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Javi Blizz

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Everything posted by Javi Blizz

  1. Hey, thx for answering! Although I have some things to say about: I'm F2P, so whaling it's not an option. However, I tend to save orbs (had 300 for the Hero Fest and a few less than 200 for the last legendary banner), so probably I'll start saving again for another Brave Ike banner as soon as I get a Spring Kagero. So green is not a colour that I think has priority atm for my team. As for Nowi (and Fae), Lightning Breath has built-in DC, so I wouldn't give that skill to them. But maybe you were saying that only for the team composition rather to the DC question (same with Soleil, which I currently has with L&D, but she's +0). For B skill, I would prefer something like Renewal or Wings of Mercy, which are 240 SP skills too. Same goes for sacred seals such as Quick Riposte or Close/Distant Defense. As you pointed, dual rallies such as Sturdy Blow and Mirror Strike are great options, I agree with you on that. Also, I'm not prioritizing Arena points to combat performance, so maybe saying my Arena team mislead the main question instead of being helpful (as Chrom). So, the real question is that I want to know good Red/Blue units who can take advantage of DC Edit: Also, have been playing since launch, but I haven't got even a single 4* Reinhardt D':
  2. So, in the last orb of the counter skills banner I got a spare Hector. I've always wanted to get DC fodder, but now that I've it, I'm not sure who should be the unit to receive it. At first, I was thinking about giving it to Masked Marth, who is actually at +4 and is part of my current Arena team. Not being able to merge her more means that sooner or later she'll left the team, which reduces my interest of giving her DC. Next option that came to my mind was Amelia. However, being a 5* exclusive is an important drawback, as it makes her difficult to merge her enough to enter my Arena team. Having a 5*+6 B!Ike doesn't help neither. So I don't really now who could be given such a premium skill. Who would you recommend guys? I'd like it to be a red or blue unit, not 5* exclusive if possible, since it'll probably end being part of my Arena team. My current Arena core is B!Ike(+6)/M!Marth(+4)/Fjorm(+0).
  3. I’ve been having a lot of fun doing Lunatic 5 with Gunttrhà (Blizzard, Chilling Seal, Res Ploy C, Def Ploy S), Arvis (Valflame, Def Ploy C, Threaren Spe S), Felicia (Felicia’s Plate) and F!Morgan (Atk Ploy C, Res Ploy S). I think this has been the funniest team I’ve used since launch. Usually Arvis kills Grima, so there’s no need to use a Falchion user (seeing Grima with Atk-6, Spe -6, Def-5 and Res-5 being the last enemy standing is sooooo cool)
  4. I don’t know if someone said this before, but I’ve just realized when learning Close Counter to Takumi that in the restrictions box, the new colorless dragon icon appears, so that confirms that they are melee units But as I said, probably someone said it earlier
  5. So sniping Greens I got...Tacomeme xd. I hate those summoning sesions without the color you want. In fact, I don't remember the last time I sniped a different colour than green. Maybe in the Xmas banner for Winter Tharja? Since then, I've 4*+10'ed Cecilia and Cherche, and have 4*+9 Merric (a 5* appeared, so he even has Excalibur), 4*+8 Beruka, 4*+5 Bartre and 4*+4 Boey. At least I got a few chickens since I needed a lot of Renewal 3 fodder
  6. Well, things can be worse than haven’t never pulled a Rebecca or a Raven. I’ve been playing since launch and I haven’t got even a single 4* Reinhardt :’(
  7. Well, it seems that the merges I got finally let me use my merged team instead of +0 armors. Michalis being a bonus unit helped too. B!Ike +6 (never thought that as a F2P I would ever get so many copies), Masked Marth +4 (that 1st TT :( ), Fjorm +0 and Michalis +2 have let me get 4919 even with 1 death. For next week, I have F!Morgan, but I think my bonus unit will be Deidre +2
  8. Yes, I've been comparing the image with the default Silver Bow users (including George, since he has it at 4*) and it seems to be Virion. Also, if it was a new hero, wouldn't have been datamined?
  9. Currently I'm using a neutral nature as the base of my 5*+3 Subaki. The set I'm running is: Slaying Lance + (+Def), Swap, Bonfire, Triangle Adept 3, Quick Riposte 3, Goad Fliers and Iote's Shield Sacred Seal. His stats at +3 and with the def refinement and the might of Slaying Lance are 47/40/36/40/23. I'd add a picture, but idk how to add them by url. This set was "optimized" for Arena scoring, as I used to use Flier Emblem. A budget version of this same set would be Sapphire Lance +, Iote's Shield (A Slot) and Quickened Pulse Sacred Seal. The effects are the same, it just gives a bit less HP and Def for SL not being refinable and a few SP cost less.
