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Javi Blizz

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Everything posted by Javi Blizz

  1. Oh, I see. I don't have any of them refined (and my M!Corrin is still 4*), but I can take a look in the future!
  2. I want to focus on max res, but I'll take a look, maybe I could alternate between both sets (unless it implies changing his nature)
  3. I've posted this in the biggest project thread, but I want to show it here too, since finally I can use him! His skills are Slaying Bow+ [Res] (waiting for Guard Bow), Draw Back, Iceberg (seriously considering to give him glacies), Brazen Def/Res (I don't expect myself having DD fodder), Dull Ranged, Atk Ploy and Distant Defense SS. He's +Res/-Def, and until a few days ago, he was just collecting dust as a lvl 1 5*+5 in my barracks, waiting for his skills to come. He's been so awesome in the Julius infernal GHB, even ploying Julius himself xD. Only Julius was able to scratch him. And those Icebergs killed a few melees too. Now it's time to wait until more copies (and a Setsuna) arrives
  4. So, after a long time since my last post in this thread, it's time to show my 2 biggest poject now: First of all, my most merged unit. He has his vanilla skills, but the main project here is to make him +10. I proposed myself to make a 5*+10 from a 5* exclusive while being F2P, and now I'm so close that I start to think it's possible! I'm thinking about giving him Infantry Pulse if his teammates doesn't have much max HP. This is my other biggest project. He's waiting for Guard Bow+, but he has been given Draw Back from a 4* Nino, Brazen Def/Res from 5* M!Kana, Dull Ranged from 5* M!Morgan and Atk Ploy from 4* Julius. So, he has eaten by now 160k feathers and 2 limited units until now, and still needs another 120k feathers for the other merges and the boe.
  5. Okey, so I'll then go with Atk Ploy and if I eventually get another source of Def Ploy different than Arvis, I'll give it too to him. And yes, I'll have DD in mind. Thx! :D
  6. Yes, I'm going all out on Res. I don't think my team will be speed enough to double, so maybe we should keep Speed Ploy out of the equation. My Niles actually is 5*+5, +Res/-Def, Slaying Bow + (Res refine, waiting for Guard Bow+), Draw Back, Iceberg (considering Glacies), Brazen Def/Res (since for me it's almost imposible to get DD fodder), Dull Ranged, C to be decided and Distant Defense Sacred Seal. Why haven't you considered Atk Ploy in your answer?Maybe I'm missing something and is the worst option, but I find it the most interesting. However, I want to be sure before sacking a limited unit.
  7. Hey guys, I've almost finished building my little monster (AKA 5* Niles). He's only missing Guard Bow (haven't summoned a Setsuna in a long, long time) and a C skill. At first I thought about giving him a Drive, but with that Res stat, I think a Ploy is way more interesting. Since no one in my team hits Res, this leaves me with: -Atk Ploy (from 4* Julius): This would make Niles even tankier, while also making non-mages enemies even less dangerous for +8 Brave Ike. -Def Ploy (from Arvis): Outside of specials, Niles hits like a wet noodle. Although this option could make him do a little more damage, I don't think this would be worthy, tbh. -Spe Ploy (from 4* Saias): Niles has decent speed, so maybe Atk should be more important, but since the other only unit that I'm sure that will be part of my super merged team is so slow, maybe it would be interesting. Niles is atm +Res/-Def and 5*+5. Although +HP would give him 1 extra point in both physical and magical bulk due to the superboon, it hurts his ability to ploy (he has 42 res atm). I'm also considering to move from Iceberg to Glacies.
  8. Is it known which are finally the skills that Julius have in his vanilla set? I remember to hear here that there was people who said he would have Guard and Atk Ploy and other people which said that he would have distant defense and something else.
