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Javi Blizz

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Everything posted by Javi Blizz

  1. Well, after the mid-term results, all my remaining votes will go to L!Leif. My wishlist is L!Leif > Altina > Lif, so I must help Leif to reach at least the VG phase.
  2. Voted for Lif today. Seeing so many support for Dancing Berkut, I may give him a vote tomorrow.
  3. I really wish is the second option, just so that less people find it desirable. Also, on the 4* topic, it works on New Heroes Banners and Special Heroes Banners, but what about specifically Special Heroes re-run banners?
  4. Do you play FEH for fanservice? No, but I don't mind the fanservice. I play this game because it's Fire Emblem (and also because I admit that I like the mechanics of the game. However, if it wasn´t a FE game I wouldn't have touched it). I have played other gatcha before (always as a F2P), but only felt attached to one (Valkyrie Crusade, which I'll may be refering later). The main difference here is that FEH being a FE game makes it a lot more easy for me to not disconnect from the game. Do you personally think that FEH needs more fanservice? No, but it needs variery. Most of the times, fanservice in FEH (not taking into consideration OG versions, since they have their own style) is either a cute loli (such as Summer Elise, Christmas Lyssa or Bride Sanaki) or a women with big chest (Camilla, Kagero, Gunnthrà, Laegjarn, even the only Charlotte in the game is an alt of this kind). Sure, there are also other female characters that receive alts, but they don't seem fanservicy at all. There's of course a few exceptions, but they aren't used as much as some of us would like. For example, some of my personal favourite fanservice alts are: Anna: Wealth-Wisher (she's cute, but more important, she has a more beliveable body shape. Also, that wink, it gives me between charming and naughty vibes. I don´t need her revealing anything, although I would love a summer Anna tbh), Cordelia: Knight Paradise (she´s simply wow. She´s so badass in the most anime context of the word. Also, while not revealing anything specifically I would consider her really appealing to the eyes. And once again, in her special, she's winking), Caeda: Talys's Bride (most of what I said before applies to her. However, she is more in line with the cute adorable girl style. Being like that without being a loli is other of my favourites fanservices. Probably the only of my favourite alts that I still don't have. Seeing that manual with the divine codes really hurts T.T) and L'arachel: Harvest Princess (similar reasons to Caeda, but mixed with a bit of naughty). These are the type of women I feel attracted to in real life, so I like when I see that represented in fanservice. It's not like if I didn't like thicc women too, but geting 4 (between thicc + loli) for every Ana/Cordelia/Caeda type is too much. We need more badass, naughty, tsundere and cute shy girls in the special heroes. And also hot/interesting men. There are also other fanservices that I like: customes. For example, I think my two favourite alts in this regard are men. Lukas: Buffet for One (literally, my favourite alt in the game. I really like both his design and the clothes themselves. Its like, he's wearing the kind of clothes that I'd love to wear, but that I've been born too late to wear in the current society) and Ike: Brave Mercenary (a character cosplayed as another character who is his father? Pls, more like this). In order to close the Special Heroes theme, what I really don't like is when they try to put characters out of place just because they're popular. For example, Marisa: Crimsom Rabbit (she could perfectly have gone for a badass character, but they decided to ruin it trying a cute approach that just don't match the character). Out of special heroes (and CYL), there's other thing that I want more in the game, and it's related to damaged arts. Most of girls just seem afraid, screaming, crying or all of them at the same time. I'd like more damaged arts like Soleil's (she's like, c'mon, I'm not afraid, I'm enjoying this battle). While I don't really have any problem with revealing fanservice, I prefer sutile fanservice. Insinuative clothes > revealing clothes. Finally, I would add something and I hope this doesn't get missunderstood. While I don't like the hot springs theme at all, I think they did a really good job there. It got 5 types of sexual fanservice and only 2 of them were the over and over repeated: we had a nice looking man (Ryoma), a badass woman (Hinoka), a cute girl (gladly not approached on a loli style, Sakura), a loli (Elise) and a thicc woman (Camilla). In my opinion, I would have changed either Sakura or Elise for an intelectual man, or at least something similar in line of the theme (maybe Jakob?). I'll edit the post with the PNGs in spoiler in order to make it as clear of possible what I'm trying to say. Also, I'm not a native English speaker, so if any moderator find the wording thicc inapropiate, just tell me which word must I use to change it. Edit: totally agree with what @Etrurian emperor said.
