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Everything posted by Zeo

  1. Got a Klein from the TT banner. Since I already have a +1 +SPD Nino I figured I'd try to get rid of the -ATK on my Jaffar to no avail. In other news I did my last hurrah on the weekly revival banner and after a string of 1-0 grey stones I finally go in with 10 orbs (instead of waiting to get 13 later today because lol why would there be more than one grey orb) and there was 3 greys for literally the first time. One Lissa and one Sothe and of course I'm dying on the inside not being able to pull the last one thinking there could be a Takumi in there. I'm left with a 5.33% rate and a single orb. The last of the monthly quests and a GC orb will give me enough for exactly one pull. I that will be my very last pull on the banner. Then... honestly I might just be done spending. I could use the Tempest orbs on the seasonal banner in hopes of Xander for CC but with the bitter taste in my mouth I don't even see the point in trying.
  2. @mampfoid I feel like if I adopted such a rule I'd relax a lot more in this game. For one thing my -SPD Quan will likely never see the light of day and nothing would change if I just gave that double rally to one of my arena core units. Same for sac'ing my Loki to give Matt C-Duel-Infantry. But I remain a hoarder. As for Takumi, not really. In my opinion 32/36 is more servicable than 35/33. 33 Speed is pretty horrible these days. My Serra at +SPD only has 34 but she benefits from merges and dragonflowers. Takumi will never have either of those so if he sees use it's in his base form which is pretty terrible at this point. +SPD is a nice band-aid for that and if he gets another refine down the line he can work with it and that nature. +ATK Takumi would get doubled until the end of time with no bulk or real attack to show for it. Oh, I suppose I should stay on topic. No colorless again. Red gave me a *3 Cain cause reasons. I'll probably scrounge enough orbs for 2-3 more pulls and then I'm out of luck.
  3. @Alexmender Depends on how much you use armors. Lillina's nature isn't exactly bad so she could have some good use, plus her class and color type is unique. If you wouldn't use one any more than the other that I would just keep her, if you'd get more mileage out of W!Cecillia than I'd go with her. I'll say this though, you've seen what Matthew does with his dagger on the offensive side of things, unless your Cecillia has something like Bold/Vengeful fighter than a unit like Sothe would be horrifying. Take Matthew's damage numbers and add 15-20 points of damage to every hit. @mampfoid Yeah, if I canceled that policy then I could just sac the +SPD Takumi I've had for 2 years. That would be really painful to do though, if not for the fact that it was the very first Takumi I ever pulled and I'll never pull him again with that nature. I'll say though, if I canceled that policy I could just sac the first Xander I get though.... maybe I could do that... God that would suck to do but I could do it... I have much less of an attachment to him.
  4. I pulled him as a pitybreaker. He was -ATK though so there was no realistic way I was ever going to use him. Just about anything I could do with him barring chip damage Matthew could do better. He's a nice collectable though. He needs to demote and his refine needs an upgrade in a major way. Christmas Jaffar's dagger seems like it would be fun though. Jaffar himself aside I wonder who I would give it to and build. W!Cecillia and Chad are good picks... I really don't need any more daggers though lol.
  5. Also worth nothing that the tempest banner will have Nino/Jaffar/Marth. Pretty undesirable banner. They could make a ton of money if they broke their own rules and dropped normal Sothis as a surprise unit in place of Marth.
  6. The character selection for this banner is superb. Nino, Sothis, Young Zephiel and Duo Marth are fantastic choices. Sothis not having Time's Pulse was a missed opportunity though, I would have pulled on this banner for that alone. Every unit is pretty solid and they all have pretty fun fodder. Zephiel's Sword in particular would make for some fun builds on other units. Nothing here entices me though. If I wasn't saving I'd go for everybody as I actually like everyone on the banner but I'm not hurting for armors and the fodder is nice but I'd probably just sit on it indefinitely so I don't feel inclined to pull. One circle and we're done. Green Dagger Jaffar looks neat though. I hope he has something good for fodder. He's the only color dagger I have already though so that sucks. EDIT: Zephiel's voice doesn't fit him though... like... not even remotely. I understand trying to keep consistency with his older self but when you grow from a boy to a man your voice can change drastically. Giving him a boyish voice like Lugh/Raigh would have been perfectly fine.
