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Javi Blizz

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Everything posted by Javi Blizz

  1. So maybe could I fix my -Spe/+Res Celica this way? Could run Mirror Strike 2, R or G Tomebreaker 3, Threaten Res 3 for example?
  2. Which characters would find useful having mirror strike (+4 Atk/Res) in their A skill? I’m a fan of dual blows (my 5* Palla runs Sturdy Blow), since they have 2 useful stat boosts and they cost 240 SP for Arena
  3. Spur Atk would be a nice seal to combine with Ephraim/Eirika. Siegmund/Sieglinde + Rally Def/Res + Hone Speed C-skill + Spur Atk (since Hone Atk wouldn't stack with Siegs) for complete fun! :D Other seals I'd like to see are defensive blows and stances (no Death Blow or Darting Blow, just Armored Blow and Warding Blow, the same with Steady Stance and Warding Stance but not Fierce Stance, I think there's no Stance for speed)
  4. I suppose that it’s because you’re killing a Brave Ike to make a discount Brave Ike, which seems bad business, while Bartre can find his niche in other roles where he has less competitors
  5. C!Robin is okay, maybe change Swordbreaker for Lancebreaker if you can, although I think he's fast enough. For H!Jakob, if you really want to do as much damage as possible, I'd go for Death Blow 3 and Atk+3 SS. Fury would give you as much atk as Atk+3 A slot, while also risking Wary Fighter. Another option could be Brave Bow +, although it's more expensive, and Panic is nice in Arena. Maybe refining Monstrous Bow with +Atk? It's just a matter of see how many Atk you need to OHKO Lyn. For H!Henry, as he wants to be near his buddies to use Armor March, I decided to give him Gronnowl+. However, I haven't decided yet which skills give to him (as I couldn't get a second C!Tharja for Close Counter) so he's actually sitting in the bench. I remember I give him G Tomebreaker for B, but I don't remember why :/ Alfonse is okay, just give him a Hone Sacred Seal. Maybe use his default Spur Atk 3 since H!Jakob has Hone Armor and you could give H!Henry or C!Robin Hone Armor too (I'm running only 1 Armor March with 3 armors and I usually don't have movement issues, but maybe is for WoM positioning). That way, you could boost H!Jakob's atk by 10 (+6 Hone Armor, +4 Spur Atk) I hope you find this useful, and I think after what I've just said of positioning I'm going to try WoM in H!Henry as soon as I've another Cain, so it's been useful for me too xD Edit 1: I'm running the maths on Kagerochart and with Hone Armor + Spur Atk, even with Atk+3 A and Atk+3 SS neutral H!Jakob can OHKO BH!Lyn. Now I'm going to see how needed are Hone and Spur Edit 2: Without the Spur Atk, only DB3 achieves to OHKO BH!Lyn, and this can only be achieved in Player Phase. The maths has been run considering neutral 5* H!Jakob with his default Monstrous Bow + (non refined) vs neutral 5*+10 BH!Lyn with her default set Hope you find this useful @Cute Chao
  6. I was bouncing between 18-19 when playing my Flier Emblem, so I decided to move to armors and make my debut on tier 20 last week (although it was impossible for me to stay there) This is what I'm running: C!Robin: Tannenboom! + (Speed ref), Reciprocal Aid, Bonfire, Brazen Atk/Spe 3, Vantage 3, Armor March 3, Atk Smoke 3. Reciprocal Aid is there as the only source of "healing" of the team and fits well at the end of the match when you need a certain unit (Robin or other) with enough HP to kill that enemy so you can steal ally's while still being in Brazen range or give Robin's HP. As I'm running units with high defense, I thought that Atk Smoke would be funny. His role is the main attacker of the team if there's no WTD. BK: Alondite, Swap, Black Luna, Steady Stance 3, Wings of Mercy 3, Fortify Armor, Panic Ploy 2 He's one of the 2 bait units of the team. With Swap and WoM he can move/teleport to any point where he is needed to be blocking the way. Hector: Armads, Pivot, Ignis, Distant Counter, Wings of Mercy 3, Goad Armor, Quickened Pulse Same role as BK's. Since he has built-in QR2, I decided to give him a more offensive SS Alfonse: Fólkvangr, Pivot, Sol, Death Blow 3, Axe Breaker 3, Spur Atk 3, Hone Speed 1 His main role is countering B!Ike and Amelia whithout needing to waste BK for that. Tbh, I'm much happier with him than expected. I decided to keep his prf weapon to make up for the low score of the SS. My next Aether fodder is going to be for him.
