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Javi Blizz

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Everything posted by Javi Blizz

  1. Looking at the silouettes, I think they are Ryoma and Xander, and that both of them are going to be colorless. Xander seems to be a dagger, throwing fans as PA! Olivia. The problem is that Ryoma also seems a dagger. However, instead of a feather (that doesn’t seem a baguette to me) it could be one of those sticks used to play the big drums, and use it as a club, making Ryoma a green unit
  2. I can’t find a solution to the Lucina’s one, could someone help me?
  3. Yay, free Grima! It seems that today is my lucky day xD
  4. Maxed GC tier, rank 9 on my team (although I may drop to rank 10) and at least 10 zones which has been ensured/knocked out. It’s been a good day in the office
  5. I got a Lon’qu from my free pull...but he was 4* :( It was a strange feeling when I saw the siluette and he could be either 3*, 4* or 5* xD
  6. Wow, this has to be a curse. I pulled a few weeks ago a Summer Camilla who was -Atk. I tried and last week I got another Camilla, who was -Atk. Since I pulled a 5* Tailtiu, I gave her Blàrblade+. Now, I was full pulling in the Legendary Banner and got a NY Camilla, who is...-Atk. I guess that’s what happen when you’re lucky with pulling 5* xd I wanted to save orbs, buuuuuut...I don’t want to be whole months without pulling like I did for B!Ike, so now my next +10s will be only 3*-4* available units
  7. Got a score of 3638 thanks to it being Water Season AND Fjorm being bonus unit (in order to display my team together). However, I don’t think it’ll be enough to stay in T20 yet.
  8. Full pull, 5 4* heroes. Well, it’s not like if I was expecting anything else xD
  9. Third infernal map in a row that I clear with my Arena Assault leading team. It’s nice to see things working :3
  10. I’ve been playing F2P since launch and I’ve reached the point were I don’t find tier lists usefull for myself. Budget/f2p tier lists doesn’t offer much more than Fury/Desperation/-blade/Brave bow on everything that can learn it. Arena tier list, while more useful, shows sets which usually have more than 1 premium skill, which is too much for me yet.
  11. Finally! I’ve beaten the last CC. Once I’ve given Spd+2 Sacred Seal to S!Corrin it has been much easier, since she could double Ishtat with buffs and Ares without them. Flier team dead in that map, but B!Ike/Martha/Fjorm/Niles took me to the last map (only Surtr, Nino, Linus and Lloyd left). Horse Emblem cleaned the room. However, it’s sad to see that I have no more orbs left to get :(
  12. Hey guys, does anyone know when will we have the legendary hero trailer and when do the 15 banners days start?
  13. Another example would be Bright Naginata, since the new inheritable lance from Sumia is better with a Def refine
  14. So, I’ve got 2 Summer Camillas yet and both were -Atk. I hope to get enough orbs before the banner ends, I don’t want to run her with the boring Blàrblade set (that’s the job of my -Atk Summer Corrin) :’( Also, it would be nice to have her at +2 xD
  15. Here are the units that I usually use (and are related to this topic): Niles: +Res/-Def, 5* +6, Slaying Bow + [Res], Draw Back, Iceberg, Brazen Def/Res, Dull Ranged, Atk Ploy, Distant Defense. Used in my main AA team and in regular Arena when Fjorm is bonus unit. Felicia: 5*, Felicia’s Plate [Special], Draw Back, Glacies, Mirror Strike, Desperation, Atk Smoke, Spd Smoke. Used in PvE and sometimes in AA (debuff team). Palla: 5*, Wo Dao + [Atk], Reposition, Moonbow, Sturdy Blow, Sword Breaker, Goad Fliers. AA melee flier team. Xander and Camus for obvious reasons. I was going to include Subaki and Beruka, but they are surprisingly high for me in Gamepedia’s Tier List
  16. My record was 340 aprox when my B!Ike wasn’t at +10 yet. Now that the project is finished, is much more difficult to save. I tried to propose a new project, but it wasn’t effective xD
  17. The skill link is why I think she won’t be demoted, even if she is worse than Libra
  18. I know, and that would be perfect...if the first TT hadn’t been so bad for me. I only got the 4* then
  19. Probably I’m the only person in the forum which is sad for only getting 1 Martha copy instead of 2 :(
  20. Here are my impresions of what has been showed: - Awakening banner: Nice! 3 new characters, 4 person banner and colour balance. Libra seems to be the obvious demotion, which I think is good, since there are still so few axes that having easy access to them is much more necessary. Also, Dazzling Staff finally arrives to the permanent pool. - New orbs flood: god, this is always my favourite part of the Channel. Could someone say/show which are the banners? I’d like to see if there’s anyone I’d like to try to summon. Also, 15 free pulls, that’s just very very generous. - Askr trio refines: poor Anna, her refine is very underwhelming :( . The other two look great. - GC: Yay! More feathers. - Arena: I’m in that point where I can reach tier 20 easily (sometimes even with deaths) but can’t stay in tier 20 even with blessings, so ir doesn’t affect me. - TT units: rip my dreams of having a +10 Masked Marth. Missed one of the two copies on the first TT and now she will probably be stuck at +9 forever (once they give us the final 2 copies). Nice to see Tobin and Clive back. Although, they don’t have anything to offer for SI, so idk what I’ll do with them. The others will be premium fodder. - New event: more rewards, so I won’t complain.
  21. I don’t know if someone has said it before, but what about Alm being the next legendary hero? Hero Alm can use Bows, so he could be a Colored Bow user. As some have suggested before, Celica holding Seraphim would be a blue mage. And Blessed Bow had a similar effect if I’m remembering well. So Alm could be a Blue Bow user holding a prf Blessed Bow
  22. This is what I expect: -Wooow! Much more heroes will join to the game! (See 1 banner and a GHB -.-) -New refines -Have you seen how cool Tactic Drills are? Yes? Don’t mind, let me show them again. -Free orbs...as a daily log-in bonus -A hint of who is the next Legendary Hero
  23. Yay! This game loves to make me crazy xD So, the other day I got a new 4* Roy for give my 5* another merge (would be +2). With his expensive skills (Aether, DC...) he would score the same as my +4 M!Marth (selene, 200Sp skills). At least, my score is going to increase anyway xD Also, I’ve realized something. I’ve been upset for a long time since I couldn’t get one of the 2 first copies of M!Marth, but I still can +10 her, since with 2 copies per TT that means 12 copies, and a 5*+10 means 11 copies :O
  24. Maybe you could inherit Poleaxe+ to the fourth member of the team ?
  25. I'm using him exclusively because I like Niles, I don't care if a unit is good or bad (even Odin can probably end up being a good unit with the proper investment, sure) The main issue here is that I need feathers for a few more units, so I don't want to give him something that's not going to be used, at least until I have no other units/fodder requiring feathers
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