  7. Desire sensor is in full effect. I'm getting either one or no colorless stones from the revival banner every single solitary time I pull from it. I'm up to 5.00%. Most irritating part is that the tempest trials comes right after this banner ends so my chances at Takumi are finite. Not sure how I'm going to proceed if I don't get anything before the banner disappears. The tempest coming means I could use orbs towards the double seasonal banner and potentially get Xander that way. But... it would mean I would either have to pull 2 of him (lol not gonna happen) or sack what would be my only colorless seasonal dagger dancer to give someone CC. Ugh... I did get a Tanya though so that was neat. She's -ATK, but It's not like I'm going to build her or anything so that's fine.
  8. So... many... banners... as I've just decided to save orbs. That being said... not sure if there are any real temptations here. Ophelia and Brave Eliwood are both actually really nice units and I don't have the former, but at this point I'm not starving for blue nukes so I'm fine on the rally skills banner. I already have both Quan and Lugh as well so I'm good there. If I got another one of them I'd probably toss them on one of my +10's for arena scoring I guess. Also don't need or care about F!Dream Corrin so GG. Between Tiki, Mikoto and Hardin for a Brazen skills banner, B!Hector renders Hardin obsolete and I doubt F!Tiki would appear on another banner already. If she did I'd love her, but not if she's sharing a color with Mikoto, pass. Winters Envoy is outdated. W!Tharja would be new but it would be my first copy so still no CC fodder. I'll probably pull red for my free pull but otherwise pass. Gift's of Winter actually has some really nice stuff, I'd love Fae or Ephraim and I don't actually have W!Eirika so... that would be a want. It'll suck passing her up but I'm gonna go ahead and pass still. New and Special Hero banners are a pass as well pretty much no matter what. They threw Edward on the banner, that's pretty much the only way to get me to pull. Not even Hector will entice me this time. Don't know who'll be on the Tempest or VG Banners but it's likely a skip. Already decided to skip the legendary. One full pull there probably though. New Years banner... I think I wanted Hone ATK 4 since I already pulled a Hrid once before. Probably just one full pull there. I... would like Idunn... actually. But I know she's not necessary, unfortunate pass. So... a bit of temptation spread throughout the month but I think as time passes it'll get easier to save over time. No Forging Bonds to entice me into spending constantly is a nice bonus too. As for the events GC is GC, Tempest will hopefully bring a nice new seal and unit. It's always great to get a nice big orb replenishment. Same for the BHBs. Rokkr Seiges is a bit of a chore honestly when going for the score but hopefully the enemies will be painless like last time. LHB actually seems like fun without the stress of trying to do a clear for every one. Last but certainly not least (just the opposite) Hall of Forms is by far the most exciting thing coming. I can't wait not only to see how they may have tweaked the mode but the units that we'll be given this time. We should really get one of these every month honestly. All in all, looks to be a good month. Quite a few banners, but orbs are aplenty as well so everyone should get something nice somewhere down the road. It's Christmas anyways so that's the way it should be.
  9. @mampfoid My God that's a nightmare. He wouldn't be able to be effected by Aversa's tome and he would double Matt if he wasn't chilled. On top of that Matt would have to double him with all -7 debuffs in order to kill him. Definitely a Chad I'd hate to face. It's funny though because I've been thinking about how I'd like a high res dagger unit to give CC/Broadleaf Fan (or someone's Prf) to kinda do a reverse Matt thing and Chad game to mind. But yeah from a defense team point of view dealing with that would be a nightmare. Even Ophelia would struggle to ORKO that.
  10. Didn't get anything from this banner. Sunk 4 orbs going for Summer Xander. I'd like Pent but he's unnecessary and I have tunnel vision right now.
  11. @mampfoid Grats on your pulls, I went back and took a look! Good to see a banner being good to you. As for me, I see other people are struggling quite a bit with this Takumi banner as well. I've gotten 3 or so pools with no colorless stones and then one with just the one. Instead of jumping in every time I have 9-13 orbs I'm just going to stop pulling now and go in on the last day and see where things take me.
  12. Trivialized the map with Surtr/+10 Chrom in offense and Matthew defending on the left with Altina on the right. Score was on the lower end at 730 but my units were built for performance rather than scoring. If I do my usual stuff with everyone having Aether and whatnot (Matthew/Nino/Lukas/Chrom) then I'll probably be in the lower 740s or so. All in all the mode is relatively painless right now, will it stay that way? I doubt it, but let's see what the future holds.
