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Javi Blizz

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Everything posted by Javi Blizz

  1. Going back up to tier 20 again. Time to see if the new tier 21 makes it easier to stay in T20 or I continue at T19.5
  2. Yes, 200 out 15 minutes ago and 200 more in a few minutes. And probably my last multiplier, as probably the next one (if there’s a next one) will be during the last 4~5 hours and by that time is sleep time here :( Is team Ephraim even using flags? xD
  3. Well, at least you don’t have 1510 xD What is called a bonus? Is something we can eat? :’D Edit: @Vaximillian, 1510 too :(
  4. Could be our desired banner with lots of lesser characters (Wolf, Duessel, Valbar...) with a few demotions from it? Hope will never die! :’D
  5. Yes, they did. They have given as a fabulously fabulous pink duck, though -.-
  6. I’ve sent feedback too saying how bad this new mode is. Apology orbs when? xD
  7. @Usana, nice to see that you think he’s useful :D I agree, I have also been receiving today the same 5*+9 Roy from a RL friend during all my matches. Maybe is any type of bug? On one hand it is nice since you have 2 great units (counting with your own Veronica). On the other hand, is a pain for doing the colours quests. I’ve even had to use my B!Ike twice! ?
  8. Apology orbs when? ? They said in an in-game note that it’s only a display problem, do you think it’ll be enough for orbs?
  9. Nice, finally I have almost 100 free space again in my barracks. Those GHB/TT units were taking too much space. Nice to have a safety way to put them out of my barracks without losing them forever
  10. Seals that I expect: -Dual Stat -Seal Atk/Spe -Atk Tactics
  11. Well, this banner is (finally) a big pass for me. Time to recover a bit my F2P orbs. Will only do the free summon. Also, I hope Sylvia is the demoted one. Probably Deluge Dance would be the 4* skill, although I’d love to have Mirror Stance as the 4* one (Mirror Strike is 4* too in the form of Oliver, and recently demoted characters had their best skill as the 4*, like Ares with Brazen Atk/Def and Libra with the dual spur)
  12. @Hawk King, mi highest merges are +10 B!Ike, +7 M!Marth, +7 Niles and +4 Donnel (Niles and Donnel score the same). Since my bonus unit are usually +0, I’m still a bit short of staying in tier 20
  13. @mampfoid, I forgot, but I also got a LA!Hector from the Legendary Banner hahaha
  14. Wow, Fliers Bladetome just destroyed everything they found. Elincia murdered Jamke.
  15. Everything except the Legendary Heroes (and the second Veronica) was new, so I’m pretty happy. I had been wanting to have Lute and Gray for a long time, and she has even come in the right moment, since she was bonus in arena last week :D
  16. I think I’ll go to Veronica, so I can keep +10B!Ike as my leed. If she loses, then I’ll move to Lyn or Ike
  17. Looking back to August, I can say that has been one of the bests (if not the best) month for my F2P pulls: From Heroes with X skill: Free M!Grima, Free Ares From Festival in Hoshido: Gray, Lute From AoBH: Free Veronica, Veronica, Julia From Legendary Banner: Free F!Grima, Fjorm, WT!Reinhart And I didn’t even had that many orbs! xD
  18. Back to tier 19. Idk what I did last week that ended up dropping to tier 18. I hope I don’t make the same mistake this week.
  19. Could anyone give me a solution for GM11? I can’t solve it :(
  20. Here you have a few more options for the poll: -Kliff, Silque, Jesse, Mila, Rudolf -Duessel, Knoll, Cormag -Bantu, Wolf, regular Hardin -Silas, Charlotte, Benni
  21. Hey, there’s no daily orbs from forging bonds today? :O I’ve been out for a week and couldn’t start playing seriously until yesterday more or less
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