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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Is Ike(T) really better than Titania just because of the transfers? I fail to see how you could ever transfer move and hand axe forges. Sure, he has ragnell eventually, but before that happens, Titania has been owning so much...as for where Jill(T) should be...I think above Nailah for starters. Wait a second...why are Ulki Janaff higher than Jill?
  2. Now that I've thought more on it, I do see how Jill(T) is Top Tier even without her resources. I mean, 13 str 17 spd 15 def bases and that becomes 15 str 18 spd 17 def with an insta promotion. She also doesnt need to promote right away so she can get 1 or 2 levels in 1-6 for more stats. And there's definetely almost no competition with Jill's resources. The Robes aren't exactly contested, the Energy Drop could be put to use by Volug, but Jill flies and has potential to become one of our best units, while Volug can only really use it well shortterm. I guess it could be transferred over to the GMs for Oscar or someone with slight str issues but Jill can make use of it sooner than the other Energy Drop candidates. She only really faces compettion from Nolan for the Dracoshield early on. A Steel Axe forge and Beastfoe and those resources can allow her to be a beast in 3-6 (not 2HKO'd by strongest Tigers, OHKOs cats and doubles tigers and flies unlike Nolan) and all that laguz exp she will get there will help her get even stronger so that she can cut a turn in 3-12 by going down the Ravine after a boots and eventually resulting in Ike falling to her. The difference those transfers do for Jill is ridiculous. So, Jill(T) with boosters = almost Haar. Jill (T) with no boosters = really good unit anyway.
  3. yeah, i can't read apparently.
  4. Pent warps, owns stuff, one of the best sages in FE, silver hair before it was cool, one of the more recognizable faces of Blazing Sword, etc.
  5. Alright, I'll count Part 1 as 68 turns then. 2-P 6(74) Did some fancy luring of the boss in Turn 4 with Elincia so that Haar can reach him quicker when he arrives. Marcia was fed the boss. Elincia was my freebie. Marcia 6.49 HP 35 Str 17 Mag 6 Skl 18 Spd 20 Lck 12 Def 16 Res 15 Sword C Lance B 2-1 seems like it will suck. My plan just looking at the map is like, rush to the Javelin village and then pick a god and pray.
  6. Because you got it all wrong. My favorite isn't Wind Waker. Revert the WW and you get my favorite Zelda game.
  7. If you mean me, then know that I like to exagerate a lot in SF. That said, screw Awakening >:(
  8. Bold: How does that help him as a unit? All that will cause if him to become the next Roy. Underline: That affects balance too drastically. Surely there's something better to do with avatar than that?
  9. Oh ok thanks. I was counting it wrong then in the other rout draft as I was told something else. I just wanted to know, since you're the rout draft concept's creator.
  10. Hey fox, what happens when you rout in an EP before seizing? Which is the TC that counts? Moment of seize or EP rout turn?
  11. Since when has FE9 ever been drafted in NM? I was talking HM. Jill needs those resources to cut the turn off of 3-6 3-12 and 3-13 HM. It's otherwise pretty hard for her to be able to do the things she could do with them.
  12. The things you ppl notice...>_>. I guess it's another reason to hate awakening so it's good.
  13. That's what happens when you mess with Micaiah. You get Sothe supported Resolve Thani critted.
  14. Basically, a fun topic where we give ideas on how to balance the cast of the DS games. We'll begin with FE11's Marth and FE12's Avatar. FE11 Marth is notable for being one of the worst lords in Fire Emblem games. Being swordlocked, low damage output and usually moving fully to get to the throne, he doesnt get lots of chances to get experience. How do you think he could be fixed/rebalanced? As for FE12 Avatar, we all know he/she's the best combat unit in FE12. Having a plethora of class options to choose from at the beginning. Having 8 mini chapters where he/she excels and having above average growths, opportunity to get experience and nice customizable bases. Some of his class choices need some help, while others could definetely be toned down...
  15. FE4 is kinda frustrating to LTC imo. I would be interested in a video run (completed) from horace though.
  16. Thanks for reminding me to get rid of that badge in favor of a better character from a better game :P EDIT: No would beat Pent.