  13. 40+ orbs got me nothing but a 4.67%, a plethora of 1 or no grey stone circles and then a surprise 3 when I finally went in at the end with less than 13. Was there a Takumi in the stone I couldn't afford? Probably not, but I'll never know, will I? At least I pulled a +SPD/-RES Chad so that's something. Anyways, as you well know, this is my last banner before I'm officially saving, so I'm all in until I pull a colorless *5. Be it Takumi or anyone else. I'd like to actually get what I'm aiming for once in a while though. Altina was a nice surprise, I hope we can recreate that one last time before I save orbs.
  14. @Ice Dragon @Sunwoo thanks for clearing that up. This means that there's no possibility that Chad could be Leila's son. However he could still very much be Matthew's.
  15. Not necessarily. We don't know Leila and Matt's exact age. Leila could have gotten pregnant and already had Chad at any point, as spys they would keep those types of things under tight wraps. Chad has a closer resemblance to Matthew than anyone else in Blazing and given that he's an orphan and there's no mention of Matthew (given his line of work, him disappearing makes perfect sense) it would be a fair assumption that he's his son. It's hard to say really. But given that Leila would have had Chad before she died (meaning he was likely a newborn/infant in a safe location during blazing) you'd just have to create a point of death for Matthew at some point as well as the time they conceived him if you were going for that. This would make Chad a few years older than Lugh/Raigh but seeing as I don't think they ever disclosed their ages I don't see it as a problem.
  16. I kind of want a banner with both Mareeta's now. No other units, just the two of them. Would make a killing probably.
  17. Eh, I lacked discipline to a small extent. The pool threw lots of red and greens at me so I took lots of cracks at Mareeta/Osian. Pulled 2 blue stones also against my better judgement. Nothing to show for it though. I got to 3.50% but as of the last ticket I'm done summoning. I know realistically that I don't need anything on the banner and at the very least I got out of the banner with 20 orbs and still some to grab from quests/monthly so I'm going to be disciplined and not try to break my rate this time. If it's any consolation though, my nephew was far more fortunate. He pulled this on his first green stone of the free pull. Then got this on the free pull of his first ticket. Can't say I'm not a little envious when this happens to him, but I like being able to tinker around with units I don't personally have if I want to. Mareeta's +DEF/-SPD which sucks but she's probably still his best swordie and Osian is +DEF/-RES. Him getting them on his account kind of gives me an air of peace, I don't feel inclined to pull on this banner on my own account as a result and since I want to pull on the CC banner coming in a day before going into full save mode, my stores appreciate that 30-40 I'll be sitting on when that time comes.
  18. Refines overall are underwhelming to me. Arthur get's situational +8 to all stats but all that does is put him on par with other units of his type so, eh. Clive and Matilda's refines are cute but ultimately underwhelming and extremely restrictive, they're reduced to a variation of M!Corrin. Mia gets a Vassal's Blade with a Wo Dao effect instead of a Slaying Effect. Which is good, just that speed creep is the worst creep and a slaying effect has a lot more versatility. I love Mia, if I was going to spend dew on any one of this bunch it would be her but actually I'm going to sit on my dew this time.
  19. Went for one last hurrah on the Altina banner, 20 orbs got me all *4's. No fortune for me this time. Oh well. EDIT: Spent 13 more orbs for a chance at Sothis. Got this. Kind of regretted not bringing enough to pull the Gray or the Blue as it could have been a L!Tiki or B!Fjorm but chances are it was just a Sully or nonsense like that. I liked that I restricted my spending and didn't touch the orbs I have in the FEH bank. Infantry Flash fodder is something I've wanted for my Matthew team for a while so I'm glad to have access to it now. Though Marth is +ATK/-DEF so that's unfortunate, I'll likely keep the +HP/-RES one and fodder this one, I have no interest in merging him. Still you could have been Sothis... Aaaand we're done.