  7. I run a similar team (I mean, 3 armor + a bonus unit): C!Robin, BK, Hector and Alfonse. With Henry being able to range attack, I recommend you trying BK once you finish your run. I'm in Tier 19 too, and got 4878 points, although I think I got 1 death in the last map (not sure if I can go to Tier 20 with it, though). If you want, we can share our sets, since maybe we can both find something helpful for the other one :)
  8. Lol, I put a team with 3 3* lvl 1 Bartres and my 5* BH!Lyn as my defense team and has got yet a win (although only worth 191 points) It’s funny, because it’s more than what I got with no joke teams lol
  9. Back to tier 19, I’ll try to achieve tier 20 again next week. Also, 0 defense wins again, I need to think what to do with this carefully
  10. Hi @Ice Dragon, first of all I’d like to apologize, since maybe I didn’t explain my point of view with the correct words. I was trying to say a few different things: When I was talking about the demotions from the 4*-5* pool to the 3*-4* pool, it’s about units which are indeed in the 4* pool anyways. So we wouldn’t be putting more Est and Oboro in the 4* pool, as they already are there. What I was trying to say with the reduction of those 18 units in the 5* pool isn’t about improving your chances of getting a certain 5* unit off-focus (because that would be the opposite to make money), but improving the quality of the 5* units that you pull. Maybe I’m wrong, since I don’t know how to run the maths, but I think this could reduce the risk of getting more easily an off-focus 5* than a focus 5*, while as other people pointed, could reduce the dissappointment of getting a worthless 5* breaking your pity rate. Also, I know that the demotions I proposed from a few 5* exclusives to the 4*-5* pools won’t probably happen, but if there were any demotion from that pool, who do you think that could be demoted? I hope this doesn’t sound as if I’m trying to argue or something, just being curious
  11. Do you think that in the next CYL (if they do it), they will skip Ike, Lucina, Roy and Lyn from the pool? And both Ikes? (This could be applied too to Dorcas, Lute, Joshua and Mia I guess) Can't wait to see Bartre getting a CYL version :D
  12. Refering to what's being said about demotions (not onlye from 5* to 4*-5*, but stop them being 5*), I think this ones could make complete sense: -M!Corrin (to 3*-4*): Def +3 and Obstruc 3 are skills that almost no one would be interested for SI. The only thing he has for a 5* unit is his prf weapon, which desperately needs a refinement. -Caeda (to 3*-4*): Her useful skills are unlocked at 4*, so it makes no sense to have her in the 5* pool, other than from a marketing perspective of the character. -Cain (to 3*-4*): Same as Caeda. -Karel (to 4*-5*): Athena is better than him regarding SI, so if she's in this pool, he sould too. -Saber (to 4*-5*): Shield Pulse has been given in a F2P unit (Fjorm), and Slaying wapons are much easier to get now, so I think he should move down one pool. -Lilina (to 3*-4*): Same as Caeda. -Abel (to 3*-4*): Same as Caeda -Catria (to 3*-4*): Same as Caeda. (The wiki says she's in 4*-5*, although I think I've a 3* one) -Claire (to 3*+4*): Marth is Spur Speed 3 fodder since SI exist, and HnR is unlocked at 4* -Lukas (to 3*-4*): He has a Killer weapon, which is inferior to Slaying weapons, and Fortress Def is yet available in 