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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Marcia Titania and Jill are all contenders for best character in FE9. Astrid is also a really solid unit. Mia is decent. Ilyana is eeeeh, but she can siege things. Calill is amazing. Tanith is also a really good unit. Honestly, the female characters are all amazing in this game.
  2. Fiora the best. Surprised farina turned out so lame.
  3. Anyone still interested in this? :/ I think it's time for me to plan the Rainbow Potion uses a bit. 51/77 after Chapter 5 Chapter 6 is eh, it's not really very demanding. Maybe a Rainbow Pot use on Catria so she can ORKO mages and one on Caeda to help with Lang boss kill. 49/77 Chapter 6x = pretty sure I don't need any RP. 49/77 Chapter 7 = maybe 1 on Sirius and one of the Dragonkillers. 47/77 Chapter 8 = one on Marth so I can do a strat I like to do. The rest is not neccesary. 46/77 Chapter 9 = Possible one on the Etzel baiter. 1 or 2 on some of the others. Let's just put it at 3. 43/77 Chapter 10 = Easy chapter. Maybe someone will need it to OHKO a shaver mage? Kinda leaning towards 0 though. 43/77 Chapter 10x = I can just KE crit Legion if I wanna save an RP use. 43/77 Chapter 11 = one on Caeda, one on Palla, one on Sirius = 40/77 Chapter 12 = Catria, Palla, Caeda, Sirius and Ryan = 35/77 Chapter 13 = Pretty much the same as the above. 30/77 Chapter 13x = Pretty sure I won't need any uses. 30/77 Chapter 14 = Demanding chapter. 4 of these probably. 26/77 Chapter 15 = Linde will need one most likely. Then it's a matter of if my other units can ORKO stuff in the boss area like in my original run. If they can't, RP them. Leaning towards 2 uses. 24/77 Chapter 16 = Bosskiller Caeda is guaranteed to be able to kill the boss with Starsphere IIRC. If not, just use another one. I have a strat against the Geosphere thief. 24/77 Chapter 16x = Not going for a 1 turn as I dont think its doable in H3 (might be wrong, ill check when I get there), so I can just relax really. 24/77 Chapter 17 = Not sure. I know Ryan and Marth probably need one. Palla might not. Catria won't. Caeda won't unless I need her to ORKO something. Let's put it as 3. 21/77 Chapter 18 = Linde will need one again so she can Nostank. Easy chapter so I won't need any more uses. 20/77 Chapter 19 = Ryan will need one. Catria too. Caeda might. Maybe Marth. Putting it as 4. 16/77 Chapter 20 = Hardin killers want it. The others want it to double Heroes most likely. 13/77 Chapter 20x = Stupid map calls for lots of RP. 9/77 Chapter 21 = Let's put this as 4. 5/77 Chapter 22 = Bosskiller wants one. Everyone should be fine by now. 4/77 Chapter 23 = Linde might want it. The others might depending on stats. 2/77 Final = 2 RP uses left to play with. Barring me overestimating how any uses I'll need in the game. Hmm...I should be fine as long as I don't overdo it. Can't guarantee I won't save another turn somewhere by utilizing RP to it's fullest though...
