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Javi Blizz

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Everything posted by Javi Blizz

  1. Hi guys, how would you build a +Spd / -HP Spring Narcian? I want to make him a Player Phase unit, since I have a lot of Enemy Phase, but I don’t really like the usual Fury/Desperation build on melee units. I was thinking about Fury/Escape Route, but atm I don’t have Galeforce and I’m also not sure if he has enough atk to run Heavy Blade SS. Any ideas?
  2. Mine is +Atk too, but with no flaw due to merges. Keep in mind that I was refering to vanilla B!Ike (so, no Urvan refine and no DC), therefore Res is not as important
  3. Donnel has a very similar stat-line if I remember correctly to Brave Ike, due to the trainee bonus. So, except for Urvan (though it really is a big difference), you can build him just like vanilla B!Ike. I did it and I used it for a long time (one day I should finish +10 merging him, he’s currently +5 I think)
  4. Wow, just when I decide to save orbs for July’s banner they quit L!Ike :’( Well, at least they moved there another useful legendary as it’s Alm. I just need to keep saving orbs for that banner, there’s just soooo many useful stuff there...
  5. I just hope that Jaegen’s weapon makes use of his high Res. Also, really hyped with Tobin getting a new weapon!
  6. Have you seen in the update notification the price of manuals? It’s just...disgusting. I mean, the last copy is 2000 Codes (and you have to buy the previous ones) and I barely have 450 since MS started... (I forgot to do it once, but still far less than 2000)
  7. Wow, I’m surprised that Leif vs Edelgard is so even. It’s the first time in a long time that I’ve felt the need of getting asap all the quest flags just in case that I see a high day 1 multiplier...
  8. I actually like the Picnic theme, I would prefer that it remains on calendar 😞
  9. I'll be voting Leif. People who saw the AHR thread knows that I want Leif, not that it's for kicking Edelgard.
  10. Yay! Got 5* Rath, Rajhat and a Surtr merge with the free summon + tickets!
  11. Sure! I think there’s a picture in the +10 thread, although pre-refine. I had to save a really big bunch of free orbs, with some months without summoning (aside from free pulls), but it’s been worth (5 from a Hero Fest, 3 from a Legendary Banner and the other 3 from one of the CYL 1 returns).
  12. Yes, I’ve them all at 5* atm. The remaining units are the new 4* ones from Book III and a bunch of Gen 1 units that I have 4* merged but I don’t use anyway.
  13. Sadly I got 0 Nailahs on the VG banner, and Hector isn’t an option since I want B!Ike to have both DC and Null C Disrupt to counter healers 😞 Yes, Niles is missing that. But my current project is to 5* everyone (49 units left), so that’s why I’m not 5*ing for fodder atm
  14. The first time was much harder. Although I need to find a reliable team for Astra/Anima sessions, since Fae struggles against Trasir AND without her Res boost. Also, my defense team with almost no Lift Loss is helping a lot. And I didn’t even thought that it was going to work xD
  15. Nice, I managed to climb to T21 again in AR after that disastrous seasson a few weeks ago.
  16. Here are my 2 cents on the subject: As many people here know, I’m F2P. However, I think subscriptions, while done well, are a really good way to support a game that you like. So, I’d stop being F2P if I found attractive what they offer. However, there would need to be some changes what they currently offer. As someone pointed out, the 10 orbs included have a value of 5.20$. For me, orbs are pointless. I’ve been playing since launch, so I know that I won’t spend a cent in orbs. That means that the price would drop to aprox 4.5$ (it’s very unprobable to see a price such as 4.30$) for: 2 guaranteed 5* units (resplandecent heroes), QoL improvements and a few divine dew and divine codes. For me, it’s a respectable price which is much easier to afford than 10$ per month. If people want the 10 orbs, they can buy them either way. But forcing players to buy orbs and spend more, no thanks, that’s not what I want to support.
  17. You keep ignoring that the theme of these banners is Devotion and not Valentine’s Day, though. Which means that it doesn’t have any reason to be running during the 14th February instead of any other day in February.
  18. Voted both yesterday and today for L!Leif. Tomorrow will be the same. When does the VG begin?
  19. So, they’re literally telling you to do their job on thinking how to fix their bad work LOL
  20. Maintenance has begun. RIP the F2P friendly side of FEH, you’ll be missed.
  21. Sure, that’s a pretty nice and balanced team, no Nagi will stop me this time!
  22. Since Ophelia reached max HM, I need to make a new team...I don’t even remember how to do that 🌚🤣
  23. Today I’ve given a new vote to L!Leif. I’m afraid that he’ll be screwed while people try to take out Edelgard of top 8
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