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Javi Blizz

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Everything posted by Javi Blizz

  1. Wow, I think this has been the most difficult so far for me. Did hard with Horse Emblem (Xander, Camus, Elise, BH!Lyn), lunatic with Armor Emblem (BK, H!Henry, H!Jakob and a random Heavy Spear 4* Effie) and Infernal with Flier Emblem (my Arena Core Palla/Michalis/Hinoka + Elincia). It took me 26 turns, as I was most time in the water spots and just separing armor enemies and killing them while they were alone. One time I lost due to the Fortress Def armor having Ignis charged and all my units with low HP -.-
  2. I finished in rank 230 aprox. This is the VG where I've got more feathers so far. Also, thanks to @Momentai~'s Barst and @Usana's Amelia, this couldn't have been posible without your help :')
  3. Well, 400 flags used in this multiplier. 800 flags left. I hope this goes back and forth for a while to burn them during multipliers before going to sleep. It’s that or going to sleep later than usual
  4. Hi, I'd like to add to the list the build I'm running: It is thought mostly for content such as Tempest Trials. With Berkut's Lance + (+Res), Water Boost and Close Defense, this enemy phase and baiting unit does a bit more damage using Iceberg than Bonfire. His B skill is Renewall (still waiting for you, Fae ) to keep Water Boost active. The Sacred Seal spot used to be HP+5, but weapon refinery has given us that free slot by building HP+ into his weapon. His assist is Reciprocal Aid, both to heal an ally before moving to the next map or stalling an ally's life to keep Water Boost active. Finally, C-slot is cavalry support.
  5. First 10 flags spent. I know it's risky, but this is a game, right? I'll keep my spending plan trying to be total rank 200 like in the rounds before. Also @Momentai~, I've sent you a request, my lead is actually a Michalis with Heavy Blade, Quick Riposte and Aether
  6. Yes. Since I’m only receiving blue and colorless units, I put her for helping with the flag quests
  7. Has anyone in team Faye received my Palla yet? Is she doing well?
  8. Nice, I got rank #237, highest rank in a team ever. I think having Faye made the difference. Now it’s time to win the gaunlet for the stalker goddes, guys!
  9. Could you tell me your ID? I need some green pals for the flag quests (I want to use my recently finished funny Faye)
  10. @Sunwoo, which is your ID? Since we're both on the same team, I think I should send you a request
  11. @bethany81707, how is my Faye doing? Is it fun to use or would you prefer something else?
  12. @Talandar, I’m actually running F!Robin in my Arena Team and she receives almost no damage from blues. It’s +1 and has Gronnraven+, Draw Back, Ignis, TA3, Bowbreaker 3 and Hone Atk 3, with the Spd +2 Sacred Seal
  13. @mampfoid @XRay, thanks :D I’ll see then, if no defense boosting skill is necessary, and due to his high def, maybe I’ll consider giving him Lote’s Shield (although that would mean one merge less for my Michalis D: )
  14. Could someone do some maths for me or tell me how to do them? I want to see the match up of 2-3 Subaki's builds against Black Night, since aside of BH!Lyn, he's the main problem my Flier Emblem team has to face (since including F!Robin wouldn't counter him as she does with BH!Lyn and Rein) and he'll probably be my next project. However, I want to see some numbers first. I want to compare a Subaki with neutral Atk and Neutral def (worst scenario, as I won't promote a -Atk or -Def one) with: Sapphire Lance +, Steady Stance or Armored Blow (here's my main question), Quick Riposte and Bonfire against Black Night (Black Luna charged if possible), Steady Stance (+6 Def, while Steady Breath is better, it gives +4 Def, and I'm looking worst scenarios) and Vantage. Neither Subaki or Black Night would have buffs or debuffs. I'd need to know both Player Phase and Enemy Phase calcs. Thanks!
  15. Since Michalis is one of the bonus units this season I thought "Why not running my Flier Emblem team?" I know the answer now, it's unable to win 7 matches in a row -.- This is it (although I need to work on the Sacred Seals, and Guidance in Michalis wan't there during my tries): *Image deleted due to attachments space* Skill translations: So I did this change: *Image deleted due to attachments space* F!Robin translation: This has helped me to handle with the so common BH!Lyn in Arena, and now I'm with 4688 points (it hasn't been a deathless run). I want to come back to tier 19 (dropped today to tier 18). How would you improve the team? I think Hinoka is the biggest problem, she hits weak, doesn't resist almost anything (dies even with WTA), but I don't have any other blue flier for this season (I'm actually working in Cordelia, but she's still 4* and hasn't almost any SI, and while I've 5* Valter, he's with his vanilla kit, and I've very few SI left).
  16. Finished at rank 5200, I hate the last few hours 'cause here is aprox between 4-6 A.M. Well, at least I got enough feathers from HM trying to get top 5K to fix the loss of those 2000 feathers
  17. 153K points at rank 3130. Depending on how my rank goes down from now to one hour, I’ll consider to go to sleep or push a bit more
  18. Well, I’ll use a few stamina potions more then, since I wont be playing the last 5-6 hours
  19. 150.4K points, rank 3675, do you think this will keep me in top 5K?
  20. Which Wo Dao ++ would you give to a -HP +Def Palla? I was thinking on the +Atk version, but I’m not sure if +Spd is better
  21. Okey, so time to push very hard tonight, thanks!
  22. Thanks to TT and 2xSP, her body is ready for the VG: *Image deleted due to attachments space* Firesweep Bow+ Draw Back Noontime HP+5 Poison Strike 3 Savage Blow 3 Savage Blow 1 SS No one will stop her now in her road to Alm, even Alm himself muahahahahaha *Image deleted due to attachments space*
  23. These are my newest projects: *Image deleted due to attachments space* First of all, Joshua. He carries his default weapon, Audhulma, Pivot as his assist and Moonbow as his special. 1 CD Moonbow is pretty good. For his A slot I've chosen Close Defense. That plus the Sacred Seal makes him so bulky that he can solo maps even if there are blue melees. For his B slot I put Vantage, although I'm not sure if I'll change it. For his C slot, Def Ploy is quite solid due to his high Res and helps to make up his low attack. *Image deleted due to attachments space* Next one is Michalis. Since I got the 2 characters I didn't want from the Legendary Banner, I needed to do something with them. So I sacrificed them to Michalis (Ike and Deidre). He carries Hauteclare (although I have to refine it, but I'm lacking of dew atm), his assist is Draw Back, his special is Aether, his A slot is Heavy Blade, his B slot Quick Riposte and C slot his default Threaten Def, although I'm waiting for a 4* Palla to give him Hone Fliers. Atm he's using Guidance Sacred Seal, but it'll probably change. This has been my biggest investment ingame so far, 22K feathers for promoting him, 2 5* exclusives for his A and B skills and 20K feathers for Aether (Chrom) *Image deleted due to attachments space* Finally Palla from my Flier Emblem team. She's waiting to be promoted to 5*, but I wave a few promotions to do before. Her weapon is Wo Dao+ (not sure which refine to do), her assist is Harsh Command (for those Panic Ploy Seals), her special is Moonbow, A skill is Sturdy Blow (she has SB2, but I need SP), WoM2 (WoM3 when I promote her) and Hone Fliers. Actually she has the Fortify Def SS What do you think guys?
  24. Wait a sec, isn't that PA!Olivia instead of the regular one? :O
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