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Everything posted by indigoasis

  1. If it's not a Hey You, Pikachu! remake with an Eevee side mode, I'll pass, thank you.
  2. I didn't realize that the third portrait was Conrad without his mask. I do think that Faye's portrait makes sense considering the art style of Gaiden.
  3. Marth has been getting the shaft a lot lately, it seems. Ryoma, too, but no one talks about him. I think it's high time that Marth gets a Legendary Alt. But what kind of skills should he have? Here's what I think he could potentially have (or atleast what I want him to have): Weapon: Exalted Falchion (Effective against dragons obviously, secondary skill ???) Assist: Rally Atk/Spd Special: If there's no assist skill, perhaps a special trigger akin to Ayra's Regnal Astra could work, but with a higher turn count and more power. A Skill: Swift Stance 2 (akin to L!Ephraim's Sturdy Stance 2, but with a boost to Speed and Attack) B Skill: Some kind of exclusive skill that only L!Marth would have C Skill: Odd Speed Wave 3 His title should be "Hero King". If we don't get Legendary Marth, then I guess Groom Marth will have to do.
  4. To answer the title question, I really don't see why not. Anyway, this is your first novel, so don't be afraid to experiment. If it doesn't work out, you can always end it as a short story and start on a new novel. Quite frankly, adding too many side characters and stories may not be the best idea, as it may end up diverging from the main plot too much, unless you can connect everything together. You could do that, or make the novel into a collection of short stories. It's up to you what to do, but if you need any specific direction, you can always consult the link that @Dragoncat posted.
  5. Seliph - Heir of Light Sothe - Zephyr Finn - Lance of Legend Elincia - Lost Princess Sigurd - Holy Knight (it's exactly what you would expect it to be) If we ever get Legendary Marth, his title better be "Hero King" or I'm gonna quit the game.
  6. Honestly, this is really nice to see. It can be hard to smile when there's so much negativity around, but this made my day. Thank you for that.
  7. The only problem with this is that Saias exists, and he was Arvis' firstborn child, which gives him major Fjalar holy blood (even though Thracia 776 was released after Genealogy, but meh). Julius' sibling could have minor Fjalar holy blood, like Azelle had, and/or minor Loptyr blood, or he could have no sibling at all. If Saias didn't exist, then the Major Fjalar holy blood could definitely go his sibling, if Julius had one. As for Deirdre's circlet, it could go to Julius if he had no sibling. Getting back to the topic, if Sigurd did have a second child (and Seliph either remained male and inherited Major Baldur holy blood or was female and inherited Major Baldur holy blood), what are the odds that Julia would be his sister and not just his half-sibling? It would potentially mess up the dynamic that the two have as half-siblings, but I think it might be cool.
  8. Clothing is used to great effect in FE, in that it establishes a character's social class, nationality, and unit class. Obviously there are exceptions, like Lewyn/Levin for example, who dresses as a bard despite being a prince. What I really like about the clothing is how it's evolved throughout the games and the timelines, showing the advancements of fashion and culture throughout the years, similar to our own world, which I really like.
  9. I recognized the avatar, but thank you for confirming this. Welcome to the forest! We hope you enjoy your stay! If not, you're stuck here anyway.
  10. Recently, I was reading the Genealogy of the Holy War Manga by Mitsuki Oosawa, and reached the part where Deirdre discovered that she was pregnant. So it got me thinking, what if Seliph was a girl? ....or to put it less bluntly, what if Sigurd had a daughter instead? How would the story change, if at all? And for the sake of debate, I'll also ask about how the story might change if Sigurd had a second child instead of just Seliph by himself.
  11. Morbid and deadly humorous. A good way to reverse the mileage on a car is to drive backwards.
  12. Just play Gaiden, bro. Jokes aside, FE7 and Sacred Stones are the best FE games to start with in my opinion. If you really wanted to, you could start Radiant Dawn without having too much knowledge of Path of Radiance and be just fine, but I wouldn't recommend it. Your best bet to playing PoR is probably through emulation. Physical copies are hard to find and ridiculously expensive when you do find it, so unless you've got the cash, I'd say pass on getting the physical copy.
  13. I, uh... you're welcome... I think? I'm not sure if the tone is sarcastic or genuine, so I apologize. But hey, this thread is always open, so you're welcome to post whatever music you like whenever you want. (That being said, should this thread be in Far from the Forest? Or is it fine where it is?)
  14. I think something that could work quite well would be the Kid Icarus franchise. Uprising is somewhat similar in terms of combat, so it could work.
  15. Deen. He's a mysterious character that we learn next to nothing about in-game. As a unit, he's pretty good, and can do the infinite Villager loop to cap out his stats. His relevance to the story isn't really there, unlike Sonya, who isn't too relevant either, but more relevant than Deen at least. It's not that I don't like Deen, but I feel there was potential that just wasn't fully utilized.
  16. They added in Tron: Legacy of all things into Dream Drop Distance, so it's not farfetched.
  17. I don't see why not. Just be careful with internet strangers. You can trust the moderators, though. They're mature.
  18. It was where I live. My bad. I saw a huge poster at a movie theater saying "May 4th" on it, so I figured it was released on May 4th. Edit: I edited the main post.
  19. Avengers: Infinity War was (supposed to be) released on May 4th. Star Wars day, or "May the Fourth be with you," is May 4th. This can't be a coincidence.
  20. Ah, shoot, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you about that. But since you mention a Zelda RPG being it's own thing, what kind of battle system would work for it?
  21. Casual mode is fine with me. It has no real downsides to me, apart from not being able to switch back to classic mode without restarting the game in some cases. It's optional for players, so if someone prefers classic mode, then that's fine.
  22. There are certain secret events that can be triggered that give characters new items, like Lex's Brave Axe in Chapter 1, or Arden's Pursuit Ring in Chapter 2. Character Conversations are also your friend, as units may gain a nice boost to their stats, or get new items, a good example being Quan and Finn's conversations. And if you plan on pairing certain units together, conversations help with that too, but not all characters talk with each other, so be wary. Also, if you plan on grinding the love points between characters (ignore the bad wording), you can only do so up to turn 50. There's also a jealousy system, but I've rambled too much already, so if you want to look into the jealousy system, this site is probably your best bet. It explains it way better than I could.
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