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Javi Blizz

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Everything posted by Javi Blizz

  1. I don't think there's any problem with Halloween banner starting late October and finishing early November, as in other games I've played like this it was quite common even to have banners out of date
  2. Best thing about Azura being green is that if I don't get her, at least it should be possible to pull an Hector (DC fodder is always nice hahaha)
  3. Also, do you think that they'll give us orbs as they sometimes do when releasing a new banner? 'Cause with 77 orbs I don't expect to get Azura, just a bunch of 4* xd
  4. Some of you have said something about a sinergy between this Azura and Berkut. What I'm missing? I'd really like to use Berkut, so I'm interested in that combo
  5. I was refering to GHB and BHB, for Arena I have my Horse Emblem Team and my Flier Emblem Team
  6. I was considering to use Clarisse, as her bow could be useful to debuff enemies too, although she is quite frail I think. Maybe one of her teammates should have Reposition. The only teammate I'm sure about would be Hector/BK depending on the map, so they can take advantage of the chip damage and OHKO things in Infernal in both PP or EP. What do you think? Is it too crazy to work? xd
  7. Does the effects of Poison Strike and Savage Blow activate "at the same time"? I mean, if a unit has both skills, does both of them have effect, or just only one of them? Since one is slot B and the other slot C I think there shouldn't be any problem, but I don't want to waste both units and SP It's for an idea that I've been thinking about for GHB and BHB
  8. I think this is the easiest Infernal map I've played by far. Just a fail and the next time I'd cleared the stage. My team was Xander/Camus/Brave Lyn/Gunter (I need more Gunters!)
  9. Witch! Camilla (Red tome, with the wyvern cosplaying as a broom) Vampire! (M) Robbin (Sword) Death! Faye (Axe, prefibly a schyte) Pumpkin! Xander (Dagger, he uses pumpkins instead)
  10. Thanks @Xenomata! I have a few units that I'd like to promote to 5*, so I don't see myself using 20k feathers just for SI, at least for a while. This units are: Effie, Valter, Catria and Zephiel. So, I think I agree, Valter is the next one. Thanks @Ice Dragon! It really sounds a funny set, maybe I'll try to make it the next time that Narcian is available (I still could get the one from Infernal map)
  11. Okey, thanks for the info :) And what do you think about my other question?
  12. I'm near 20k feather again thx to TT, so I have a new "who upgrade to 5*" question: I have Valter (since last time the choosen one was Legion) and Effie (but she's +SPD/-DEF if I'm not wrong, so it doesn't seem to be a good nature). Both are 4* lvl 40. On one hand, I could use Valter in my flier team to replace Palla (as long as I get another Palla for SI). On the other hand, I could use Effie to make an Armor Emblem (with Hector, BK (I'm at 26.4 points now), and maybe Sheena (+1), as I don't have the Armor March girl, my Zephiel is 3* and Draug is not an option). Which one would you upgrade? Edit: also, how can I see the nature of a +1 unit? I made Sheena +1 before I knew natures were a thing, and now I'm interested in knowing how she is
  13. I'm running Elincia, Hinoka, Minerva, Palla (it's my flying team, as I don't have S!Camilla or S!Corrin). I've done 24.6k without using stamina potions, but I'm so tired of facing archers usually in places where my only chance to attack them is using Minerva with her defensive special (at least it's only 1 cooldown with Hauteclaire) and buffs...and that doesn't even work against Gordin or other Brave Bow+ users... Let's hope they release a flier red mage or a flier archer that isn't in a seassonal banner...xd
  14. Maybe we'll get a Gray orb Xander? I mean, we still have red, green and blue orb Xander in the rooster (sadly I couldn't get the seassonal ones), so that way people can do a full Xander team hahahahaha
  15. I think that my top 5 of units I'd like to see is: 5)Iago 4)Dorca 3)Jake or Beck 2)Emperor Rudolf 1) Etzel
  16. Free pull in the new baner and it's 5* Eliwood. It's my second 5* from a free pull xd
  17. Laslow and Subaki. I'm so tired of pulling them. And Laslow is probably in a 99% of the times a 3*
  18. Does 4* Masked Marth has any use or can I use them to give SP to my 5* Masked Marth?
  19. Fire from Darkness 40%: Marth, Caeda, Merric, Linde 20%:Cain, Abel, Jagen, Etzel (TT reward)
  20. Does the effect of Triangle Adept 3 affect a unit who also has a gem weapon? I mean, for example, if I have Selena with TA3 and Ruby Sword, does her attack stat boost 20% and then another 20%?
  21. I know, but as soon as I could, I promoted Sharena, Alfonse and Anna to 5* lvl 40, as I think there's always one of them included in the arena bonus heroes.
  22. Thanks @Rinco and @Bartozio, I had forgotten that Black Night was the next TT reward heroe. Is it known how many points will be necessary for the 5* version? Also, I think I'll promote Legion then, as having Hinoka, you're right that Valter is not so necessary.
  23. Elisse in the first Norhian banner. I still use her very often in my teams
  24. Hi guys, I have 22K feathers and I want to upgrade any of these heroes from 3* to 5*, but I'm not sure who I should. I have no team in mind, it's more for GHB and that stuff. So, who should I upgrade: Zephiel, Valter or Legion?
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