  5. My second vote went to Altina. Not sure who I’ll be voting from tomorrow until the end.
  6. Well, I think that there are a few points that needs to be made here: - There’s a part of the game’s fanbase that is Fire Emblem player and not usual-gatcha-player. This may influence how they react to usual gatcha cash grabbing. - Summoning right now is AWFUL. You almost never get basic fodder from the 3*-4* pool and the skills locked to 5* units don’t get re-run as often as they should. Also, almost every New Heroes banner has new skills, instead of adding common SI’ed skills to new units (or even things like freaking Blue Tome Breaker, it’s been 2.5 years). As a side effect, they would increase the number of side-banners at the same time, enticing more people to spend. - In line with my previous point, off-focus units are a joke. I mean, when I try to get copies to merge for a hero (sure, as a F2P, but gathering orbs for said banners) the ratio for focus/non-focus is absurd. For example: 2 NY!Anna/4 Off-focus. B!Lucina (weekly revival) 2/3 Off-focus. - As Ice Dragon said in another topic, there’s no real need for investing in new units when you can just update your best units and they’re still good enough. For example, having a +10 B!Ike, I don’t really need any green melee unit (just a freaking spare Nailah 🤦‍♂️)
  7. If all 3H females were in the game, I guess that if a 3H character still got 2nd position would be F!Byleth. Only Hilda could be another option, but I don’t see her over both Byleth AND Eirika AND Plumeria.
  8. Today I’ve voted for L!Leif. I’m considering voting for 7 different heroes, since top 8 may have a lot of room, and the more character I want in top 8, the less probable to get upset by the VG
  9. Considering that we had mid-term results 2.5 days after the poll began, I guess that the only excuse not to post them tomorrow is to attach them to someting related to the anniversary
  10. Got Bylass in the free pull, totally worthy. Now I can come back to the VG focus, I need a Nailah for my B!Ike
  11. I hope that they never expand it to top 3. Top 2 is fine as it is. I don’t care about who deserves anything, if X character isn’t in top 2 that year, it means that there hasn’t been enough support and that it doesn’t deserve a CYL alt that year. If people get mad, just vote harder (you know, incognito in every single device they have access to and that kind of things) next year.
  12. Well, I’m considering it due to the amount of votes showed for him everywhere since mid-terms, not based on the mid-term results
  13. I’ve been thinking about how could this turn into an “upset” banner: since I consider that it’s almost impossible that Dimitri isn’t 1st in males, it would be pretty funny to see results like: Males: 1st Dimitri, 2nd Seliph/Chrom Females: 1st Silly Bernie, 2nd Plumeria However, I don’t really expect Edelgard to be pushed out of top 2.
  14. Last vote went for the Chromunist army. Happy to see that someone else here gave a vote to Sir Mycen 😄
  15. Well, although I don't expect Claude to drop from P2 (his being pushed harder now than before mid-term results), I must change my votes to Chrom. I think this is the first time he has real chances to take P2 from what I'm reading. And I'd rather prefer Brave Chrom than Pantless Marth. That outfit is just...meh. I'd enough with how they ruined Brave Alm with the dong armor (plus being an infantry sword with Falchion) when they could have referenced either Rudolf, Mycen or even used an armor sharing the coulour scheme from Celica's Echoes outfit.
  16. Wow, Idk why I haven't thought about it before, but Brave Dimitri could be a dagger unit which attacks throwing Edelgard's head to the Door of Enbarr 😮 Edit: @Silverly that's true, Triandra > Plumeria e.e
  17. Well, it seems that it was true that Chrom and Seliph were getting a lot of support. Kind of tempted to move to team Chrom, but overtaking BOTH Marth and Claude seems too dificult.
  18. Update: looking again Twitter, Seliph is getting some votes too. Looked the English twitter instead of the hastag, and again, Claude is having much less support than expected
  19. From what I’ve seen on Twitter, Claude doesn’t seem to be as strong as expected. However, Marth isn’t either. The one that’s surprising me the most is Chrom, although he’s at the same level of both of them.
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