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Everything posted by PKL

  1. I used to think this too. But this is false now. She's still ridiculous and can 3 turn C12, which is still Marcia only. I managed to do it in a draft, where she can only be given 2 levels max from her base when she joins and it was fixed mode. I got her to Level something/1 by the time C12 happened. You gotta give her the Robe and Draco and a forge (and eventually the C14 energy drop), so she still needs resources that aren't BEXP. You only lose 2 turns to a BEXP'd Marcia and im not sure if C10 was a 4 turn just because its a draft and I had a more limited team. I probably couldve 3 turned if I had other units. Sure, she doesnt have as ridiculous an offense and needs more help long-term, but she's still acceptable in C23 and I never really had that much of an issue because it's an earlypromoted Marcia. Anyway, FE10Jill. Consider that she wants 2 Robes, a Dracoshield, an Energy Drop, transfers, Steel Axe forge and Beastfoe to realize her full potential. BEXP in FE9 is a more abundant resource, it's not comparable at all to what Jill needs here to function at her best.
  2. Why is an FE6 char still around? They're all terrible :3 Naturally I voted for the much more superior Pent.
  3. Idk...i think all this Jill overrating has ruined the character for me. She used to be one of my favorites, but SF lately overrates her a bit too much and I seem to like underdogs/ am probably salty because she beat Marcia i blame all of you. I would vote Calill, but my past jill-loving self is preventing me from doing so. So i'll abstain from voting. And hope Micaiah beats whoever wins this one :3
  4. 1-7 7(50) Edward to .99 and gave him Paragon. Sothe got Savior. Edward went up to beat the Hand Axe Armor. Savior Sothe went through the stairs with Micaiah. Then Sothe dropped Micaiah in front of the armor near the cell. Tormod got to Sothe finally. The armor died to Sothe in EP and the longbow dude missed micaiah so no resolve. I then had Eddie kill the Longbow Archer. Micaiah goes through. Sothe recruits Tormod and Tormod attacks a ledge Mage. The following turn, I had Tormod weaken the boss so Micaiah can grab the kill with Thani...no spd rage. Edward kills the other ledge mage. Sothe attacks an armor that followed the tormod group but never got killed from a ledge and leaves it at 1 HP due to no adept. The armor dies in EP to Sothe, the remaining mage too. Eddie kills the soldier guarding the door and Tormod kills the 2 remaining archers by the boss. Is my TC 6 or 7 because it ended in EP but I seize in 7...anyway, Sothe got the Master Seal and seize. Micaiah 11.69 HP 22 Str 3 Mag 15 Skl 15 Spd 11 Lck 18 Def 3 Res 14 Light C Sothe 6.15 HP 37 Str 20 Mag 6 Skl 24 Spd 22 Lck 19 Def 16 Res 10 Knife S Edward 4.65 HP 35 Str 19 Mag 3 Skl 23 Spd 23 Lck 16 Def 17 Res 6 Sword S
  5. 1-6-2 7(43) Routing this map is awful. Managed to improve it a lot from the first clear, which was 9 turns. I optimized it by making sure Sothe had the right Knife at the right time and breaking knives proved to be crucial in saving the boss (oh god why do we have to make the boss survive rage). Sothe went left and then to the boss area, moved towards the ballista so he would die in EP ( the archer attacks without ballista if close enough) and then healed, and killed the 2 priests there in the following player phases. Eddie and Micaiah took the Fiona area. Micaiah proved crucial with Thani and Resolve (she could kill Mages while in resolve). For some reason, the fire mages chose to attack Micaiah over Edward when both were equipped with 1-2 range. Edward could cleanly ORKO enemies with Wind Edge. 2 enemies, the boss and the final priest were all that remained in Turn 7 Player Phase. So I had Sothe attack the priest (boss was hit before and left at 9 HP, good thing no adept proc'd) and Micaiah took down a Cavalier with Thani and Edward OHKO'd the remaining mage that didnt get resolved with Steel Sword. In EP 7, the boss attacked Sothe, missing and then dying. This map is literally the worst thing ever. I guess one could rig Cancel hits from the boss. But the boss has such bad hitrate on Sothe that it would suck. Next Rout plz make this rout everyone except the boss area. That way you can just lure the boss when youre done with Fiona's area. Seriously >_> At least it was all worth it, as Micaiah got a gr8 level. Micaiah 10.91 HP 22 Str 3 Mag 14 Skl 15 Spd 11 Lck 17 Def 3 Res 13 Light C Sothe 5.86 HP 36 Str 19 Mag 5 Skl 23 Spd 22 Lck 18 Def 16 Res 10 Knife S Edward 2.03 HP 33 Str 18 Mag 3 Skl 22 Spd 22 Lck 15 Def 17 Res 6 Sword A
  6. No, it's one of these: FE11's prep screen FE10 The Devotedhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=dgYM6h1NMkM#t=276 FE12 Mystery of the Emblem FE11 Footsteps of Fate
  7. Jill is definetely in the best characters end of this game. But she's not Haar. The 35 spd cap allows her to double Swordmasters in the desert and Auras I guess (but who cares about endgame really). Let's not forget that she needs Robes Drop and Shields to function as Top Tier and should be punished accordingly.
