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Javi Blizz

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Everything posted by Javi Blizz

  1. I need some calcs, but I've heard that Kagerochart isn't working well, so I ask here. My Green/Red/Blue infantry core is working more or less properly. Everyone can deal with the things they are supposed to. The main problem comes from Celica. She has to deal with G Tome units and she covers that without any problem (since she has bad IV's, I went for double DD + G Tome Breaker). However, I don't really find comfortable using mages, as they can't hit enemies that are at 1 range or respond to their attacks and they also give me some issues about positioning when I want to attack/bait (my playstile involves a lot of baiting). So, I've thought 2 alternatives, but I need to now if they can survive Gronnblade users +10 with full buffs. This units would want to fulfill Celica's role in the party, but being able to counterattack at 1-2 range. First one would be Masked Marth 5*+4 (supposing that Hector is the free unit, this also would lead me to vote the 4 days for him). With Distant Counter and G Tome Breaker, and with the Awakening's Falchion upgrade, maybe with Distant Defense as her Sacred Seal. I need some advice too. I can't make her +5 since I couldn't get the first TT's 5*. The second one would be Adult Tiki. Here I don't even know what to put her, if TA or Fury (SB is not an option) and if G Tome Breaker would be useful or not. So, could you give me some advice?
  2. A few things I'd like to see in seasonals are: -A full banner of guys dressed one as a groom, other 2 propertly dressed as assistant to a weeding and a fourth one made completely a mess representing the after party situation (you know, the shirt half opened, the tie opened or put in the head...) to acompany the brides one. -A banner based on Oktoberfest. Just imagine those girls with the bavarian dress and the beer. Also, guys would like quite funny. Now that I think, I could try to paint those things when I have enough time...inspiration has finally come!
  3. Literal interpretation, fanservice and memes. I don’t care if its fanservice for guys or girls, I just find it funny to imagine them fighting like that xd Also memes, I’d love a banner with things like Seasonal Wrys or Seasonal Bartre :D ... or Chrom attacking enemies with a rope, cause you know, bonds give you strength
  4. Nice, I managed to enter tier 20 with the 4900 points I told the other day. So that means that this week I only need to do 4000 points for the rewards, a relax week ?
  5. So our reward is to watch our teams drown their ponies...that's nice :D Also, RIP Amelia, with her armor she probably drowned too xd
  6. Hey guys, since B!Lyn was in the first Legendary Hero Banner, B!Roy was in the second and B!Lucina has been in the third, I think B!Ike should appear in the next one. With Guntrha confirmed to be in it too, which are the chances of Summer Tiki being the third one there? As this is probably the last time in a while to see B!Ike as a focus unit (although not with the best of the rates, tbh) I feel almost forced to pull (although this time I'll have half of the orbs I'd during Hero Fest with less focus %, 2.67 instead of 5) to get one more copy and get him to +5 (since he's my highest 5* merged unit atm at +4). Also, knowing how LHB works, I wouldn't mind to get my pity broken by Guntrha, as I don't have her, but what worries me is the third spot: it could be Summer Tiki (which would be nice, as you never have enough axe users), Summer Elise (which I don't have, but I feel is just a different looking Nino, so I don't need her) or Performing Arts Inigo (which I have and while a merge wouldn't be bad, is not something that would make a difference anyway). So, what do you think? Is there any other option that I may have forgotten? Also, could be known what could be the possibility of a green orb being a 5*?
  7. Did the Armor Quest with BK/Hector/C!Robin/H!Jakob (this one did literally nothing) and the Infantry Quest with Celica (double DD, G Tome Breaker, Threaten Res), Mae (Darting Blow, Desperation, Threaten Res), Joshua (Def Ploy) and Wrys. I can't do the other too, I've no place to bait with horses (would need a red horse with very high res and HP/def to survive Xander and/or the Gronnwolf cavalier) or with fliers (same problem here) @Nanima, it's not gone for a year, it comes every week during a year! That's why they give you 365 days to complete the quests instead of 24 hours
  8. Since many of you would remember, a few weeks ago the number of bonus units from Hero Battles was reduced from 2 to 1. Now that they’ve introduced daily GHB, do you think those units will take the spot from the former ones, so now the bonus would include 1 Hero Battle unit, 1 GHB unit and 1 of Askr trio + Fjorm?
