fodder in the same session (after getting Cordelia, I completed the full pull). I think it has been a total of 160-170 orbs. But, if you think that free summer tana and free summer corrin happened in the same time, I’ve got 4 5* in that number of orbs. Optimism is the key! Hahaha I was considering giving Infantry Pulse 3 to my Brave Ike so that he would have something better than Threaten Def 3 in his C slot, but now I wonder if 50 Hp would be enough for Panic Ploy 3 ?
  16. Azama isn’t that bad. At least, he can give pain to other healers. It could be worse, such as Clarine or Lachesis xd
  17. Thx! My Elincia has Fortify Fliers, so I could try with her, at least until I get Fortify Fliers fodder. I don't have regular Tana or Bow!Hinoka, and my Cordelia is still WIP. And I'll give her Desperation then. I've a few 3* Shannas (4* Shanna is a myth).
  18. It’s more or less what I’d thought, but I wanted to ask first. Also, what could I put in Summer Corrin’s B slot? I’m not sure if she’s fast enough to run desperation
  19. Since I’ve recently got Summer Tana (+Atk/-Def) and Summer Corrin (+Hp/-Atk), I want to make a flying blade tome team for PvE (althought I’ll be missing a gronnblade user). I’ll pair them with NY!Azura for obvious reasons, but who should I put as the fourth member? I’ve thought about F!Grima, since that would help colour balance and she can hit at 1-2 range. My other issue is then, who to give my spare copy of Hone Fliers. Since Summer Corrin comes with Fortify Fliers, she’s out of the equation. I could give it to Summer Tana, but if I remember correctly, she has Rally Atk/Spd in her base kit, so Fortify Fliers could be a better option. And I use F!Grima in mixed teams too, so I’m not sure if I should give her Hone Fliers...any ideas?
  20. I've been busy this weekend, so I need to say a few things now xD First of all, I've been trying to find time to make the Catria - Navarre drawing, but I haven't even had time to finish the sketch -.- Secondly, wow, this year summer banner is really cursed @mampfoid. I've been pulling every time I reach 220 orbs (so a full pull don't let me under 200) and nothing. At least I'm finally getting some fodder. 4.75% atm. My girlfriend spent 120 orbs only to get pity broken by Ayra (she doesn't care if a unit is good/bad, she just wanted a summer unit, so at that moment she was super salty xD). My friend that plays too (we usually compete for making rare things, like my Niles or his Lukas) got pity broken by Ayra too. I'm just feeling afraid of getting a full red sesion hahaha. I've got 3 sesions without blue: 4* Bartre, 4* Beruka and I don't remember who the third was, only that it was a full grey session (that moment was like rip, I don't like Noire). And when I saw today that Norhian summer was this month instead of July was like 'I can't snipe two banners at the same time'. Free pull I got Summer Corrin (+Hp/-Atk, nothing that Blàrblade+ can't fix), so I've got both flier units I wanted in my free pulls x´D . I think that's to compensate my odisea looking for Summer Cordelia.
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