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Javi Blizz

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Everything posted by Javi Blizz

  1. I have Palla as my lead, if you need another colour just tag me ;)
  2. I’ve been getting a Barst that I think it’s yours, it makes things much easier. So, if we lose, I’ll jump to the same team as you xD
  3. Thx! :D I use iPhone too, so I hope I can use them n.n
  4. I see, that's cool! Is there any site where I can find something similar to use?
  5. I used to think that too, but after some time deciding who should I give Steady Breath and if I'd really use that unit that much (and facing 5 B!Ikes from the Hero Fest in my barracks) I decided to merge them all. I know that some units really apreciate SB such as dragons or Lukas, but if I never thought I'd have a B!Ike, less about having SB fodder, so I've build my more used units without needing it. And with my units built, I don't think is useful to waste a unit as fodder if I'm not going to use the unit receiving the skill anyways... That's what I've learnt from my 4*+10 (or was it +9?) Beruka with Slaying Axe+, Close Defense and Quick Riposte 3. Sure, she's cool and I use her sometimes, but not as much as I think would be necessary to justify giving her 2 5* exclusive skills.
  6. Got a new Arena highscore! 5002! And it isn't water season this week, so it can be a little higher yet. Having Fjorm as a bonus unit helps, since she's part of my Arena core (B!Ike +6/M!Marth +4/Fjorm +0) so that lets me use Michalis (+3, Hauteclare (ref), Reposition, Aether, Heavy Blade 3, Quick Riposte 3, Threaten Defense 3, Distant Defense 3 SS) which is my best scoring unit out of my core. However, I don't think that even if next week is Water season, my score would grow enough to stay in tier 20. So, still in tier 19.5, but things are improving :D Also, @DLNarshen, how do you do to show the merges in that screen? In my phone it only says 40+. Are you playing in a tablet or a PC?
  7. I'm glad that there's no Roy or Setsuna in this 4* banner. Knowing that Roy's blade is getting a refinement and that it will probably increase it's ability to +4 Def/Res, I want to merge him. Also, I need a Setsuna for my current project. However, I've currently only 78 orbs and there's a possibility of a banner with Brave Ike not so far (early May's Legendary Banner), so I must save as much orbs as possible. I've even changed my feathers to fully built my recently gotten Rein just to try to get more orbs from ingame content xD I think this is my main goal in the game: having a 5*+10 unit from a 5* exclusive while being F2P. Only 4 B!Ikes left...
  8. Knights of Aurelis: This banner would feature regular Hardin “Coyote” as a lance cavalier, Wolf as a bow cavalier and Sedgar as a sword cavalier. Very unlikely, since this would be a full man banner. Maybe they could add Nyna (I don’t remember if anything was said about her being maybe a staff user?) and then put Sedgar as a TT reward. Travelers of Valentia: In this one, I could see Silque as a staff user, Jesse as a sword user and Kliff as a mage (preferibly green or blue). The conexions are that Silque and Jesse met while Silque was in the search of Alm (as said in one of the Mila’s crystals) while Kliff can travel both with Silque (Alm’s party) or with Jesse (Celica’s party) Lord of a Dead Empire: The name of the banner would be the one of emperor Rudolf’s theme. So the banner would be based around him. Rudolf could be a sword cavalier (he wields Falchion against Mila), Mycen a lance cavalier and Messena as a lance armor. Also, there would be a GHB against someone related to him too (although a rerun of Berkut’s would work too) [Seasonal] Oktoberfest banner: As I said in other topic, Nohr is probably the kingdom of the whole franchise which fits better this theme. So, I’d like to see in the bavarian clothes for females waitress Felicia and Peri. For males, I think Laslow and Gunter could work So, what do you think about this banners, guys? Would you like them? Do you find any of them possible?
  9. Back on the topic of Seth, Titania and Mathilda, I’ve found much easier to level up Seth than Mathilda. Also, training 4*’s, I’ve found a good candidate for the Lunge + Obstruct sheningans for Arena Defense: Roderick. Maybe I can make a defense team with him and B!Lyn + Reinhardt (he’ll be 5* in a few hours e.e)
  10. Well, if they can work with the simple variant of the weapon, that's fair. I usually pass the simple variant too (except if I really want to invest in that unit, such as my 4*+10 Beruka with Slaying Edge+ and double Close Defense), so that's easier and cheaper to do.
