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Everything posted by Midnox

  1. Isn’t it starting in about 15 mins? I have yet to see a link. Maybe Nintendo Mobile won’t stream it this time, and upload the complete video instead
  2. As with the previous chibi show, I’m expecting the next tempest trials series will feature them, and a storyline about the curse of Embla. That storyline introduced at the start was shoved away for a long time now. Makes sense they wanna use TT to finish it
  3. Yeah, until Ascended Fjorm, I’ve never really sparkled. Until then, I’ve mostly focused on legendary, and then mythic heroes
  4. Damn, I can only sparkle once. I was expecting to get another free Laegjarn. Oh well, I did manage to summon another copy normally. Too bad her boon is defense. Not optimal for her, but I suppose it beats neutral once I merge her
  5. Almost 380 orbs. Hope to get at least three copies ^^
  6. 37f*cking5 orbs. Please, bring me honorable fire, dark-skinned waifu 😥 anyway, since she’s coming, let’s celebrate with her beautiful voice 😉
  7. That’s what I began doing about a year ago. Most of the time I do only Forging Bonds, or pick daily orbs only. There are way too many modes, and most of them are basically doing the same thing. Doing what I do now, leave me with enough orbs for Legendaries/mythics I want. I’m saving for Ascended Laegjarn at the time
  8. Yeah, but we are talking about one of the most well known mythological weapons in history, whose name was already taken in the franchise centuries ago. Then the actual Thor, with an extra “r”, and two extra..... “assets”, shows up. I was wondering how they were gonna name her weapon
  9. Since when going barefoot a personality trait?
  10. Woah, this legendary/mythic banner must be the best in a while. Charlotte seems to be the only character not worth it. Even Fae seems to be a monster of a character. It kinda hurts, as I want to invest here, but I also wanna save for Ascended Laegjarn, and decided for the latter
  11. I was expecting to pull the sparkling, or whatever is called the summon where you chose your desired character. I DID get another Ascended Fjorm shortly before, but figured she could use a merge, AND another of those medals for a forma soul. man, I can’t wait for Ascended Laegjarn. She better have a fire horse, longma, kirin, or whatever
  12. Unfortunate I have to keep waiting for the CYL of this year. I wanna see what they do with Gatey Keepy already
  13. More surprising, since we had an idea what Altina looked like thanks to that still image, and I think she had a Cypher card released before her mythic hero release. Closest we have for the Crusaders’ appearance is an image from the manga, and that’s it. Nice we’ll see how they looked like
  14. I’m considering paying for FEH pass this month because cute Amelia 🥰
  15. I am inclined her to be a longma. Longmas are straightforward, literary dragon horses, which her dragon form shows, as seen with her class and hooves. As you’ve mentioned, kirins are chimeras, they have several animal parts aside those two. Not to mention the ungulate animal is more often than not a deer rather than a horse, then cloven hooves, and either a single horn or antlers. I think the lack of those makes me think Nifl isn’t a kirin/qilin. Not to mention Korin’s dragon form may have been inspired by those already
  16. I barely play FEH these days, but I must say Nifl’s presence caught my eye. First cavalier breath unit.... looks like she plays the horse part, but I’m not sure what it’s supposed to be based on. It’s clearly a dragon with horse, but not sure if it’s a longma, kirin, or another dragon/horse hybrid I’m not aware about.
  17. Decided to give a go to the finalist banner for another shot at Seiros, as the one I got during her debut has ass IVs. Funnily enough, at one point close to my 40th summon, I got TWO in a single session
  18. Picking Seiros. Mine got a speed boon 😒
  19. Sure, but the point was, if BH, and Brave Lyn as well with Pathia, we’re granted their respective weapons despite not appearing in Blazing Sword, the argument of Marianne not getting her weapons because she didn’t get it during academic phase holds no water
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