  20. This. To be fair... she has built in Spectrum Solo (without being conditional like F!Corrin) and Null Followup. That's pretty freaking good. She doesn't have to directly powercreep her evil variant. All things considered F!Mareeta will probably be better but Mareeta herself will probably be no slouch either. Now my own opinions. Mareeta looks nice. No attachment to her though and Eyvel who's nice but will be the demote shares a color with her so probably shouldn't pull reds. Osian looks like he'll be great and a *5 lock that'll be a lot more valuable as a unit than Gerik (who was more of a fodder treasure chest) and Peony is the new Mythic. Can't see people needing more than one of her unless they're going for arena score. All in all this banner is a pretty safe skip, tickets aside. Wait for Mareeta and Osian to appear on a banner with a better rate if you want them. Yeah, banner is a pass.
  21. Book 4 does nothing for me. I don't like Sprites, the transition from dark and edgy to genericfantasycutesyMMO is too jarring and Peony does nothing for me. As for Peony herself as a unit she competes greatly with L!Azura but she is free so if you don't have her then she will be an amazing asset. I don't see her replacing any of my 3 Eirs in AR light season though, even if she's a dancer. I like the Stoic evil sprite though, not the "sexy" one. Mjolnir's Strike looks interesting but I'm on the fence for now. I have to see if it'll be genuinely fun or if it'll become another one of those chore modes that you just slog through to get the rewards. I'm cautiously optimistic for the former though. Finally the banner, it's a shame they shoehorned the OC into the New Heroes banner instead of doing a Hero Fest with a raised rate like with Eir. You know you could have just made it a 3 man NH banner or threw Tanya on it and made her a 3-4* after it was over instead but meh, maybe they lack faith in Thracia. As for the units, Mareeta is certainly a strange one, Slaying Edge with Spectrum Solo 2 and Null-Followup is pretty crazy. Hit and Run isn't that great but the damage reduction she gets from it is pretty nuts. Eyvel is the clear demote which is great as she brings a fun new sword, form skill and Chill ATK into the pool. Sucks to pull her as a pitybreaker on this banner going for Mareeta though. Osian looks like a boss in terms of unit performance but I'm pretty happy building up my Ross right now and his art does nothing for me. Still conditional DC with a Slaying effect + what's essentially Guard+Wrath on enemy phase is terrifying so he'll be a desirable pitybreaker down the line. Tanya's got the best art and she looks like an utter boss. She'll never compete with L!Alm in my barracks but I do hope she at least brings some nice fodder to the table. Lastly there's Peony who... I can't see myself ever pulling for. We'll get 4 tickets + the free summon from this one because of Forging Bonds (which we'll get Peony instead of Tanya which is a colossal waste) so probably will go for red and green on those, spending minimal orbs and then I'm out. Gonna do one last summon now on Altina's banner now that I know this is what's waiting in a day. All in all, FEH channel's been better but this was pretty good. QoL menu change was a long time coming as well. Hope Divine Codes end up being for something great like Skill Refines or Unlocking further potential and not more meaningless fluff. We really didn't need more currencies, let's wait and see if this one is worth it. Also wonder if Mjolnir Strike will be a weekly affair. That's going to get exhausting fast if it is.
  22. @mcsilas @Landmaster @DLNarshen @Alexmender @daisy jane @mampfoid @SatsumaFSoysoy @Dayni @Ginko @eclipse @Cute Chao @Usana @NegativeExponents- @BoaFerox @Diovani Bressan @Xenomata Finally got around to posting this! It's been forever and I've had this done for a while, just hadn't gotten around to it. This is another segment from the day of mega-recording I did when I did around 12-16 clears. We're finally touching on Yune again. We revisit Yune's map first with Serra. For this one I tried her Absorb+ strat but she couldn't survive the map's opening without CC so I reverted to the double brazen pain strat and even that hit a roadblock. After a bit of deliberation I came to the realization that I was doing it utterly wrong so I switched gears completely to Fae, threw her into the thick of things and waited to see the result. The result? A Fae centric clear where our dragon is a true wall protecting our haughty cleric while the cleric herself supports from the rear and keeps things in order so that chicken dragon can play. Fae needed the Distant Def seal to get things done, but after switching to her things became pretty simple. Eliwood got some nice kills in though as well. Now we tackle what I didn't tackle before. Abyssal. Tried to do it with my OG team but I didn't see the point in wasting valuable time as I only had a day and had many more clears to do still so we went straight to Ultimate Matthew. He could