  4. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=45129
  5. The tier list would be really wrong for 12 though. Mounts aren't all that hot aside from Dracoknights.
  6. I've been wanting it to take place for quite a while...but saw that this was dead.
  7. Yeah, Saul at least has a great staff rank...I don't think Elen is good statistically btw. Dat spd is terrible. [spoiler=Chapter 12x: Thunder Axe] I didn't go into this one fully blind because I knew there were Antitoxin chests and I'm not deploying thieves at all. Losing chest keys on lame items is not cool. THE 7 LEGENDARY HEROES! (Roy doesn't count) the other is Athos but he's dead. Lance weakening stuff for the others. He's constantly like 1 HP short of ORKOs. Tate uses the Dracoshield, gets danced and kills the guy Lance weakened for a rather Pegasus-y level. Lame level. I guess it could be skl only or some other shit though. Roy gets attacked, that's never a good thing! Welp, he actually got hit, that's lame! Take it, I don't mind! NO! How dare you!...whoever you are! Not even Iron Bow Sue can double these guys :o. She reaches Murgleis rank. Fed the thief to Tate. Hahahaha 1 Hit! Oh shit, he's in danger now! She actually hit. Whoa! First (and likely last) perfect of the run! Good shit Tate! A lot of enemies die. This guy is a jerk. Rutger finished the 2 bandits in that south part thanks to Lalum. Fir ORKOs that jerk. NO Why does FE6 Eclipse exist? Fir missing a ORKO, that's rare! Even rarer though, are good Roy levels in a row. Remember when Roy was at base spd until Level 5 or so? He's come a long way! Still terrible though. Lalum finds a free turn to "eat" a Robe Now that could've hurt a lot. Roy seems to dodge dark magic users a lot! Oops, Lugh got poisoned. It's fine though. Now that I think about it, maybe deploying Saul would've been a good idea since he could get some heals like forever thanks to Poison walls. A Chest Key with 1 use for a Chest Key with 5 uses is a good trade! Nosferatu dude dies in PP to Fir. Last thief dies. Too bad they don't drop the Elixirs they've stolen...oh well. I think this is the last enemy aside from the thronies. Meanwhile, Rutger goes on his own to obtain the Red Gem. The thronies are revealed. They don't move apparently. Money *_* I have Sue and Rutger weaken them and Rutger finally decides to get strength. Tate and Fir get rid of the thronies and Tate barely doesn't get a level. Hate it when this happens! Oh God a 4HKO. ... Rage! Even more rage! I think this might have been a crit. NO Ok, that's more like a dancer level than the last one... Because 30 Avo 3 Def 5 Res isn't enough, they also have to heal! I only did this for: Finishing her level. Str is nice. Good. Daammnn, Sue beasted with 2 crits! I think this is her first def proc! Wow, 14 hours already!?
  8. Yeah, we are. We only got 7 though, which isn't enough to really make a good bracket...hope more people join.
  9. The last option is a joke option lol. I'm obviously going to use Sophia. And wow, Saul is pretty lame then. His levels have all looked really terrible, but he was average all along!
  10. [spoiler=Chapter 12: The True Enemy] Let the status staffing commence! Arcardo? Where have I heard this before? Oh, right, all the FEs. I begin by sniping things down. Well, more like weakening things for Tate Not a bad first level. Ein is ugly as fuck. I thought Bantu looked terrible but this guy... Raigh stating the obvious then poses as en enemy...by not moving at all. These guy can't break 1 Hit even with WTA. First sleep is dodged. Hopefully Echidna keeps it up until I can get rid of the Priest. Didn't even need an Armorslayer... Brave Axe is at least useful for taking down walls. Finally a good level from Saul... Clarine opens the door and Lugh ORKOs an Armor. Fir gets her final Tier 1 level. Longbow enemies suck, so I have Klain bust out the Killer Bow then Lance trades Iron Bow for it to not waste more uses. I remember that Sniper doesn't attack at all in NM because he has weird AI, but just in case I switch Echidna to a less heavy weapon and then have Sue chip more at the wall. Lame. Apparently he does attack, that took down a huge chunk