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Everything posted by Midnox

  1. Favorite design? It’s not the avatar, that’s for sure XD. I’d actually like the Arab region princess the most
  2. The only thing I won’t stand for if it’s is badly written like Fates. I don’t mind Awakening, and I’m willing to settle with generic anime fantasy good vs evil plots; but not mediocre writing like Fates
  3. Yeah, that’s something that concerns me. The main Lord’s design makes me fear they are going to go to the bad modern anime writing quality just as Fates. Hopefully I’d be wrong
  4. I think they’ve made a good call with the Emblems. They are equipments/buffs for the characters, but (at least with Marth) didn’t leave them as blank states or extras, instead opting to be involved enough with the story I see that coming. I’ll wait a while to buy that game as result. Or after watching a review from some Mexican casual turned professional reviewers I’ve been following for over a decade
  5. Funnily enough, they seem to be more involved with the story and characters. Only Marth maybe, but feels more than mere extras Yeah, I wasn’t excited to the dual hairdos. Made me fear they’ll fall into the ridiculous over the top modern anime designs from Fates
  6. Still not digging the (unfortunately) blue and red hairdo protagonist design. At least I don’t feel like the rest of the characters have such ridiculous design choices. It’s a good start it may not have fallen into Fate’s ridiculous over the top anima shenanigans. other things to note, are the Emblems. It was easier to portray them as blank states like Echoes did, but they went the extra step to keep their personalities, voices, and interactions if Emblem Marth shown in the hub is anything to go by. Also, this is likely to cover variety of weapons considering swords are the weapon of choice of most lords, but I’ve noticed Lucina using a bow, and not Ike, but rather BRAVE IKE
  7. Hardly remember Tamers, or any childhood anime for all that matter. But getting more into Grani, found out that guy was named after the mythological horse, even stated in-show. I don’t know if that’s an allegory to the myth him being essential to make Gallantmon Crimson Mode
  8. Makes sense the shield grants protection towards cavalry.
  9. Any idea who Grani is? Grani’s name is associated with the mounted weakness neutralizer: Grani’s Shield. He doesn’t have any info dedicated to him, unlike the similar Iote
  10. Other than Chrom, the outfit department was pretty underwhelming. But damn, they seem pretty bustah. I think brave divine dragon waifu surpassed brave Ike in every aspect
  11. Well, I’m disappointed we get lords being ascended. My main drive for ascended was to get non-lords a nice treatment since they wouldn’t be legendary. My chances for seeing ascended Amelia are even lower 😢 and anyone knows what Ymir’s dragon form is supposed to be?
  12. Took them long enough to put Serenity from Shadows of Valentia as a purchasable music 😒
  13. This is the perfect chance to correct a mistake 3H did: playable Rhea. I have reasons to believe Jeraldt will survive, and become playable, so I’m OK with that as well. We could take a break of main character parents killed off for a change anyway
  14. I’d love for playable Rhea, because she’s one of my favorite FE characters, ever, but also a great opportunity to develop her beyond her close interests as shown in 3H. She with supports with many more characters would be fantastic, and I’d love her seeing one with Eldie, where while they won’t be friends, they find common understanding
  15. It’s really weird Femile Byleth was the only one shown so far considering the other avatars had (sans Kris, but he was comparatively minor) had equal billing at most, or hid their gender
  16. Yeah, you’re legit. I’m supporting Silly Bernie. Byleth is far more likely to get her spot next year than Bernie
  17. Should I support Byleth? Or should I support Silly Bernie? Here lies the question
  18. I’m voting for Laegjarn, but if Rhea has good odds for winning, I’m all out for her It’s silly to get concerned about it, as the game it’s been out for a while now anyway. Not as bad as someone reprimanding me about Zelgius being The Black Knight. That game it’s been out for over a decade. Might as well get mad at me for saying Darth Vader is Luke’s father 😂
  19. This should be an interesting CYL this year, as I don’t see any remaining lords popular enough to be voted for other than Chrom. I’m split between Fjorm, Laegjarn, and Rhea
  20. Of course it wouldn’t be long before older characters become ascendant. Still, like the assassin suit. Bad news for me, will be splitting my orbs between ascendant and mythic heroes. Oh well, guess I’ll see which characters I LOVE from each. I hope we get Zelgius/Black Knight and Amelia as ascended
  21. Bro, first free summon was cute cow girl
  22. round-faced, a little stacked, dark skinned cutie. I’m sold 😏
  23. Gotta see if the forms souls are refreshed. If so, gotta bear it, as it’ll be a waste as sometimes good for a heroes appear
  24. Not interested in the game mode. I’ve only watched it just to hear THE Reinhardt as a commentator
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