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Javi Blizz

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Everything posted by Javi Blizz

  1. Sadly, the only bonus unit I have atm is Raigh...well, at least he will be usefull on map 1 T1 to charge Ophelia’s special 🤦‍♂️
  2. Idk if it has been mentioned earlier, but: - The first Lost Lore had Lorenz with a Sword (and Camus with a Lance, but he's in the game yet). - The second had Windham with a Blue Tome (and Narcian with a Sword). - This one has Gangrel with a Red Dagger and Mustafa with an Axe. Do you think that this could give us any indication that when added, those units are going to bring the same type of weapon? (Yes, I'm assuming a Narcian Alt then).
  3. I gave Blarserpent to Oliver, and Distant Defense from the spare 4* Picnic Leo
  4. Nice end, altough it would have been nice to have Lif, Thrasis, Gustav and Story Surtr (this means no SS4 or Surtr’s Menance) as reinforcements in the final map. It was very satisfaying to kill Hel with Surtr, tough
  5. Wow, si Nailah isn’t in the Null banner...guess B!Ike will have to wait a bit more for his upgrade
  6. Wow, it shouldn’t be an option to use Hector & Lillina GX Tag Team in this TT+, with 2 marchers and a Ward, it’s too easy to do 705 every run xD I just wish I had the motivation to go beyond 50K 😞
  7. Once I get a Nailah for my B!Ike, she’ll sustitute Fjorm in my main story quest team and maybe I’ll try them in a second AR ofense team
  8. Yay, it took almost 200 orbs to summon 2 B!Lucina 🤦‍♂️ At least I got the second quickly after being pity-broken by a B!Ike in a blue-less season
  9. Hi! I'm using a mail from my university and today they've told me that once I finish (today) I only have it for a limited time before it gets shut down. How can I change here in SF the mail that I have my account attached to? Thanks!
  10. Everytime I read someone saying that hopes X character gets never added, it makes me wish a banner with all those poor hated characters. Everyone (including Iago) has it fans. Oh, just imagine a banner with Hans, Macellan, Daisy and Iago GHB 🌚🤭 At least this gives me ideas for CYL 4. Anyway I don’t think my votes for Mycen worth anything
  11. I’m considering to change my def team to either Ward + Vantage or Goad + Vantage. It doesn’t sound really good, but at least can keep doing the Ward stuff. Also, how would you build Kronya to work in the same team as Hector? Would you free her C+S Slot or keep Savage Blow on them?
  12. I want to add my 2 cents to the discussion: - I use Effie (Armor) as my tank in AE. - I have replaced Sothe’s Peshkaz for a generic weapon, though it was barb shuriken, for Special Spiral Blazing abuse. - Having 4 Escape Ladder uses and now having to play just half the number of battles, losing/surrendering a random battle should not be a problem
  13. The new training tower like mode seems fun. Duo units...I don’t care, I still prefer to go for Brave Lucina. Only thing that worries me is that a ward ball defense team seems now much less useful. Although maybe I could try putting Vantage in all the Ward members... Although tbh I would like to take 1 Hector & Lillina Tag Team GX, just to free Kronya’s C-Slot and put there something such as an Atk Wave
  14. Anything interesting from this banner update of the app?
  15. The Athena's issue hasn't either any sense in European Spanish (excluding that is from SD, as said before). From the ones that I have from Askr: I hope this proves useful!
  16. I think it’s just because they are the only playable avatar (so not counting Mark) which aren’t in the game yet
  17. Something like Wings of Mercy, a Hone/Drive/Tactics type skill or Fury/TA. I would understand if at least she brought something useful for fodder, but Bracing Blow...xD
  18. Wow. So if you want to use Rinea, you have to completely build her from zero. Ugh...
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