out of her HP. F yeah! Echidna never sleeps! Fir promotes. Those are even better than Rutger promo gains. Should be very useful for Lugh. Echidna takes down the wall. Time for me to enjoy killing the Sleep Priest. I do hate them so. But first, this guy has to die. DIE! Jerrot kills the last enemy outside the wall. Good thing I always have one of these on Lugh. Whoops! Yeah, that was quite risky and I didn't notice the Archer would attack first. I thought he was safe because the Shamans would attack first and he would not ORKO one of them. Whatever, he survived anyway. Ouchie. Didn't know this guy moved either. This AI is weird. Free tome for Sophia I guess... Building his staff rank with Unlock. More boom from Rutger. Sue takes down the Physic Priest too. Lance gets rid of one of the wall shamans that Lugh didnt kill. This is how everything looks at the end of the turn. She's out of range of the Longbow one. Final Tier 1 Sue level. Another str proc is nice. Quite a nice last level! Final wall enemy is down. More unlocking from Saul. Should definetely come in handy on Rutger/Fir. I have Lance rescue Fir, drop her, canto back and get healed by Lugh. Well, she only managed to lure 3 enemies but that's cool. She also reached B Swords. So much money. One of the axers dies to Lugh. Yeah, she can ORKO with Steel Sword. My Fir is great. I felt like the team wasn't ready to take this guy down so I just waited. For Sue! Sue promotes! Her Defense is so bad, but her offense should be ok and I think my Sue is Res blessed. Didn't crit :( So much for feeding him to Tate... Dayuuum Managed to feed this guy to her though Why am I still using you? The weirdo thief arrives. 3 dodges of this in a row is very nice. Tate can't double with the Iron lance sadly. I'd use her more if she had a better staff rank. Saul is barely not in B as it is and she doesn't even have Restore yet... Tate has very nice sleep avo! Raigh get. Unfortunately, Sophia is a thing in this playthrough. I would use him so Lugh can have a support partner, but yeah, Sophia. I'll put a poll on whether I should use him and Sophia or not though. She finishes the Priest and barely doesn't get a level. NO Cass get. The conversations between these 2 are actually really cool but you don't get the full convo unless you play it :P Her stats are definetely not cool. It's even worse if you look at the other page, where it is revealed she has an amazing E in Swords in Chapter freaking 12. Wtf IS? Getting ready to storm the castle. I had a feeling once I open the door, enemies would come right away from those stairs... The third whip. This one is for Zeiss! Weird rescue chain is executed Sue kills the Sleep Priest that put Tate to sleep earlier. Wow, what a boss quote! I lost the first run here because Rutger missed every hit and then the boss was like trollolol I can crit you too and he died. Epic trade into dance strats. What? This guy fails at bossquotes... NO Time to seize! Also, I had saul use a Restore on Tate for lulz and staff rank. Maybe not a good idea!
  11. Not sure. Gotta concentrate on making Eirika Route as good as possible first :P
  12. I find Ephraim chapters very boring. So I always go Eirika Route. Hell, my hack concentrates on improving Eirika's Route.
  13. Pretty sure Rutger faced 5% crit, so Deke and Rutger would need more procs than that i think. And i completely forgot that durandal was a thing. >_> I'm terrible at fe6.
  14. I love it personally. Not neccesarily the map's looks, but the amount of stuff to do in it is pretty cool.
  15. After feeling a bit awed by Ch11A's map design (in my brain its on par with FE12 maps), I start to remember why I start to dislike FE6 after that chapter. Literally RNG fest. Sleep staves start being common since C12, thats manageable, but Rutger missing twice and the boss missing then him getting critted in EP is dumb as fuck.
  16. I missed the NM part of his post, my bad. Yeah, her NM bases stink.
  17. Yeah. Too bad about my Sue. She's still a bit useful but her str is catching up to her. And yeah, my Lance's spd is crazy lol. Her bases are actually nice barring the weapon rank imo. And agreed on the name.