  10. Thx! It really sounds pretty funny to debuff half of the map atk to be honest xd I’ll consider giving Moonbow to Arvis and I’ll switch Felicia to Iceberg, since I’m running a player phase A skill
  11. I got a death in my Arena Run today (7th battle), finishing with a 4919 score. Would it be enough to go back to tier 20? I used to enter with 4904 aprox a few weeks ago, but I don't know if Grima and Hardin have changed that
  12. Well, since I've pulled F!Morgan, I've started working on a team for non-regular arena content, and I was thinking that maybe you guys could help me with the last details: -F!Morgan (+Atk -Def): Blárserpent + (+Res maybe?)-Draw Back-Iceberg-Mirror Stance-Guard-Atk Ploy-Res Ploy (Next TT) -Gunttrhà +2 (Don't remember her IV's): Blizzard-Draw Back-Glacies-Fortress Res-Chilling Seal-Res Ploy-Def Ploy -Arvis (next one to be promoted): Valflame-Draw Back-Iceberg-Darting Blow-Desperation-Def Ploy-Def Tactics (Next TT) -Felicia (neutral): Felicia's Plate (yet to be refined)-Draw Back-Glacies-Mirror Strike -Desperation-Breath of Life-Breath of Life All of them have Wind Blessings. Skills in blue have been learned for the units but I'm not sure to keep. Since I don't really care about Oliver (having only 1 for collection purposes is enough), I could sacrifice another one to Felicia for giving her Atk Ploy. Other option could be to give her (or Arvis) Threaten Spe sacred seal, since I don't have Spe Ploy fodder. With Felicia's Plate, should I change Glacies for Iceberg? She has both skills learnt. Also, I'm considering changing Arvis' special for his default Growing Flame. Not sure what to do with Fortress Res on Gunttrhà and with Desperation in Arvis.
  13. It happened when Farfetched Heroes, although people assumed that was because they were presented as CYL units
  14. Well, I got F!Morgan on my free pull, so my few orbs (69) are safe now :D
  15. So, I’ll support BK. I’ll set C!Robin as my lead this night (actually is Palla), since is the only Armor Marcher that I’ve completelly built. My ID is: 6390206444-Blizz I can’t see signatures from the mobile, so if I don’t send a request to any of the BK people, just send me a request!
  16. I'm not sure who team to choose, Celica, regular Robin or BK? Does anyone want to convince me?
  17. Berkut/Priscilla Fjorm/B!Ike Xander/Camus, before memes were a thing
  18. I’d like to see Legendary Alm. Although his Royal Blade (is this its English name? Since it sounds like the Lloyd’s one) would be cool, he would be a red sword again, and now that they have added Double Lion to the Falchion refine, I don’t think this rigelian sword would have any distinctive skill. So, instead of that, Bow Alm would be pretty cool. Maybe give him Blessed Bow (although I don’t know what effect could they give to it, since there’s no monsters in this game), it glows!
  19. I'm taking my time to clear the GHB elite quests. Being there for a year means that I don't need to waste some stamina potions or resources in completing them. Just 2-3 for a day if there's nothing else to do (like TT for example now). If I need orbs or want to give another +1 to my Michalis, then I'll start to take them seriously, but now it's just something for those no-events day
  20. At least Zelgius in Lunatic 7 has an assist. In lunatic 5 he doesn't have any weapon or assist (although he's always using panic ploy on my blade horses -.-)
  21. I haven’t but because I think there are other important things imo to say in a feedback (and I’ve done), and sending many feedbacks in a short period of time could be seen less serious. Also, that wouldn’t help for this year.
  22. Thanks @XRay, I'll take a look now to make the calcs! Edit: both Fury and TA let Tiki hard counter Gronnblade users with full buffs and +10. With TA she can run both G Tome Breaker or Quick Riposte; however, with Fury the only option is G Tome Breaker. I think I'll go this way until I get a Roy for TA fodder, but TA G Tome Breaker sounds really, really good, tbh.
  23. Also, it may be people like me that don’t forget the event but just don’t care about it. I mean, if I’m not getting the character I really want, why would I bother on voting?
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