  9. @Anacybele I know that Fjorm, Alfonse and Sharena aren’t bonus unit this week. But there’s a rotation between Anna-Sharena-Alfonse-Fjorm, so always one of them is a bonus hero. So, if you have the 4 leveled up to 5* level 40, and with a bit of SI, you can have a guaranteed bonus unit every week
  10. @Anacybele, as for the bonus units, Fjorm comes with a good set out of the box (I think this is the correct expresion), Alfonse just needs Axebreaker and he does quite well (in fact, he’s my favourite bonus unit right now), Anna works fine with Fury+Desperation. Sharena is my main drawback, as I can’t find a cheap build for her that work as good as the other 3. Also, lol @Othin, we use the same Arena Team hahaha
  11. I’ve had problems with it too. I was so hyped to use my new team with +4 B!Ike from the Hero Fest banner and finished using my usual BK/Hector/C!Robin team...and using 65 duel crests (half of my stock) to get a deathless run that may not be even enought to enter tier 20 again -.-
  12. Well, I hope this ends like that or I'd have to waste my 2nd Water Blessing and mi Wind Blessing in BK and C!Robin. I really don't mind giving one of them the Water Blessing (I used them 2 and Water Blessed Hector in Arena, and Fjorm is a bonus unit sometimes), but the Wind Blessing? That would be even counter productive if I even manage to get a second Fjorm, as if I'm not wrong, I don't think you can give 2 or more Blessing to a unit, so that way I won't be able to put a Water Blessing on him later :/
  13. So, I've finished the Hero Fest Banner using around 300 orbs (230 I had previous to the banner and the ones I've got since then) and I've got 5xB!Ike, 1xShiro and 1xAmelia. I think I'll never have that luck again, tbh xd. Never thought I'd have B!Ike, less a +4 one xd
  14. So after half of my duel crests (65 remaining) and both trying with my new team and my armor team, I managed to get a deathless run of...4900 with the armors -.- Tbh, I'm not sure if this will be enough to enter tier 20, I was so close to not enter 2 weeks ago with 4902. At least I've seen the problem is not as much the team (well, Anna did her best in making me to waste crests bt dying over and over) but the maps selection. Too mant move limiting maps for bait units. Also, following @Rafiel's Aria advise, I changed M!Marth for a mage. It's been a bad IV Celica, but she does quite well the coverage to the other members of the team with G Tome Breaker. Also, she didn't hurt too much my score, due to having a legendary weapon, an AOE special and double Distant Defense (since she's -Spe I needed to do something diferent). Let's hope next week there's a better bonus unit for me, such as Alfonse or Fjorm (to have a free slot then). Also, with so many battles, B!Ike and Fjorm got S rank in their support
  15. Would be fine to keep Ice Mirror without Shield Pulse? Also, maybe I should wait until tomorrow to see the new weapons refinements, as maybe the Falchion one could help in something. Talking about Falchion, could be an option to give M!Marth G Tome Breaker? I think I have a spare Henry, but I'm not sure if she can bait Nino with the breaker
  16. Okay, then that seal will be the next in my upgrade priority list. At the start I was running the seals that way (B!ike with Close Defense) but since it wasn't working, I decided to try it the other way. And thx for the link! I'm used to not running mages or dragons, and the last ranged unit I used for Arena was B!Lyn a long time ago. But as my armors have 2 of the 3 DC (BK and Hector) that wasn't an issue really. Maybe I just need to get used to this new team.
