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Javi Blizz

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Everything posted by Javi Blizz

  1. If next banner is nohrian related as some people has suggested and it needs to have at least an alt, my guess is that it'll feature Camilla as a Red Malig Knight (since we already have F!Morgan as a blue tome flier), with Charlotte (axe) following the same treatment as Shigure and Benny (lance) being the new unit. The GHB could be Shura, and the last and yet unknown how to obtain be Silas
  2. Concerning the issue about alts, I don't have any problem with them, as long as they have a different type of weapon or movement as their original counterparts. I find it much more problematic that Vanguard Ike is an infantry swordie just like regular Ike than the examples of Eirika or Grima. I know I'm like Slowpoke since people gave their opinion a while ago, but I had things to do! (Always missing the salty moments :( xd )
  3. Tbh, with GHBs such as Clarisse’s, I think I’ll just go up to the last reward and then forget about TT ranks. It’s just not worthy, imo
  4. So, I've finished with the B!Ike banner. The result has been 2 Brave Ikes, a 5* Hawkeye (which has completed my 4*+10 one) and a 5* Sheena. Not the best pity breakers, but neither the worst ones. Fortunately, it's the last time that they're gonna break my pity rate. Although I got those pity breakers, I'm still happy with the banner. Just 2 more copies to finish him (actually +8)! Now it's time to save again, he could appear in the next Legendary Banner Edit: it's strange, while I don't really like Ike neither in Fire Emblem or Smash Bros, Brave Ike has something that makes me feel it like a different character (probably just for the clothes), and a character that I like
  5. The main problem is that between work and studies, I have very few time to play. And this mode doesn't give me enough reasons to use that few time in it over other modes. At least, keeping the crests until then means that I can ensure 2-3 nodes in the last hour. I haven't even checked the map yet, but I hope we've been strongly loosing, so that would mean that like in the 2 previous battles, we can destroy in the last hours and get some positions. But as I said, this mode needs to be fixed. As it is, it's not appealing enough
  6. So, I haven't opened this mode since I got the reward feathers from battle 2. I've 6 conquest crest waiting for the last hour xD
  7. I see, thx @Vaximillian! If it wasn't for my 2 current projects, I'd make him 5* as soon as possible to replace F!Morgan in my ploy brigade
  8. Well, a green mage to make company to Arvis and Saias when? xd Also, is there any reason why Arvis’ Valflame and Saias’ tome (haven’t read it’s English name yet) has the same effect? Are they related or something?
  9. Yeah, it seems I was more tired than I thought hahaha
  10. Because F!Robin has by default Gronnwolf, so you would need to spend 20000 feathers in giving her gronnraven+, and M!Robin has blarraven+ by default
  11. Well, you can build the team that my friend has used for a lot of time: Vanilla Sigurd, Vanilla Brave Lyn, Vanilla Reinhardt + Vantage and Priscilla with Hone Cavalry. Also, a few combos that I use and you could try with your units: New Year Corrin + F!Robin (male Robin in your case). My F!Robin just runs the standard -raven set, which should be easy to get for M!Robin, since he has blarraven by default. That’s what I used for example for Navarre’s infantry infernal quest. Corrin has his vanilla set (+Def refine, but really I just use him as a buff bot). C!Robin + BK and H!Henry + Love!Eliwood are two combinations of armors that I usually use. Appart from their vanilla skills, Robin has Vantage, BK Fortify Armor, Henry has G!Tomebreaker (and Blarowl+, but sometimes I use his default tome) and Eliwood has Renewall. Guntrha + Arvis is the ploy fest. Actually, I’m using my ploy brigade a lot, which is Arvis/Guntrha/Felicia/F!Morgan. You can try to replace her with Saias (and I’ll probably do it!). Just remember to give them Ploy and/or Threaten seal. As for the askr trio, a good way to improve them is to give Axebreaker to Alfonse and Fury + Desperation to Anna. I hope you find this useful, if not, then we should just see the map in question
  12. Hey @Anacybele, just tell us which units you have. Maybe we can find a way to help you. Also, which sacred seals do you have upgraded? And which fodder do you actually have? Back on the topic of F2P guides, Pheonixmaster1 use most of the F2P with their vanilla sets, so there’s no SI problems (and the few exceptions are from 3* units) Finally, I’ve completed today both Camus and Saias Infernal maps. Saias was great, but Camuuuuu has been a bit underwhelming. Just half of the map suicided on my B!Ike between turn 1 and 2
  13. Well, from my experience, I can say that saving tons of orbs, while not guaranteed, makes it a lot easier to get the unit you want. Since I decided to make a +10 B!Ike, I’have almost only pulled in his banners. Which means that when some of them came, I had 300 F2P orbs. Actually is +8, and of course I have got a few pity breakers too (Merric, Hawkeye, Amelia or even Shiro in a session without green orbs). You can apply this also to get multiple characters instead of 10 copies of the same one. I’m not sure if I’m explaining it clearly. As for the difficulty, for example, Infernal Xander only required you to have: upgraded Xander to 5* (which is really helpful, is my most used red cav), have a F2P 4* Ursula, a F2P Sully and the only no F2P unit was a 4* Titania. It wasn’t even a 5*, but a 4* one. And the only skill inheritance required was a 3* Barst for Reposition and a 3* Henry for Green Tome Breaker. Just don’t give up, you’ll find a way to overcome those missions with your units :3 Also, now they are stamina free, so you can try as much as you need!
