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Javi Blizz

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Everything posted by Javi Blizz

  1. Favourite 1: A copy of each hero I have, which is the one that has been leveled up or is going to be. Favourite 2: Merge copies, such as limited Heroes, Roy, etc. Favourite 3: Fodder. Keep all the fodder together. No favourite: Send home
  2. Nice @Arcphoenix, @Xenomata! I'll try to open the thread as soon as I can during this weekend. Also, improvising is not a bad thing at all! @NegativeExponents-, yes, Atk Smoke 3 being permanently in the 4* pool means that any unit which has access to Def + Res debuff by weapon can now debuff all stats without sacrificing a precious resource. Now we just need some things such as Oliver or Fallen Takumi added too xD
  3. Well, on one hand, the four heroes are great fodder (TA3, Reposition, Drive Speed 2 and Atk Smoke 3 at 4*). On the other hand, we are missing 5 orbs respect 3 heroes quest I think. On another note, I'm thinking about starting a topic where we could write/create our own support conversations between characters, since the game doesn't have them. Do you think it's a good idea? Would you like to write/read them? What is the size limit of a post? If I open the topic, it could be necessary to reserve a second post to keep all conversations together.
  4. Since I have been playing since launch, and I have almost everything I need in my barracks (wish I had a ranged flier that's not Morgan, though) I didn't need to promote new units, so I decided to start a project that I called "luck vs persistence". I'd choose a 5* exclusive and a 3*-4* unit, both that I like (I don't know why, I find canon Ike's design boring, but I really like Brave Ike's design. And Niles, well, it's Dio Niles). So I started hoarding orbs and feathers for them. However, that doesn't mean that I can't waste orbs or feathers if it's not for them. Recently, I've been pulling on the Legendary Banner (but keeping always at least 200 orbs) and I've done 3 5* promotions (Raven and 2 GF foddered). What I'm trying to say is that you don't have to force yourself to make a unit directly from +0 to +10 guys. You can alternate. Currently Niles is +6.
  5. Now, that we have an alt for Reinhardt and Nino, two characters that placed in top 10 for their respective gender in CYL2, could it mean that those alts have been designed AFTER CYL2? Since before them, there were Eirika and Chrom (not counting Fallen Heroes as alts), who are protagonists in their games, something that Nino and Reinhardt are not (I now Olwen is there too, but she could be there just for Rein)
  6. Thanks, I'll take this into consideration. Let's hope I get a bunch of Shannas and Sothes. Also, is Titania really a Galeforce candidate? I'd never thought that, but she has been very useful in my barracks, so I could give her that reward
  7. So, I'm starting to make a team for Galeforce fun, I have the units more or less built, but I still need to decide a few skills. Could someone give me advice? I remember some people here doing something similar. My team is: Eliwood (+Atk/-Def): Cordelia (+Atk/-Res): Raven (+Def/-Res): Any ideas of which skills could I use? And which type of unit should I consider for the fourth slot?
  8. Pulling for fodder in the legendary banner, I've got a NY!Azura. I got one in her original banner (-Atk +HP, but I'm happy with that IVs, since she almost never sees combat). I'm not sure if I should fodder her for Hone Fliers (my only ranged flier is F!Morgan), Hagoita (I'm not sure who could use that axe) or just keep her in my barracks. Merge her with so useful fodder is not an option xd
  9. I'd like also if we get the posibility to unmask M!Marth/Gerome, to quit the hat to a character... But Joshua's hat is a must! Also, double patch Niles, best archer ever xd
  10. So, I had 272 orbs (not pulling, waiting for B!Ike). But I needed to pull something. So I have decided to put a limit on 200 orbs as a safety stock for pulling for B!Ike when he appears. Result: Now I have 207 orbs, a Bridelia and a spare regular Ninian xD If I reach 300 orbs in any moment, I'll increase the safety stock limit to 250 orbs Edit: I'm considering to build a Close Counter Daraen, but I've no idea on what skills to give him. Any ideas? Other unit I was considering as my blue merge project was Peri, however, I want to keep my team as an infantry one since if B!Ike is the one with highest HP, I want to give him Infantry Pulse.
  11. Thx! Although mine has neutral speed, so I think he'd be quad attacked. But as I said, I have other buddies in the team to deal with swords. But it's always fine to now your units a bit better :D
  12. Well, tbh I've never tried that match, as for swords I always try to use Fjorm/M!Marth (Swordbreaker). But next time I see him I'll try to answer ;)
  13. Yes, I’m planning to +10 him (currently +8), although I’m keeping him with Steady Breath and Beorc’s Blessing. Mine is +HP/-Res. I prefered to focus on his high defense, and he works well against all physical blue and green unir (and some reds). Dragons aren’t much a problem either (except reds). Quick Riposte + 4 CD Aether makes it much easier to survive, while SB charges it faster. I have other ways to deal with magic (Fjorm, Niles 5*+5...) so I had no need to give him DC
  14. I've been thinking about something. Since they're bringing back seasonal banners while their equivalent to this year happens, do you think that they could do the same with a voting gaunlet between CYL2 and CYL1?
  15. Oh, I meant that I didn’t get a deathless run, only 1 unit died in the streak But it’s not enough to jump a tier up even with a deathless run
  16. Got a death in the last match of my AA run, so 495X points this week, which means another week in the 10K-20K bracket. Nice to see that next one is Fjorm's season, that means that Niles can debut in my regular Arena team :D
  17. Hey guys, any ideas of who could be in the next legendary banner? Although not having Brave Heroes in the last one was good for me (since I didn't had enough orbs for snipping green for B!Ike), I'm a bit worried that he could be excluded from this one too. After CYL2 is released, I think CYL1 Heroes will be much less focused, so I'm afraid that I won't be able to finish my 5*+10 B!Ike while also getting a copy for fodder in a long, long time u.u (Though having 200 orbs isn't that much for a Legendary banner needing at least 2 copies) Also, how possible is that the demoted unit from the genealogy banner is Lene (or how the dancer is called)? I want to play with her weapon after realising that it's inheritable, but I can't go for her as a 5* exclusive right now.
  18. The only think I want to know atm is which seals will be given in this TT tbh xd Speed Ploy seal pls, I need to finish my quad ploy Arvis with something better than Threaten Speed xd
  19. I’ve completely forgot that there were quest for getting extra crest...my bad xD
  20. Groom masked "marth" That would be amazing xd
  21. Hey guys, do you think 3570 is enough to enter tier 20? I'm a bit lost yet with the new system, although I used to enter tier 20 without much problem with the previous one
  22. Well, you can always make a good def or res tank without needing much more than what it is required to make a glass canon. If your problem are mages in general, just use a high res unit. If your problem are litrblade users, you can use things like panic ploy and dull ranged. If your problem are speedy high atk melee units, just play with the WTA. Lukas, Brave Ike, Zelgius, brazen skills + close defense...
  23. On one hand, I'd love to get a bridal Anna, she would be so cute...On the other hand, I don't want her to appear, since I want to save orbs xD However, if she appears, I hope she is a red/blue melee unit and don't share colour
  24. His only role in the team is that: tank magic like a pro. Although QR would be nice, I think I prefer (at least for now) to shut completely down mages, so that B!Ike and who else is going to join the team can just forget about mages and be safe. All the options I'm considering for red and blue are not good at tanking res tbh.
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