  18. [spoiler=Chapter where PKL's level luck got a bit crazy] Yeah, he seems cool. This shaman suddenly decided to go aggro after running away for 2 turns from Lugh. I don't understaaaand. Well, whatever, he's dead now, thanks to some assistance. Much rescue, such dancing! If you can't tell what I just did, I had Shanna drop rutger there, canto to where Lalum could dance her so she could rescue that archer there, which is the only one left that needs to be rescued. Since sue rescued one up north and Marcus too. This is where I lost in the previous run... She's kinda badass. This could've gone bad, like my previous run. But they like Fir over Echidna for some reason. And Sue's squishyness is a very attractive target, especially when she's carrying an Archer. Goodbye. Roy seems competent at dodging these at least. R Rutger crit please. Sue gets what is probably her final level in Tier 1. Man, her str and def are so lame. Not sure If I should promote her or fish for more levels first. Lalum or Tate, not sure. Probably Lalum. Woot! Didn't dodge it a third time though :( Klain was ferried here by Clarine so he can recruit Tate. Her stats are kinda crazy. Too bad about her lance rank... Fir ORKO'd the shaman :o More reinforcements. Yikes, Klain is in trouble. Echidna get. Lance gets a hit on the boss to weaken him. I hate how this boss has crazy luck on top of being a throne. Typical dancer level. The boss is nothing Rutger can't handle though ;) ...at least you're def blessed. Tate had bought some Thunder tomes and Fire tomes for Lugh and a random heal in the shop. This turn i have her chip a cavalier before... Getting out of here. Imagine the lulz to be had if Elphin actually joined too. Fir's promo item :o 5000G since Sue already has her promo item. For Tate/Miledy.
  19. [spoiler=Chapter 11: Hero of the West] I had to redo this one once because Echidna literally appeared and got owned and I didn't want her to die. It felt kinda cheap because I couldn't do anything. She spawns in EP and dies in EP. Stupid Steel Axe... Should've probably deployed Shin instead of Gonzo. But in the previous attempt, Shin dazzled me with an amazing blank level so I decided to not put up with his BS lol. I can't wait til she joins me <3 NEVER trust the bishop, Miledy! They changed her name :o. Sounds good too, but like every name, it'll be difficult to adjust to the new one. You can tell this is my second attempt, because I'm a lot more prepared. Managed to drop both Lugh and Fir over the wall in Turn 1. That much is true, at least... Sure, call the sick bastard to help out >_> Wow, what a douche I hate Gale. Probably the Worst Camus. First Archer goes down in EP. And the Longbow one dies now Wow, that's pretty nice, Fir! THAT though, is not nice! Lance gets his final Tier 1 level and what a nice last level it was! Since both Axers around are weakened and I see that Lalum can reach Roy if he 2 ranges them, I decided to give him 2 free kills with a Light Brand. Note to self: You should know better when it comes to Roy... At least he didn't miss BOTH of them. He got spd again, i can live with that. And res is ok for bolting. Lugh prepares to lure the group in the east. It's full of axe users and like 2 archers, so both Lugh and Fir will be safe, you'll see. Lance bromotes! His offense should be beast now and he's basically a better Marcus/Zealot atm. Still low on the hitrates though...RAGE. This guy is in a forest, so I can understand the hit I guess. It's a miracle she even hit one of these... Marcus missed this though. THE PLAN Jerrot has to kill the Dark Mage now instead... This should be amazing later... Yeah, these guys can't hit Fir at all even if she's weighed down. This guy can hurt Lugh, but his hit is still pretty bad. I shouldn't have fished for the crit here, Sue missed a kill due to this. Lance kills the Archer cleanly. Rutger is dropped to the other side to get those villages... Marcus ends up getting Sue's intended kill for a bro level. It's too late for Spd though, Marcus. Potential Fir kill is crit by Lugh. She still gets crazy exp from this guy though :o Should be very useful. Probably going to Tate. Another wow level from Fir! She's now tied with my Rutger in str >_> Rutger kills the Fighter near the villages. One of the archers can attack Fir now, still safe though. Since I can just do this. Fir is growing so quickly :o Sue's promotion item! Those brigands are the chumpiest. They would be more threatening if they spawned like every 2 turns or so. It would be so much easier if Klain didn't split up with Tate >_>. One chump and one ferrybot You must be proud she didn't choose to be archer like you! That was a rather interesting convo, tbh. Yeah, because you're Archers, right? ...No. His offense getting even better! Wow, Klain has bro bases. Dat strength! I waste no time making him come in handy. Wow, Fir got 3 of these str levels in a row. She's kinda beating Rutger in that now. I wish Elfire was more available. Sue, why? This has definetely not been her chapter. Jerrot rescues Klain. I have a plan. The chups arrive. If she missed both hits again, I'd be mad and Sue would probably be dead. This will definetely come in handy! Probably going on Milady. Wow, they're rather bulky though... Axereaver should help Tate out. Oh, is it Turn 8 already? Oh no
  20. Yeah, her HM bonuses are kinda crazy. Yeah, I know. That was me recalling wrong. I moved Roy during PP and did a bunch of other stuff that I just omitted as obvious.