handle just about any enemy thrown at him but Yune and that nearly charged Glacies paired with the guaranteed double was a problem. After countless builds and a lot of head scratching I came to a realization: I inherited Guard 3 on him a long time ago. Something I'd forgot I even did, don't think I've ever used it in a clear before. It was invaluable in shutting down Yune. After that it was simply a dance around the field, evading and slaying just enough enemies each turn not to get overwhelmed. However, Matt can't be everywhere at once, Eliwood stepped up to the plate this clear as the #2, slaying a rather surprising amount of enemies with his wife Ninian's support while Matt darted around the map with L!Azura. Ninian herself wasn't exempt from combat either as the Cleaner thief had more than enough SPD to double and ORKO her, rather, if not for her beloved's support. Matt's not a true nuke so the durability and utility of his teammates was put to the test here, I'd say they passed with flying colors. Didn't have time to do a Morgan clear. He'd hit a snag I didn't have time to figure out. Will I ever revisit the map with him? Maybe, maybe not. Either way if feels good to finally get this done. Cheers~
  23. @Alexmender Altina is a thing of beauty. I can hardly imagine what a +10 +ATK SS +5 DF Altina must be like. Truly a goddess. @mcsilas The best showcase of Sothis I've seen since her debut. She made full use of Sirius to stay healthy over a long battle, facing enemies of every color and coming out on top every time with the help of Mercedes. Things got concerning when they backed you into a corner but without being able to double the axe fighter couldn't finish Mercedes and together they were able to punch through Sothis and the blue lance infantry and pivot her over to safety, allowing Sothis to finish the axe unit with a satisfying WTA kill. M!Byleth and Kronya worked well together on the left side with Byleth being a true tactician. Never wasting movement, just biding his time until the perfect opportunity to strike, and he did so brilliantly. A clear worth watching. Whew, Altina aside I think I'm caught up now!
  24. @mcsilas You had to hit me in the nostalgia with Hymn of the Righteous. Everyone supported eachother well here. Really enjoyed seeing Soren get an exact kill with proper positioning to get the boost from both Sothe and Ranulf. Ranulf himself is also incredibly tanky. Wasn't expecting that at all. I know this is an old clear but I still wanted to check it out. Crazy nostalgia from the FE10 clear with OG Ike. Just watching everyone work here brought me back to the old days of playing RD. Elincia's exact kill with Amiti while proccing Luna reminded me of when she would proc stun in RD which would be so satisfying. Haar did well out in the battlefront, even if he's not OP like in FE10 he still put in work. Caineghis is Caineghis and despite L!Ike being a solid (or even better/more fitting) choice, you took OG Ike who did great. I wonder what they would give him for a refine. Oddly enough I feel like I've seen your Gallia clear before, it seemed familiar, but it was great as well. Now we're getting imaginative! Here you go hitting me with the KOF music again. Such an elegant clear. Bruunya opening the map with Fimbulvetr was just magic (literally!). Her and Ishtar dispatched their enemies cleanly and gracefully though I admit, seeing Sonya fail to kill that blue mage cav in their initial fight just reminded me of how dated she is as a unit without her refine. She needs Special Spiral and 200 Dew, without it she's not all that great. Still she got to do more than OG Ishtar who I almost thought wasn't going to see any action at all. I thought she was going to get the final kill but it went to dancing Ishtar who, admittedly, finished the map with more grace. Ugh... seeing that clear gave me inspiration to do a clear that I can't do now because the map is gone. Ah well. Moving along. Fun little clear at the end there also. I'd never actually listened to Rolf's lines but he seems really fun, the swap maneuver with Titania when she was cornered by the opposing Titania was excellent. Still it was like the GM's were doing a training exercise but everyone was just having fun with it. Right down to Rolf and Mist taking things a little too seriously near the end. Fun times. Another map I passed on, though an FE9 clear with OG Ike and dancer Elincia came to mind, I'd just started to burn out at that point. Of course Matt ate the map, I shouldn't have to tell you that.
  25. Yeah, spending is a slippery slope in this game. If I had money to burn (what does that even mean?) I love Fire Emblem. I wouldn't mind having a 25-50$ monthly budget to support the game and give myself a little leg up when I need it. And yeah, Lyn and Ross actually. Both of them want Time's Pulse. Lyn for an instant Dragon Fang build and Ross for a Wrath/Wo Gun Sol build with Infantry Breath support for instant +20 true damage Sol Procs.
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