  9. The worst thing is not only that I'm not a whale, but the fact that I'm F2P xD (In fact, I haven't even bought the Black Knight pack) As for what I said, I just misread the article, it was on ongoing summoning events, and technically it is ongoing yet, so my bad
  10. Hey guys, reading about the new schedule and news in another page, I've found that a new free choice summon of the CYL1 characters is going to be available. Does anyone know if that's true or if it's just a mistake (since maybe they confunded the begginers CYL1 banner with something new)? Since I'm only 2 Brave Ikes short of +10 mine, and getting 1 for free would be amazing xD
  11. From what I’ve read trying to open the game, it’ll be down until the daily reset
  12. Cosplay? Maybe Characters? No, pls Some people have said that it’s usual in gaccha games, but...Fire Emblem player base is quite different than many gacchas player base, I think xd
  13. Guys, are you sure that we'll receive the feathers and the 4* Takumi? I haven't read it ingame, but for what I've read in internet, it seems only for new people. New Arena seems interesting, at least refered to ofense rewards, but I'm not sure if it will be worth if it makes much harder to enter tier 20. If it's only a bit there's no problem, as I usually get a score 80-90 points higher than the cut. I couldn't resist and pulled in the Legendary banner (I had no more copies for my merge projects and didn't have any fodder). I have ended with 24 orbs (started with 167) and I'm pretty happy. I've got Legendary Grim, a +Atk/-HP Genny, another Genny that I've foddered to Elise and an extra Legendary Ike (Warding Breath fodder). Sadly, I've realised that archers can't use it :( I thought on my 5* lvl 1+4 Niles (I'm not going to level him until I get a Setsuna for Guard Bow), but it seems that I'll have to continue waiting for Distant Defense fodder. At least I got a 3* Niles to go for the next merge. Also, would you give him Dull Range? I've got a M!Morgan and I was doubting if Dull Range or Spur Def/Res could work
  14. Alfonse, Prince of Askr Max. Stats: -/43/- -/35/- -/25/- -/32/- -/22/- Base Skills: Folkvangr (At start of turn, if unit's HP ≤ 50%, grants Atk+5 for 1 turn.) 400 SP Pivot 150 SP Sol 200 SP Death Blow 200 SP Axebreaker 200 SP Spur Atk 200 SP Heavy Blade 240 SP Skills in green means Skill Inheritance. Skills in orange means Sacred Seal. Alfonse is one of the firsts free units given in the game. Although his base kit may seem a bit underwhelming, just a few SI can turn him into a decent to great bonus unit. With his decent defense, axebreaker and self-healing via Sol, Alfonse does decently well as a B!Ike counter, and usually doesn't have problems dealing with green armors neither. Since he's competing for 2 different types of slot in an Arena team, I'll give him 2 different scores: For 1 of the 3 main slots: 4/10. Although he isn't bad at all, there are just so many swordies that can do it better. Not being able to merge him is something that hurts too. For the bonus unit slot: 7.5/10. He gives you extra coverage against B!Ike, Amelia, Hector and V!Hector. Unlike the other Askr trio units, he needs minimun SI to work. Only if you have a random infantry bonus unit which has merges would make a difference.
  15. Yes, I'll give him Death Blow as soon as I've fodder. This is just for meanwhile. Also, I need to give him Hone Cavalry/Fortify Cavarly to pair him with my 4*+10 Gronnblade (not +, since isn't an Arena unit neither) Cecilia
  16. So, since I had no more copies of the units that are my current merge projects and neither the units I need to upgrade for SI for them (and keeping the feathers isn't an option), I decided to give this to my long run friend: He's +Spd/-Def, from the first TT mini banner (free summon). I've been using him since then when Xander reached max HM, with his default kit, but since I had this week more than enough Divine Dew, I decided to finally give him Blazing Durandal...and last night, I gave him Galeforce. He just deserved something better than his base kit, even if he's using cheap skills (he's not an Arena unit). These levels of atk (Atk +9 and Heavy Blade) without even needing a merge or to be +Atk, in a launch unit is just...glorious! xd Any idea which assist should I give him? He has more than enough SP.
  17. No, I keep at least one copy of every hero I get, I was just wondering for the moment when L!Ike will max HM
  18. So, I got my first 2000 feathers of the day, at night I'll try to get another 2000. I've decided to try to get 4000 feathers every day that my units let me, since I've not much time to grind. Last night I was thinking about something: can regular Ike beat the maps that Legendary Ike does? I haven't check the difference in their stats, but maybe a little SI can make things up (unless Heavy Blade isn't enough to emulate Breath's effect)
  19. Sadly, I don't have Grima or Zelgius :( Since I'm trying to +10 B!Ike, I don't tend to summon in banners where he's not, since I need to save those orbs. As for other units, Tharja is everything except similar to BK, and my other mixed range units aren't armors, so I don't think I've any alternative in my barracks. However, thx for the suggestions ;)
  20. I know, but 0.7 HM per battle doesn't seem so much worse for me if I get 500 feathers more (since I'd need 93 extra battles to get the same number of feathers for achieving the same 1500 initial feathers. In the long run 2x5 is better, but I don't grind more than 2000-2500 feathers per day, so it`s fine for me
  21. The main issue is that I'm trying to farm units that usually I don't use (Frederick, Jakob and Clive currently) or use very little(the ones that clear the map, such as L!Ike or W!Tharja). Both Hector and BK are next to max HM, so it wouldn't be worthy in a few runs. I don't care if I have to use 1 maxed unit to farm, but 2...seems 1000 feather less every 500 HM Anyway, I'm doing F!Robin's hard. It's better than nothing xD
  22. For those with Lunatic that gives 5.0 HM there's no problem, but with the ones that jump from Hard to Infernal, doing hard is a bit unfair, since you need to invest the same for less rewards :( (I have so many units I want to upgrade and/or merge)
  23. Is there any way to auto-solo F!Robin's infernal GHB with W!Tharja? 3.1 HM from hard seems too low to do it, but the blue infantry lancer kills her. All his other buddies just suicide the first turn that Tharja enters in their range, even in infernal. She's vanilla + Distant Defense 3 sacred seal, I don't remember her IV's. Edit: tried with a healer with the staff that heals 15HP (since the suicide squad left her at 22/40 HP and the lancer does 35 damage), but the lancer doubles, so she gets killed anyway :/ Any other unit who can solo infernal?
  24. Hey guys, does Black Knight require Vantage 3 for auto Navarre’s or does Vantage 2 works? I don’t have any 4* Lon’zu
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