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Javi Blizz

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Everything posted by Javi Blizz

  1. Who is a good Wo Dao user? I’ve pulled 2 4* Athena and I really don’t know what to inherit from her (Wo Dao, Moonbow for non-sword users, or even upgrading her to 5* for her A-slot)
  2. You’re all saying that Jakob is going to break your pity rates of Sakura...I think Sakura is the one that is going to break my rate looking for Armored Jakob xd
  3. Well, I think they could have been a bit more original with the designs, however I think I'll speend some orbs here
  4. Where have you watched the trailer? I can't find it :(
  5. This GHB has been very easy with my Hector/BK/PA!Azura/Wyrs team, both lunatic and infernal cleared on the first try
  6. Does effects like Darting/Death Blow, Fury and/or support count for -blade weapons? And which is better for -blade tome users, Fury or LaD?
  7. Yeah, I totally forgot about Desperation, ‘cause I’m still building the team. I think I’ll go with PA!Azura or Eirika then Also, is always necessary Desperation in -blade tome users? I was thinking about using Arvis not as the common -blade tome user, due to its speed, maybe with his ring and Ardent Sacrifice?
  8. Hi guys, can Arvis be used as a -blade tome user? I don’t really like Tharja and I don’t have any Celica, so I was thinking about using him in my infantry -blade tome team Also, is there any useful option of making a healer or a passive healer which can also buff the -blade tome users? Maybe a buffing Linde? xd
  9. Is there any green or blue infantry unit with similar stats than Selena? I actually like using her as a meat shield in PvE content where she can block the way using her vanilla set (TA2 and Threaten Spd 3) and I was wondering if I can do something similar with the other 2 colours. For Blue I’m thinking on Lukas, but I have no idea who should I consider for the green version
  10. Hi guys, I have some fodder that I'm not sure which characters would benefit using it: -Wings of Mercy 3 (Maybe PA!Azura?) -2x Fortify Fliers -Gronnblade (not +) and Draw Back from a 4* Nino -Hone Spd 3 -BoL 3 (This one is for my passive healer) -Dragon Fang And then, by promoting to 4*: -Glacies -Vantage 3 -Lightning Breath -Hone Res 3 or Dragon Fang -2x Desperation 3 or Iceberg -Darting Blow 3 -Bonfire -2x Hone Def 3 or Luna -Hone Cavalry (Maybe Cecilia for changing just Gunter for her on my Horse Emblem?) -Atk +3 -Poison Strike 3
  11. I prefer them to do like that xd That way, it's probable that tomorrow I'll have 6x and 7x bonuses for my flags Edit: I've spent 0 flags in this round yet, only using the 1x and the bonus
  12. Hi guys! Actually, I'm trying to build F!Robin. It's actually 5* lvl 40+1, and it has Gronnwolf+, Ignis, Bowbreaker 3, Hone Atk 3 and the Sacred Seal Speed +1. I want to put her Triangle Adept 3 as soon as I have some Roy fodder, but I'm not sure about what Assist to use. I know Reposition is the most common, but maybe there's something else which works better. Also, do you think I should upgrade the seal to Speed +2? Speed +3 isn't an option atm, since I want to create Distant Defense 3 when I have enough big badges
  13. I decided to save my flags for day 2 of M!Corrin’s bonus, and it seems it’s been a good idea! Let’s see if I finish in 1K~5K Last round, I burnt them everytime that a bonus was available and finished only in the 5K~10K range :/
  14. For Hard and Lunatic I used my Horse Emblem Team, with 5* Xander, 5* Camus, 5* BH!Lyn and 4* +1 Gunter For Infernal, I changed the team to 5* Hector, 5* Black Knight, 5* PA!Azura and 4* +2? (I’m not sure) Wyrs
  15. 5* Luke from the free pull on the new banner! I’m starting to think that I’m luckier with free pulls than snipping hahaha
  16. This is insane, it’s the third time in 2 hours that there’s a bonus on the M!Corrin side! I think I’ll use a stamina potion to get flags for this third bonus
  17. I know the song belongs to FE Echoes, but as it also appears in Heroes, I think I can put it here xd
  18. JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA I love we are number one memes, but I think this one could possibly be the best one I've ever seen x'D
  19. After 92 orbs + free pull: Azura and Inigo. My job in this banner is done.
  20. Also, was it just me, or there were too few green orbs? Except for 2 pulls, the was only 1 or even 0 green orbs. I was afraid I'd pull Olivia instead, as when there was no green orb, I pulled gray instead looking for some fodder. Worst thing is that I haven't got almost any useful fodder, just a bunch of 3* xd
  21. Yes! YES! YEEEEEEEEEEEEES! Just in the last orb, but thanks for appearing Azura TvT And Inigo too. Well, now it's time to start saving orbs again for the Genealogy banner
  22. Well,92 orbs + the free summon, looking for Azura...let's start the game. I'll be dissapointed here saying that I've pulled nothing, btw
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