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Javi Blizz

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Everything posted by Javi Blizz

  1. Thanks @SilvertheShadow and @Infinite Dreams, finally I chose the +Def/-Spe, and he is much amazing than I expected. I was having lots of troubles for clearing Valter’s GHB and he did it look almost easy! Guess that after this banner ends, I’ll start stockpiling orbs again until he comes again in a new banner (I think he will be in the next Legendary banner, but that’s too soon for me) Also, when does the training maps and the new mode come?
  2. Well, I don't know how, but I've been blessed with a fourth B!Ike. So 0 B!Ikes from CYL to last week and 4 on this banner xD (all of them + Shiro using only free orbs, I never thought I could do something like this lol) This is the best banner from which I've pulled so far. Also, although I said this morning that I'd wait until the banner ends to decide, B!Ike +3 sounds much better than +2, and I really can't find a unit that I'd really use much more often if it had Steady Breath, so merging is my final choice. So, the B!Ikes are: +Res/-Spd, +Def/-Atk, +Res/-Atk and +Def/-Spe. I think that the choice is between the two which has -Spe, but would you choose, +Def or +Res? I think it'd be better to maximize his defense, but I prefer to ask. And who knows, maybe a 5th B!Ike decides to come, since I think I can get quite a few orbs more.
  3. Well, I'll wait then until I find a team that will get regular use. Maybe -blade team with buff boy Ephraim. About point 2, fortunately I'll have enough dew to refine it (if things goes as I think, I'll be able to refine Subaki's Slaying Lance with the Arena stones and then, Falchion), but if I remember correctly, the new update comes on 7th and Arena season starts on 6th, so I'll see if I need all the rewards from quests asociated to Arena before or after then. And I usually don't fodder limited units, but I've never played RD or find Oliver an interesting unit, so it's something special Thanks!
  4. Hi guys, I've some questions and maybe you could help me. 1. Which is the lowest recommended HP for a unit giving Infantry Pulse support? 2. Would a unit such Masked Marth find useful to have Mirror Strike as her A skill to fight dragons? I have over 9000 SP on her, but only has the skills for the medic build, and I'd like to make an ofensive one for Arena, but not the standard Fury + Swordbreaker one (as that's what my Lucina have and both are 5*+1)
  5. The main problem with those 2 is that BK has limited merges and Shiro is 5* exclusive, so I wouldn't be really able to take much advantage from them for Arena. Lukas, on the other hand, is available in the 4* pool, so I could be giving him merges to improve my Arena Score. That's why I'm considering merging them too, but until the banner ends and I know exactly if I end with 3 or maybe one more, I won't do anything
  6. Well, I put my part and send a note using the ingame feature. I've suggested them to make a TT where B!Marth is the reward. Let's hope enough people send this things to make things fair.
  7. Wow, I feel so lucky, I've never felt so happy about stockpiling orbs as now. In around 250-275 orbs I've got from the Hero Fest banner 3 B!Ike and a Shiro. I'll wait until the banners end to see what I do with the Ikes. I never thought I'd have any really expensive fodder such as this or Hector, so never planned on who I would use their skills. One option I have in mind could be Lukas with this set: Slaying Lance (+Def) Assist Ignis Steady Breath Renewal 3 Infantry Pulse 3 SS But even then, I don't know what to do with the other spare Ike. Nowi could be an option, but I want to see what refined Falchions do before giving anything to her. Other thing that has come to my mind is just merging them all, but +2 seems a bit low to be really worthy. What do you recommend me, guys?
  8. The only fixed thing in my teams are a 4* Lachesis with rehabilitate. It’s not even good, but I used her quite often when my Wrys reached the last HM max, so leaving her with a HM different than max just wasn’t okey. So I put her in those teams (excluding when I want to use especifically a team such as my flier team for any reason). In fact, she even reached the 3000 HM. I was so happy thay I didn’t had to use her again...well, now I think she’ll arrive 4000 HM before Wrys For the other members of the team, they are usually a bonus unit (as high as possible) and a rotation of heroes that are close to a x500 HM step (doesn’t matter if they’re 5* or not), to earn as much feathers as possible. As for the maps, I play Lunatic 5, it’s much easier than Lunatic 7, and I’m happy with the points I get. Also, on minis I only push until the last reward and then only do the daily quests. On complete ones, I push as much as possible for the HM feathers. My daily score is around 8000 points, which is enough to get the rewards.
