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Javi Blizz

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Everything posted by Javi Blizz

  1. Okay @Vaximillian, I think I’ll do the same. Thanks!
  2. Is it worthy to invest in both Caeda and Clair as arena projects? I’ve run out of copies of Niles (+7), Roy (+5) and Donnel (+4) and I don’t like to keep my feathers untouched (maybe it’s the main drawback of saving so many orbs, I need to waste something xD) I have copies of Effie for making her +7 or +8, but I don’t really see myself playing armors that high, since all armor marchers are 5* exclusives and rarely on a banner. Also, the other armors that I can merge “high” would be Zephiel at +4 and Sheena at +3 (she’s at +2 thanks to old pity breakers), which isn’t anything better than my arena core. Going back to Caeda, Clair or both, they could be part of a mixed movement team with tactic skills (if I ever summon a Legault), and bring support with ploys too. B!Ike (+10) is untouchable in my arena core, so no flier emblem option here. I have a +Spe/-Hp Caeda, haven’t checked Clair yet. Both have some 4* merges from before that they got their new weapons, so they’d cost me less than 20K feathers. What would you do? Upgrade them and add them to the +10 queue, just upgrade them or pass?
  3. Request sent ?? Although I think I’ve seen Brave Lyn as your lead ? I have Brave Ike as my lead
  4. Wow, I’ve been very lucky in this banner. In 250 orbs, I’ve got: 2x Karla 1x Tiki 2x Spring Catria 1x Micaiah 1x Spring Sharena 2x Maribelle 1x Jaffar Not interesting 3*-4* fodder or units that I’m merging tough. Currently at 9 orbs, I’m not sure if I’ll be at 20 again before the banner ends
  5. Wow, this new update brings nothing new! xD I hope that at least Lon’zu’s refine to be interesting. Probably the weapon or the refine will have Solo Atk/Spe Abyssal keeps being a not bother doing as long as the rewards are just golden accesories
  6. So, after 200 orbs on the legendary banner I’ve got: 2x Karla, 2x Spring Catria, Jaffar, Tiki and Micaiah. Who could want Chill Res and Wrath? Extra points if it’s a mergeable unit!
  7. I need to pull yet, but I must wait until the night :( My gf and me are going to use our orbs (around 200 each one, both F2P), but I want to use them now, there’s so many hours left :’( Wow, that Tiki is...don’t know what to say. I suppose that Muspell Generals wasn’t being as whale bait as they expected and needed something more whale baiting xD
  8. Wow, I find this banner amazing. Having almost 200 orbs again feels good, since I can spend all of them here. Probably I’ll skip grey this time instead of full pulls, unless I’ve got a 5* in that same session. The other 3 colours have amazing fodder and/or units I don’t have. Highlights for green. After my +10 B!Ike I want to give SB to more units (currently only on +10 B!Ike and +4 Donnel)
  9. I’m not sure to be able to analize if something is powercreep, but I can say a few things that I’d add for daggers @Zeo: - Earthsweep (aka Myrrh’s Great Flame effect) -Lifesweep: if opponent’s HP is => than unit’s HP, opponent cannot counterattack and unit can’t make double. (Daggers only) -Counter Ploy: if foe’s Res is at least 1 point lower than unit’s Res, foe cannot counterattack. (Daggers only) I’ve tried to balance it, so that for example Sothe, which has access to Water/Windsweep can’t use this skills. Matthew and Saizo could take advantage of the first one, and units like Jakob maybe for the third one I guess
  10. So, no trailer today. It seems that we’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see who’s the new legendary hero and who’s on the banner
  11. Using Tactic Drills lessons? xD Took me a while, but I managed to do it. And the key was the same, baiting the swordsman with a green unit, but in my case it was B!Ike
  12. I think I’ll go for Vantage, since his breath nullifies Falchion effect. Thanks!
  13. Yay, so I already have Garon ar 5* +1 and waiting the feathers for the other merge. Which B skill could I use on him from the easily available while I get Quick Riposte?
  14. Meh. MEH. This banner was a big pass before the reveal if it was what it actually is. But now that there’s no even a xenologue, the pass is even bigger. I wanted Helbindi, but they are permanently in the summoning pool and with Duel skills, he will probably be in at least one Legendary Banner, so no worries on getting him now. It seems that is time to send feedback again for them being too lazy (you know, we knew the new heroes a week ago, no history...) Compensation orbs when? ??‍♂️?
  15. If I’m not wrong, next new heroes banner is on Friday, right? I was expecting a trailer to drop today, but it seems we’ll have to wait for tomorrow to see if Muspell units are from the banner
  16. Armored Blow and Warding Blow Fierce Stance and Darting Stance Threaten Res Drive Res Renewall Def/Res+ Triangle Adept Cancel Affinity
  17. Well, so this is my opinion: I used Nina a lot in Conquest, but not being a cavalry archer (you could do it at the time you get her in Conquest) and having his daddy at +7, I think I can pass. Ophelia is interesting, but that’s all. Sharing colour with the obvious demote doesn’t help either. Silas is a good demotion, though. He brings 2 new skills to the 4* summoning pool. It would be interesting if he had Def Wave as his 4* skill, as Steady Stance is mostly used as a stepping stone for Steady Breath. Flora seems good I guess, but I don’t usually use daggers anyway
  18. Double Brazen Atk/Def, Def refined Folkvangr Alfonse makes this BHB pretty easy for babysitting the kills for Fjorm/Sharena
  19. Hey guys, do you think that 3656 could be enough to stay in T20 now that T21 exists? I don’t think I can do it much better with only Tailtiu, Valter and Anna as options for this week
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