  14. I really like infernal too. And there’s not much difference either. The other day I missclicked and did the Water Blessing team mission of Berkut in infernal instead of lunatic. And I’m F2P, so it’s not like you need to be a whale to overcome those maps
  15. In my realm, Team Sharena is doing quite bad too (and I'm in that team). However, I think people maybe have learnt from battle 1 and are just saving their crests. I think last round (22/22) happens to be while I wake up before going to work, so I'll blow my stamina bar and a couple of crests to try to guarantee 1-2 spots for the feather
  16. Although I was playing tier 20 this week (which I usually play on easy to just reach 4000+ points for the rewards), I decided to see how far/near to stay I was, since it was water season and I've Fjorm in my core, so I had 1 free spot. I got my highest score ever, 5050, although it's only rank 7424, which is not enough. However, I'm happy to see my score over 5000, even if it's only due to 3 Water Blessings. Got my highest score ever in Arena Assault too, 5034, which is currently rank 5676. 3rd week in a row with a defense win (since I got my first Rein ever 3 weeks ago, I've the most hated defense core ever, Rein/B!Lyn/Axura). This has been the guys who have given my those highscores: Brave Ike 5*+8 [+HP/-Res] Fjorm 5*+0 Masked Marth 5*+4 Michalis 5*+2 However, I hope to get a better 4th scorer than Michalis for the next Fjorm season!
  17. Lol, vanilla 5* Nowi with def refined breath and Distant Defense 3 sacred seal almost soloes this GHB xD Paired her with Celica, Beruka and Priscilla for the Fire Blessing quest and literally all they did was Celica damaging the Green cav and Beruka kill the last enemy (Watersweep mage)
  18. Yay, I was pulling in the Brave Ike banner, which applies the old 5* system, since I had a 4% (and will be pulling in it as much as I can before it's gone) and I got a fabulous 5* Hawkeye -.- I think I'll sacrifice him to my 4*+¿6?¿7?, but this time (since I forgot to do it with Merric), I'll level him to 40 first.
  19. I’ve made some maths and I’m going to start using flags without multipliers. It’s that or just not using it because I’ll go to bed in a few hours and I still have 1200 flags
  20. Hey guys, I keep reading here that it is tonight, but my ingame notification says that it is tomorrow (april 10th), is it tonight or not?
  21. @silveraura25 @Humanoid, I looked PM1’s guide (don’t know why I didn’t before asking), but I don’t have reposition fodder (my Xander has swap) so I’ll have to wait. On the other hand, I completed some chain challenges (only the last one left) and the newest squad assault...just to get a bunch of 4 stars (and even no Barst for reposition xd) Well, it seems that I won’t get the 2 copies of B!Ike left from this banner xd
  22. Is the cavalry mage that is next to Xander, so you have to tank both of them
  23. Any idea of how to deal with Xander’s quest with cavalry units? I don’t have Sigurd, and the keen gronnwolf mage kills my Xander. I’m using Rein/BLyn/Xander/Cecilia (gronnblade)
  24. Yay, another B!Ike banner! After my 100 F2P orbs, I’ve got 2 more copies, so it’s actually +8! :D Sadly, idt I can get enough orbs for another copy
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