  9. Hey guys, is it known which are the probabilities to get B!Ike and Nephenee in the Hero Fest Banner? I have decided to spend all my orbs (175 currently + the 50 from the 1st aniversary gift) there, but I’d like to know if my plan of snipping both green and blue at the same time is better, worst or just don’t care than pulling only green or only blue
  10. They could do the family theme with lance cavalier Celica, sword Ephraim, mage Hector (green, although Lilina is red) and the biggest problem comes here, blue cavalry mage Veronica, but that would mean 2 blue units. So, they’ll probably make Veronica a not really good colorless unit and say “what happened my little friends? xdxd”
  11. When does the Hero Fest start? And when do we get the 50 orbs? I want pull Brave Ike (Siegbert and Sanaki makes me prefer him over V!Ike), and I’d like to know if I can count on those orbs in time. I’m at 150~ aprox, which means I’d have 200~ orbs to snipe green. And knowing the scheduled banners for this month, the orbs flood coming and the TT, maybe I could spend all the 200~ orbs in that banner, B!Ike is the priority, but some pity breakers such as Hector, Amelia, Myhrr...doesn’t sounds bad either (I know I’ll get Hawkeye instead)
  12. I’ll vote for V!Ike if he’s in the pool. I don’t want Siegbert or Sanaki from this LHB and in the next one blue will have S!Corrin, so if I pull from it (I really don’t know), I’ll go for blue. If don’t, then let’s get free DC fodder
  13. Originally it was 6000, but in the Christmas TT they dropped it to 2000 points, so NY!Corrin and Marisa are obtained with only 1000 points, which can be done in the first run
  14. This is my Battle Ballot: Disgusting, I know Edit: How do I put an image from internet and no from my files? I'm tying every link that tinypic gives me, but it doesn't work :/ Edit 2: Finally I decided to upload the file from my laptop, but that's less space I've I guess...
  15. Voted the first 5 days for Bartre and, with the mid-time results showing that he had not enough meme power, I moved my 2 last votes to Loki. Would have moved to the hardt, but he has far more complicate to reach top 2
  16. After I don't know how many tries (maybe even 10 stamina pots) I finally did it. Tried PM1's guide as always, but this time something worked different, even using the other option units that he said. Finally I completed it using BH!Lyn, Elise, Eprhaim and PA!Azura. If I'm not remembering wrong, I started attacking the blue manakete and Lyn did almost all the job, except for Lyon, the blue mage and the red horse which were killed by Ephraim (or maybe one of them was killed by Elise when survived with 1 hp)
  17. Well, seeing what could possibly do Caeda’s new weapon, I think that sadly, Palla’s reign could finish in my barracks (although I have Elincia, I prefer to use Palla)
  18. Appart from Hector and PA!Azura, I use Michalis and Beruka. The first one is currently 5*+1 with refined Hauteclare, Draw Back, Aether, Heavy Blade 3, Quick Riposte 3, Goad Fliers and Distant Defense sacred seal. Beruka is 4*+5 with DEF refined Slaying Axe+, Pivot, Ignis, Close Defense 3, Quick Riposte 3, Goad Fliers and Iote's Shield sacred seal (in a defense tile, BH!Lyn does 0*2 damage to her)
  19. I promoted Alfonse back to summer and since then (and thanks to the improve in the chapters quality) I have the same feeling I got in the past with other lords as Marth o Eliwood. At the start I didn't like them, but using them gave me a different vision of the character. In fact, Alfonse has a good vanilla set, just throw him Axebreaker and an assist and you're set for an Arena bonus unit. Also, Xander appearing again in the story wasn't something I was expecting, but that's cool. Maybe that explains why is there so many seasonal Xanders (or that he has finished his holidays with Camus to come for the rerun hahaha).
  20. Wow. Tier 19 is my place (I can hear BK in the background) then. I don’t think it is possible for me to compete to that, at least for now. (It’s logical, you know, that’s one of the points of investing money I think)
  21. But what about poor Bartre? :’( Although Queen Celica with Beloved Zofia sounds really nice
  22. Well, if you enjoy the game, then that money has been well invested. Was that banner harder due to the number of focus characters?
  23. Wow, that’s depressing. Do really people invest that amount of money in a game? o.O
  24. That’s supposing full pulls, is it possible to know while snipping? Btw, wow, 980 orbs is big words O.o
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