  17. Soul instaloses because he didnt update for like...ever. So he has like 300 points less when I judge him. My hammer knows no mercy.
  18. Doesn't mean FE6's only good character matches up to any other FE characters :P Well...I guess FE6 chars arent as bad as FE13
  19. Yes, he has SS. Male Swordmasters don't cap Swords at S for some reason.
  20. Yeah. It's too bad Leaf Storm sucks vs Armors. 1-E 8(67) Throne room was a bit of a PITA. But I managed. I finished in Turn 8 after realizing that the rout turn isn't the one that matters. I managed to have enough time to get the Speedwing and Unlock (lol i might sell this one). A speedwing comes in handy for my Micaiah! Roles: Micaiah- get carried by Sothe and Thani shit in Throne room. Killed the meteor mage and provided Sothe with bonuses. Sothe- did the majority of stuff. BK- owned everything in his path. Edward- owned everything in his path...except when he dropped to low bio and missed that 1 Wind Edge hit that didnt matter. Tormod- took on reinforcements. Rafiel- vigored shit. Micaiah 20-- same as before Sothe 9.96 HP 36 Str 22 Mag 5 Skl 26 Spd 24 Lck 21 Def 16 Res 11 Knife S (if youre wondering about his inflated level: he was given 2 BEXP levels prior to the chapter) Tormod 6.71 HP 34 Str 14 Mag 18 Skl 16 Spd 21 Lck 15 Def 12 Res 14 Fire A Thunder B Wind C Rafiel 12.80 lol Edward 7.05 HP 37 Str 22 Mag 4 Skl 26 Spd 25 Lck 17 Def 19 Res 7 Sword SS (equipped because she got sealed) Those are the important things. The other 2 other items are filler i dont remember.
  21. Redid 1-7 and got 6 turns again. I forgot to save. Different stats though. 1-8 4(53) This.freaking.chapter. Celerity Sothe does his thing in the east, i made sure I could reach critical tiles with Sothe. Tormod took the west bandits and then the south reinforcements. The Dracoknight was handled by Micaiah, who entered resolve with a random bandit and the Dracoknight's AI was manipulated by Nailah Volug and Vika in a way that would make him only be able to target Micaiah and no NPCs. Edward and Rafiel took the northwest portion of the map. What I hate the most of this chapter, is how the bandits just love to ignore you and keep moving towards the healer if you don't ORKO them on the way with Sothe. It's so dumb ugh. Micaiah 12.67 HP 29* Str 3 Mag 16 Skl 16 Spd 12 Lck 18 Def 3 Res 14 Light C Welp...I guess we'll find out if this Micaiah can do 1-8... Apparently she can. BEXP'd her to Level 20, she capped HP right away then got Mag, a random point of spd, capped skl and res and was left with no choice but to proc spd. OH YEAH 20.00 HP 30 Str 3 Mag 20 Skl 20 Spd 15 Lck 23 Def 4 Res 20 Light C Here we go 1-9 5(58) One try too! So easy with a best bio micaiah. BK took out the left fighter, Micaiah attacks myrmidon then gets hit by the myrm to resolve in EP. Then BK takes to the north. And Micaiah lands in a thicket, making her total avo 88 vs a 105 hit enemy. BK lands on the thicket near the javelin soldier. Micaiah moves up and lands in another ticket near 2 soldiers. Both soldiers had sub 20 hit on her. BK and Micaiah were done with enemies, making Jaroda and an Archer appear. Micaiah takes down the archer and jaroda dies in EP Micaiah 20-- HP 30 Str 3 Mag 20 Skl 20 Spd 15 Lck 23 Def 4 Res 20 Light C Sothe 7.15 HP 36 Str 20 Mag 5 Skl 25 Spd 23 Lck 19 Def 16 Res 11 Knife S Tormod 5.58 base Rafiel 12.20 lol Edward 5.51 HP 36 Str 21 Mag 4 Skl 25 Spd 23 Lck 17 Def 18 Res 6 Sword SS
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