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Javi Blizz

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Everything posted by Javi Blizz

  1. Yay, so I’ve currently a +7 Ninja Lyn, never expected that. Could this be my second F2P 5* +10 exclusive? 😮 Guess I should start saving for her rerun in the Ninja banner
  2. Nope, it’s Blizz. Anyway, don’t worry, it’s easy enough to keep T21 so I don’t care too much for AR-D 😉
  3. So thanks to the AHR banner I have a +4 Duo Lyn instead of more variety. I was wondering, is it worth to use her in Arena over a +10 (for example Aversa) due to her 190 BST Duo Skill? 🤔
  4. I think it’s really simple: people don’t like the mode, so they don’t play and the boss doesn’t die. I wish IS just realized it, though
  5. I can’t wait for AHR banner, I’m being cautious not to spend too much orbs trying to get extra Dudues for fodder (trying to keep 195 orbs for sparking in AHR).
  6. So, since no one has published it here yet, I’ll bring you the new event calendar from the official FEH twitter account:
  7. When does the A Hero Rises banner start and when do we get our freebie? 🤔
  8. The only good thing of Frontline Failanx (I really liked that name above) is that you get 7 orbs for just doing nothing 2 days.
  9. It’s funny that trying to get Dudue (in like 15 summons) I’ve got 2 Amelias...maybe she’s the true focus of this banner 👀
  10. Nice banner, I’m happy with the results. Now to continue saving orbs for sparking while only picking blue and colorless orbs. Let’s hope I can get 2 Corrins (one for my collection and one for fodder)
  11. So I joined team Dimitri and ufff...it doesn’t look like he’ll win over Edelgard /sad
  12. @Tybrosion @Humanoid thx! To be honest I never cared about Julian, so I simply thought he had a pfr and never checked that his weapon has a + at the end...hahahaha
  13. Wait, have we ever seen the Dagger from the Red Dagger unit in Claude’s LHB before as a non-seasonal weapon? (I think it’s the same effect as Dancer Xander’s). If that’s the case, I can’t remember which unit has brought it to the summoning pool 🤔
  14. I’ll be going with Team Dimitri, since Edelgard has the worst fodder and she is the only unit of the VG that I already have.
  15. So the banner will be 2 blue 2 grey orbs most probably...nice. I would like to get Freya, but Corrin isn’t a bad option either
  16. I find it amazing (even more when you realize that weekly revival banners are still a thing), I’ve got Julia, Lene, Luke and Hardin (this one I handn’t before) considering that I can’t constantly pull since I’m F2P.
  17. Sir Mycen pls. If only he was so broken as Duessel when/if he’s added to the game...
  18. Or just make ultra OP units / cute artworks from those unpopular characters and you’ll get lot’s of people interested in them
  19. Please guys, remember that casual players exist (and usually, they are the bigger part of the playerbase) and that they probably don’t care how good a unit is if they don’t like that unit, so they’ll vote for their favourites. Don’t get mad, just do what you can during the VG to keep those units out of the banner
  20. So we have to wait until tomorrow for summoning on a banner with the new 4* Extra mechanic...why couldn’t they just release the Hero Fest banner or the Special Heroes banner today? 😕
  21. I still don’t know how I want to build him, so I did this first sketch: - Dire Breidablick - Draw Back - Sol - Def/Res Stance 3 (the one with guard) - Special Spiral - Def/Res Rouse - Atk/Spd Solo
  22. IIRC, Panic Ploy is yet available in the grail pool in the form of 4* Garon, but I may be wrong
  23. I was hoping for anyone except Dorothea or Xane, since I have them at 5*... but as every year, I got one of the few units I already had: Dorothea 😞
  24. So @Diovani Bressan @XRay, with no more torches left, my Fjorma is currently like this: - Grandscratcher+ [Wrathful] (Since she comes with Dazzling in her base kit) - Rescue+ - Firewindbalm+ (not sure it’s the correct name, Atk/Spe) - Atk/Spe Solo 4 - Wrathful Staff - Atk/Res Rein I’ll try to re-roll her B & C skills, for C I’d thought about Spd/Res Rein, though idk what else could I put in her B slot.
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