  11. I know that Fates has been overexposed, but I'd like to see Felicia getting an alt about it. She's not the best waitress, so that could be very funny. Also, with the bavarian dress. Nohr seems to be the kingdom in the whole franchise that better suits this topic. Dozla could work as someone said, but I find him more suited to a St. Patrick festivity.
  12. Oh, then I missunderstood it @Poimagic, I thought this was to keep safe seasonal threads in future. Also, going back to the topic, I'd like to see some different seasonals this year that weren't covered last year. In special, I'd love to see an Oktoberfest banner, although sadly, I don't think it has any chance :(
  13. I like them, they are just something different added to the game. Who could have imagined, for example, Xander wearing in pink and hitting enemies with a carrot? Because I wouldn't xD Also, let's wish that this thread could be used to discuss about new special heroes design instead of flooding their corresponing threads with "Camillas type arguments".
  14. Does your Stahl has Ruby Sword or Ruby Sword+? I've been thinking about giving them (Seth, Mathilda and Titania) their corresponding colour's gem weapon+ (Titania has it since she's 5*) + breaker, but I'm not sure if it's worth the fodder and the feathers (it would be a low priority project)
  15. xdddddddd That was perfect! I could even try to make a team about it xd Although I don't consider Titania to be as bad. Or at least, as bad as Mathilda. Maybe her Emerald Axe helps
  16. I see...I wanted to try to make a decent 5* Seth, but if he really is as bad as the others...I think I'll go the 4*+10 route. I've some 4* of him atm
  17. No, but because I think there I directly went the crystals route with him (and a few minutes ago with Mathilda too). But what I mean, Mathilda was (or at least I think) one of the best characters in her game. Seth too. I didn't use Stahl in my walkthrough in Awakening, so idk if he was good or just as bad as in Heroes xd I do this in order to sooner or later have all non remarkable characters, gameplay wise, at 4*+10 or at least trained to level 40, but...some of them just like these ones didn't seem to be usefull even if I +10 them at 4* xD
  18. I was levelling some 4* units to level 40 (is something I usually do when there's nothing else to do and the remaining content to be cleared is still too difficult to me), and a question has retorned to my mind. Why is Mathilda, probably the unit that made our life much easier in Echoes, so underwhelming in Heroes? She can't even kill things with Weapon Triangle Advantage. It's being a real pain to level her up. And I haven't started with Seth yet, but I've heard that it's the same case :/
  19. I'll be joining team Xander, this is my ID: 6390206444 I'm not sure who I'll set as my lead. Currently I've Palla, but I can put other things such as B!Ike +6 or M!Marth +4 if needed
  20. Gatcha is...awesome xD Last year I tried to get either Spring Xander or Spring Camilla from the banner (but my main interest was Spring Xander) and I ended up with nothing after using all my orbs (last year it was a lot harder to get them). I also tried to get them in the Legendary banner, however, I ended up with 3 Deidres and 1 Ike. I was going to do only the free pull in this banner and then...ploff!...Free Spring Xander appeared! xdddd
  21. I can’t see myself upgrading either Armads or Siegmund. I prefer the original effect of both weapons. Fir getting a new weapon sounds really nice. As I said a few days ago, I didn’t know which unit consider as my red +10 project. I was considering Soleil, but not having a personal weapon was her main drawback. Fir would be a nice option...if it wasn’t for Roy receiving an upgrade to his weapon. I liked its original effect, so the more than obvious +4 Def/Res sounds really nice, even if he doesn’t get the breath effect, only the stance one. So, is there any 4* focus banner programmed for this month?
  22. I got my 8000 feathers. I’m going to miss this TT, that final map with ID purpose, so many maxed HM units...
  23. My luckiest banner has been the last Hero Fest. I got 5 Brave Ikes, an Amelia and a Shiro in aprox 300 orbs. Since I tend to save orbs for making big summons instead of pulling in every banner, I tend to skip banners, so maybe the worst one was back in the days of nohrian summer banner. I wanted Xander or Corrin and I got nothing :(
  24. I have only played today maybe 5 runs and I'm still at rank 1937. I think it's pretty safe before going to bed (and playing a bit of Path of Radiance xd)
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