4* Seth. -Peri (to 3*-4*): Same as Caeda. -Olwen (to 4*-5*): Come on, Reinhart is even in this pool while powercreeping her sister, why should she still be 5* exclusive? -Hawkeye (to 3*-4*): Death Blow at 4* fodder exist, Slaying weapons exist. He has literally nothing to be a 5* pool unit. -Sheena (to 3*-4*): Same as Caeda -Merric (to 3*-4*): similar to M!Corrin, even having a refined (or upgraded in this case) prf weapon, his default skills and stat distribution makes it difficult to justify him being in the 5* pool. -Rebbeca (to 3*-4*): Same as Caeda. -Jakob (to 3*-4*): He has nothing interesting to offer that justifies him being in the 5* pool. -Lachesis (to 3*-4*): Same as Jakob. -Lucius (to 3*-4*): Martyr and Miracle are unlocked at 4*, so there's no point on having him in the 5* pool. -Maria (to 3*-4*): we don't need lolis Same as Jakob. -Sakura (to 3*-4*): Same as Jakob. As you can see, my main issue isn't 5* exclusives, but unit's in the 4*-5* pool which doesn't need to continue there. This means 18 5* units less in the pool. I think the problem isn't skills locked to 5* exclusives, but the difficult to get an off-focus 5* exclusive. Other demotions I'd like to see but don't excpect to happen are: -Alm (to 4*-5*): Marth is still a Falchion user which is available in this pool and Windsweep 3 is avaliable for SI at 4* in a F2P unit. -Gray (to 4*-5*): we have access to many of the anti-horse weapons in the 4* pool or by F2P units (gronnwolf in F!Robin, blárwolf in Ursula, horseslayer in Mathilda...) -Ogma (to 3*-4*): although he has good stats, I don't think he should be in the 5* pool, as he doesn't offer much in terms of SI, appart from a Brave Sword +. -Tharja (to 3*-4*): Nino is in this pool and basically is green Tharja (or even better) in terms of SI. -Soren (to 3*-4*): the only thing I see for him being in the 5* pool is to skip paying 20000 feathers for Watersweep 3. -Leon (to 3*-4*): Slaying Bow is the only thing I think keeps him in the 5* pool. -Mist (to 3*-4*): she doesn't offer anything relatively important. However, I can't see them moving a 5* exclusive to this pool. Maybe to the 4*-5* one. This would mean another 4 units less in the 5* pool, which would be very nice. Also, with these changes and the addition of a bunch of news 3*-4* units (Bantu, Cord, Python...) people would have a reason to pull more for 3*-4* units, at least for a few months. I hope I haven't made too many mistakes while writting, and i'd like to know your opinion guys! :3
  13. In the game: Reinhart. I mean, I've been playing since launch and didn't even get a 4* one. And I have a friend who started playing actively a few weeks ago (he played a bit during summer) and has got 4! C'mon game, it's time to give me a Rein pls Not in the game: Bantu. It would be nice having a manakete that isn't a loli or a final boss, you know
  14. What I want them to do: give us 5* NY!Corrin, give us 20000 feathers and 20 orbs, add a bunch of new 3*-4* units (such as Bantu, Benny or Kamui), make some demotions from the 5* exclusive pool (maybe Saber, Olwen...), a re-run of all GHB at the same time, 2x SP and EXP, Warriors Maps again and more story chapters. What I think they’ll do: a 2 weeks log-in bonus celebrating 1st anniversary, give us a useless 4* NY!Corrin and say “hey look, did you know that you can get Fjorm, a 5* hero, just by completing chapter 1 of book II?”
