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Javi Blizz

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Everything posted by Javi Blizz

  1. If anyone is gonna be in Team Faye, here is my ID: 6390206444
  2. I'm at 137.6K points atm, rank 5500 aprox, does anyone knows which could be top 5K? I need to push because I need those feathers, but I don't want to fall from top 5K while sleeping
  3. Well, I think it’s time to support the yandere godess :D
  4. Yes, I know, I have a 4* Henry waiting to be upgraded to give his tome to Sophia. I want to make a Flier Core for Arena (Elincia/Michalis/Hinoka), but I need to think about B!Lyn counters, that’s why I asked about Raven mages. Any other bonus unit who could help?
  5. I’ve been wondering if the ‘random bonus units’ from rotation are really random or are always the same every X time. If that’s the case, which Raven mages are on the rotation? Maybe Cecilia, M!Robin or Sophia?
  6. Another full pull and another Deirdre. And it’s 3 in a row. And she was almost the only character (and Ike) that I didn’t want from the banner T.T
  7. How does Arena Score works? I mean, is there any way of knowing how many points does your team/unit have or something?
  8. Well, I think I’ll go for the +Res way then, since my Berkut runs Water Boost and Iceberg
  9. Which would be a better upgrade for Berkut’s Lance, +Spe or + Res? While +Res sounds nice, with +Spe and Speed+3 Sacred Seal, he reaches 28 speed before cavalry buffs, which doesn’t sound too bad
  10. What about this idea that I've just found? Michalis: Hauteclare Reposition Aether (Sol/Luna until I get 20000K to promote Chrom) Heavy Blade 3 Quick Riposte 3 (I have Deirdre too) Threaten Def 3
  11. I have a regular Ike for SI, but, which skill should I use, Heavy Blade or Aether? And to who? Or should I merge him whith my previous one?
  12. I'm so salty, 180 orbs just to get 2 Deidre (which I still had +1) and Ike (which I still had too). I mean, they were almost the only 2 units I didn't want from this banner!
  13. Mae and Boey? Although that would be 3 pairs from SoV, but the credit's post-histories said that they ended together and had lots of kids
  14. BK and Wyrs works well together. Both are F2P units (I use Wyrs with its vanilla set and the only SI in BK is Swap and Fortify Armor). Put them with a dancer and a green armor and you should be ok
  15. I wish Berkut’s Lance+ upgrade had some kind of effect like Kriemhild in SoV (DC and deflect missile, plus the original res boost from Berkut’s Lance). However, being an inheritable weapon I don’t see this happening :(
  16. I think this one has been the easiest BHB so far. Cleared al the difficulties with my thipical BK/Hector/PA!Azura/Wrys. Also, nice that they choose the map where you recruit Charlotte and Beni in Conquest for this BHB, as you fight Takumi there
  17. Watching a reviewing video about the farfetched heroes banner, when at the end PM1 was talking about the new features that will be added to the game, I noticed 2 things: first of all, when the mage attacks Fjorn, (the cooldown isn't still charged) it appears the damage that se deals to the opponent below the life indicator, in the same way as if the mage was attacking, for example, Camus. However, when she counterattack, the damage dealt wasn't the same as indicated where I say. Maybe she both have DC built-in and a DC type special?
  18. Thanks, I’ll go for the ranged units then as soon as I get the necessary fodder :D
  19. Hi guys, I want to make (finally) an Armor Emblem team, here are my options (could you help me with sets for those who're not BK and Hector?): 5*BK: Neutral, Alondite, Swap, Black Luna, Steady Stance, WoM, Fortify Armor (Panic Ploy 1 Seal) 5*Hector: +Spd -Def, Armads, Pivot, Ignis, Distant Counter, WoM, Goad Armor (Quicken Pulse Seal) 5*ToD! Henry: +Spd -Def 5*ToD! Jakob: +Spd -Atk 5*Sheena (+1): +Atk -Def 5*Arden: Neutral 4*Draug: +Res -Def 4*Effie: +Spd -Def My main idea is to choose both Halloween units, but I want to know what do you think and which sets do you recommend
  20. I was going to rage a lot, since I only was looking for Henry or Jakob and since the banner started I only had pulled H!Sakura, Leon and Rebecca. And then suddenly, in my last two summons before running out of orbs (I’m F2P), I’ve just got both of them :D I’m so happy, don’t care about Nowi, so I think it’s time to start stockpiling orbs again :D
  21. Here is my beautiful, beautiful garbage! He's one of my favourite character not only from SoV, but from the Fire Emblem universe. I was so sad when he came out and seemed so bad, however I decided to make him at least useful (and sooner I'll need a Camus replacement, since he's almost a 3000 HM), so this is what I've done: *Image deleted due to attachments space* He's carrying his default lance, Berkut's Lance + , since I decided to make him as unique from other units as possible. His assist is Reciprocal Aid, and it functions both as a last resort healing method for allies and most importantly, to keep him in Water Boost range. His skill is Iceberg, on enemy phase I think it does just a little more damage than Bonfire, and in player phase it does only 1 less damage I guess. His skills are Water Boost for increasing both his longevity and the damage output of Iceberg, Renewall (waiting a 4* Fae for finishing him) and his default Ward Cavalry, although I may swap it for Goad Cavalry (if there's a Camus GHB rerun) or Fortify Cavalry. His Sacred Seal is HP+3 in order to help with the Water Boost range too.
  22. I ended at 1025 in team Karel, I miss those 400 feathers :'( Now it's time to move to team Soren
  23. As I predicted the other day, Neko-Sakura has broken my pity rate while looking for Jakob or Henry -.-
  24. Here are my first finished projects! They're not the most creative, but I'm proud that finally I have been able to finish some units: *Image deleted due to attachments space* Hector has: Black Night has: Armads Alondite Pivot Swap Ignis Black Luna Distant Counter Steady Stance 3 Wings of Mercy 3 Wings of Mercy 3 Goad Armor Fortify Armor Quicken Pulse Seal Panic Ploy 1 Seal They are quite standard, and have support between them. Hoping to get H!Jakob for a Armor Emblem team. *Image deleted due to attachments space* Xander has: Elise has: Siegfried Gravity Swap Rehabilitate Bonfire Heavenly Light Armored Blow 3 (waiting for a 5* Athena for Sturdy Blow 2) HP +5 Quick Riposte 2 Life to Serve 3 Ward Cavalry Hone Cavalry Res +1 Seal HP +3 Seal Xander is in my main Horse Emblem team. He has support with Camus (which only requires Bonfire to be ready). He has Res +1 Seal because I'm using Distant Defense 3 Seal in other unit (in a Flyer Emblem Team). Elise was very useful for me when I started to play. However, I started to use Wyrs and totally forgot about her (I wasn't using Horse Emblem then, so I prefered an infantry unit for healing). She had tons of SP, so the other day I decided to make her great again.
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