  17. Thx guys! @mampfoid, I have a +1 Lucina with that set (and both Aether and Moonbow learnt), so I can try her while I don't get the exact same fodder for M!Marth ('cause you know, is much more realistic that I'll be able to merge M!Marth than Lucina). @Rafiel's Aria, the main issue with seals is that I've Deflect Magic at level 1 and Drive Res at level 1 of 2, and only about 40-50 coins, so there's no possibility of improving them right know. About Fjorm being killed by common reds, I could try to replace her with my 5*+1 Subaki (Slaying lance+ (Def refined), Swap, Bonfire, Triangle Adept 3, Quick Riposte 3, Goad Fliers, Iote's Shield SS). The main issues are that he would lower my score (from the BST, weapon, special and slots A,C and S), I'd lose my only unit able to do a ranged counter attack and that Subaki actually has 0 remaining SP, so I'd need to farm to give him a different C skill such as Hone Attack.
  18. Guys, I think I need your help. Although my new team allows me to find teams of 708-712 (the old one was 702-706), I can't make a deathless run. Maybe you could give me some advice. My actual team is: B!Ike +3 (+Def/-Spe): Urvan, Rally Spe/Def, Aether, Steady Breath, Beorc's Blessing, Threaten Def 3, Quick Riposte 3 SS. Fjorm (neutral): Leiptr, Draw Back, Ice Mirror, Atk/Def Bond 3, Shield Pulse 3, Drive Atk 2, Close Counter 3 SS. M!Marth +1: Falchion, Reciprocal Aid, Luna, Darting Blow 3, Renewal 3, Breath of Life 3, Breath of Life 3 SS. Anna: Nóatún, Reposition, Astra, Fury 3, Desperation 3, Spur Res 3, Brash Assault 3 SS. And this is the current fodder that I have: Hone Atk 3, Rally Spe/Def, Lancebreaker 3, Mirror Strike 2, Draw Back, and if I get enough feathers tonight from the TT, Quick Riposte 3 (although the plan was to give a merge to M!Marth). The main issues I'm facing are Nino, Reinhardt, healers with Pain+ refined + doble blow and some reds such as Eldigan killing Fjorm lol
  19. Which combination of Sacred Seals works better on Fjorm-B!Ike, Fjorm with Quick Riposte 3 and B!Ike with Close Defense 3 or Fjorm with Distant Defense 3 and B!Ike with Quick Riposte 3?
  20. Grinding SP and HM in the TT today, as the only CC that I haven't cleared yet is because I can't and I've cleared all missions whose rewards I care, I suddenly faced myself at 62K which currently is rank 15K. Seeing where the threshold was 2 hours ago, and the difference in rank-points from the last 2 comments, I think I can rally and try to get top 10K.
  21. First day I voted for V!Ike since I want to avoid Legendary Banners as much as possible (looking at you, febreary's LHB with Brave Ike). But I really don't care who wins, since I won't get a unit I really want (Leo, Alm, Bridal Charlotte, Summer Corrin...) so I skipped day 2 and now I've voted Bridal Charoltte and Bridal Caeda just for the wallpapers.
  22. I have set for defense BK/C!Robin/Hector/Fjorm, and I think none of them is a bonus unit this week, so idk. All the wins came after I set this team. Maybe it's been a bug or something
  23. But, I don’t have a bonus unit in it and I’ve got a 500+ defense. May it be from a surrender?
  24. Well, it seems that after too many weeks without any defense wins I've found the correct units for that, since I've 4 wins this week. I feel silly for not having considered to put my main Arena core (BK/Hector/C!Robin) together in the defense team before -.- Also, I think that finally I'll be able to make a new highscore next week. Actually, it was around 4910 a few weeks ago (water blessing season) with BK/Hector/C!Robin/Fjorm. The new Arena core I'm going to use gives me a few more points (M!Marth+1/B!Ike+3/Fjorm), so at least, I can repeat that score without using blessings. So it seems that my next 60K feathers will go to M!Marth if the team works. Also, would you give a Water Blessing to M!Marth or B!Ike? I've 1 more (the one from the TT), but I'm not sure if it would be useful, since B!Ike is too slow (even -Spe) and M!Marth would appreciate the +Spe and the +HP in her medic role, but she's the one that I'm not sure if I'll maintain in the team
  25. Yes, I've merged them using that one as the base one. Now it's time to think if I keep his default Threaten Def or change it for anything else (preferibly something that worths 240 SP xd )
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