  21. My bad, I don't think Geese autorecruited. I just moved Roy next turn then had Clarine rescue him and give him to Marcus iirc.
  22. [spoiler= Chapter 10: Western Resistance] I can't stop deploying Marcus. He's a drug. She should like, join now but these jerks have her imprisoned! This would've been a ORKO normally, but you know Rutger. I think this was an Skl only level. All the rage. I had my mounts pick them up after that so they'd be safe. More rage. These 2 just laugh at everything. Especially Rutger. Already has as many str procs as Rutger has had :/ Lance ORKOs an archer and Sue doesn't crit this guy, so Roy finishes him off. I have Shanna rescue Roy out of there...since he's ORKO'd by the mercenary. Yuck. And Clarine has to heal Fir because she got hit by the halberd for 20 damage earlier, which is also yuck. I have a feeling one of these will crit him eventually. It's a disaster waiting to happen. Why did I sell the icon again? More luck is great! And str spd too! I can't be that unlucky to get hit by a halberd and then by this in the same chapter, right? Killing Edge get. Speaking of Killing Edges... Do you know what str even is? Boom. I'm overusing Wo Dao, but Fir kinda needs it to train. By the time it's broken she should be able to spam Killing Edges instead I think. Sue doubling Mercenaries now <3 Marcus has still got it. There's a berseker jerk down there that is practically begging for me to lure him with Rutger. So much for feeding him to someone else...he crit him twice. Oh, right, this guy exists! I don't think this was a crit, either! Pretty sure this one is, though. ...Stop... Yeah, I bumrushed these dudes. I was pretty confident they couldn't kill anyone. Shanna is carrying Lilina. Got me a swordreaver. It might help Gonzo if i decide to use him. All goes well in EP. And then Lance gets rid of the Ballista. LOL Would've been the other way around if it weren't for Lugh being kinda overkill with his offense. What does Gonzo have that make me wanna use him so badly? That's...harsh. :/ You WILL die to Rutger soon for that! Geese get, he autorecruits so my one tile short fail wasn't such a fail after all! Geese's bases kinda stink so I won't use him. Sorry, fans of his hair :P ...Hoooly mother of God! And he has 60 str and 50 spd growths too! Lilina is dropped to where she can reach gonzo next turn... These pirates are bad, so Lance will use them as valuable exp. Fir and Lance are having a party with these axe enemies. :( ;_; Lilina going all Caeda on him. Not as good as the original recruiter though! She can do the beyblade too! Roy is dropped in the boss area and dodges his goon. Now that's more like it! Also has Rutger syndrome though... Yeah...uh, I kinda left the other Killing Edge with Merlinus. Derp. So the one Rutger has right now has 1 use. He makes that single use count though!~ Uuuugh Can't hurt to build his staff rank a bit, but I doubt he will get anywhere. This is actually not that bad! Yeah, he was just a jerk. Whoa, that's way too close Lalum! You're making Merlinus jealous! Wyrmslayer get!
  23. Probably yeah. I've been procrastinating on finding a new way to record. My new comp doesn't lag with desmuME, which is neat...until I use the built in recorded of desmuME...then it suddenly reminds me of my old comp. It's awful. Should probably DL a recording program already and start doing this again. I'm renaming this to Lowest Possible Turncount Playthrough. Since it's not your standard FE12 LTC run, its much more demanding.
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