  15. Here is my new project. She's 4*+5 (want to make her 4*+10) and although she has a very bad nature (+Spe/-Def I guess), it can be solved with next merges. She has Slaying Axe + (Def refinement), Pivot, Ignis, Close Counter 3, Quick Riposte 3, Goad Fliers and Iote's Sheld Sacred Seal. She tanks a lot of things (at least in PvE). I was thinking on use as the base a -Res or -Spe one, but I'm not sure if I prefer +Def or +Atk. Also, have they reduced the image size that you can upload? I couldn't even put the full image :/
  16. Is there any news about the free hero (NY!Corrin or whoever they give (I bet that if he's the gift, it won't be as a free 5*, maybe 4*?)) they told on Twitter? Could be given tomorrow?
  17. One more for the 11 PM team (I'm from Spain). 800 flags left, and waiting for a Tharja multiplier. Althought I wouldn't mind same hell to stay until the end tbh, I have a good ranking (400) and I don't want to be awake until 2-3 AM (4AM is too)
  18. Hey guys, what do you recommend me for a +Res/-Spe Celica? I think I’ll have to use Speed+ Sacred Seal, but don’t know about the other skills
  19. After 25-30 orbs in the Anti Cavalry banner snipping red, I got Celica instead of Gray. I think I’ve never been happier for an off-focus unit xD
  20. @Ice Dragon, is it known if there is easier to pull Gray or an off-focus 5*? I'm interested in Zanbato (and in Gray, but more in Zanbato), and I'm going to snipe red anyway, but just for knowing
  21. I didn't expect to have almost done 100K (97.8K) considering the stamina needed for VG stuff, but I think I'll get all the rewards today or tomorrow. Then I think I'll stop, I don't think I'll end in top 5-10K and neither want to play more time this TT
  22. Thanks @Prince Endriu and @Ice Dragon. I have the same feeling about doing 4* merges, but as none of these units will be in my main Arena Core (or at least I think so) making them 5* and merge them seems a bit expensive for me (since I prefer to merge 5* Palla over a 5* Stahl, or 5*Michalis over a 5*Cecilia). In the worst scenario, with 22K feathers I could have any 4*+10 if I've enough copies (the other day a friend did a 4*+10 Gunter for his Horse Emblem relatively easy) And yes, I'm giving them 5* weapons, not only for better performance, but for scoring too. When I finish my current project (only missing to give Killer Axe+ to Beruka, since improving it doens't require feather) I think I'm going to start with Stahl, since he's the one that doens't have any merge yet. Actually, Cecilia is +4, Sophia is +1, Olivia is +1 (but I've like 3 3*in my barracks), Hana is +1 and Subaki is 5* I like that budget Stahl. Although LnD3 sounds pretty interesting, I prefer to give it to, for example Soleil, so I think I'll go for Fury. Seeing how many reds I think, maybe it's time to pull from the new banner hahaha. One last thing, any suggestion for getting Defense Wins? I almost never get even one, and last week when I took out the bonus unit got 2, but with low results (maybe 200 points?)
  23. Are there 240 SP skills for A and C slot which aren't from 5* exclusive units? I know that for B there are things such as WoM, ER and Poison Strike, but I was wondering for the other slots in order to make some 4*+10 arena bonus units. In A, all I can think are dual blows (Sturdy Blow, Swift Sparrow...) and I think only Sturdy Blow could be got by upgrading a 4* to 5*, the others I think were from 5* exclusive units
  24. @Prince Endriu @MrSmokestack, thanks! I need merges for my Flier Emblem (choose Palla/Subaki/Michalis over for example Elincia, Hinoka or Minerva because it’s easier to merge them, as 2 of them are 3-4* available and the other is a GHB), so while I don’t merge them I’ve had to move to Armor Emblem. Another question, which skills would you recommend me for those bonus units 4*+10? I now I want to make Cecilia and Sophia Raven TA, but I don’t know what to make with the others (other than WoM 3 for Olivia). Which skills (maybe 240 SP skills which are easy to get) could I put on A, B and C? WoM 3 on everyone? xd
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