  8. 1-4 because Nolan sucks there normally. Consider this, Quint: Eddie starts at Level 4 with 12 base spd Just from clearing his join chapter, you can get him 2 levels with a 60 spd growth in 5 turns. He's Level 6 or very near it. Nolan comes next chapter with a 10 base spd, same growth as Eddie, but he's Level 9, so he gets less exp from kills. Eddie will be growing faster, with the same growth, while Nolan struggles to get 3 levels before 1-4, Eddie can get 5 levels easily, before then. Nolan would need the following: 4 levels: that contain Str and Spd, with a 45 and 60 growth respectively. He can't equip Wrath, and he normally won't be able to ORKO any tigers. The 1-2 range argument doesn't even matter ever, because Eddie doesn't lose turns ever to Nolan. I've had the opportunity to use both of them. Both at times in equal skill levels of mine. I can safely say Eddie saves 1 more turn than Nolan that Nolan can never replicate unless you rig his str and spd. Also, Eddie's 1-2 range is good, even, after Chapter 3-6 where you get a buyable Storm Sword, and then u get a Ragnell Tempest Blade for him. Also, Nolan's str sucks.
  9. 1-5 4(32) Ed goes up the ledge and owns some enemies. Volug owns some enemies directly up of him and takes a delicious mage fire hit in EP. Micaiah and Sothe head down through the desert. Sothe steals da Master Seal. Micaiah gets exp from the mages. Eddie kills the boss and every 2 range enemy there with wind edge from above the ledge and then he goes up and wraths enemies in the northeast part of the desert. Volug killed 2 soldiers in the northwest. Sothe killed the priest and 2 soldier reinforcements. Volug got the myrmidons (holy shit that move) and the last enemies died like this: Mage attacks Eddie and puts him in wrath range, gets blicked, a Javelin soldier attacks Ed, hits him somehow with like 30 hit but leaves him at 1 HP (dat ridiculious def blessing) and gets wrathed. An enemy attacked Jill and then dies to Tauro in Other Phase, routing in 4 turns. I then proceed to feed some kills to some of the guys and sacrifice with Miccy in the remaining turns. Would definetely have been 5 if I didn't have such a ridiculous Thwomp Ed. Micaiah 8.05 HP 21 Str 3 Mag 13 Skl 13 Spd 10 Lck 15 Def 2 Res 11 Light C Sothe 3.33 HP 35 Str 19 Mag 4 Skl 21 Spd 21 Lck 17 Def 16 Res 10 Knife S Volug 15.09 base Edward 16.14 HP 29 Str 15 Mag 1 Skl 20 Spd 19 Lck 14 Def 16 (wtf) Res 3 Sword A 1-6-1 4(36) Gave 1 level of BEXP to Ed (HP str Spd) and sealed him 32 HP 17 Str 3 Mag 21 Skl 21 Spd 14 Lck 17 Def 5 Res Also Miccy to .99 I had Ed take the Armor reinforcements (with the Iron Sword forge and the new Swordmaster str, he can cleanly ORKO them) and the Pegs, Wind Edge had 80 hit on the last 2 pegs but the Javelin peg attacks Ed first and his wind Edge broke and he used the Iron Sword forge for the other. Sothe with Adept and crit forges just stomped his way to the northwest. The last turn was a bit riggy due to the armors, not gonna lie. But meh. Also my Micaiah didn't proc spd....again. Yay? 1-6-2 sucks
  10. Galeforce though. I always go Peg avatar first, it saves time in the desert and dat
  11. Hey Dondon, just posting to say that maaaan, you suck so much at rigging growths. Get better :P. All those blank levels. Seriously though, Im looking forward to Ch12 13 and 14.
  12. My personal best for FE13 Hard Mode is 0:58:28. I'm sure there's better though. Since I spent a bit of time with Grima due to bad luck.
  13. Hard or Harder. I love me some FE12 Maniac Lunatic and Lunatic'. I always play in the higher difficulties first run or if ive heard (like FE13) that the loony is dumb, I play the middle one (Hard). I like my first playthrough to have some degree of challenge to it, thank you very much. And HOW DARE YOU QUESTION THE CHICKEN's MOTIVES?
  14. But in a draft, Eddie still beats nolan by 1 turn. Period.
  15. Hi, Mister I CANT BEAT CHAPTER 11 :p
  16. For everytime you attack in Lunatic Reverse, the exp seems to drop, just like FE13 Lunatic. Normally, Ryan would be 1.40 in this following pic in Lunatic, but in Lunatic Reverse... http://gyazo.com/69f49f32a522c908c0dfd4bc33c7a3d3 He's at 1.39 after a Luke chip and kill. So Lunatic Reverse FE12 started that anti boss abuse thing? Was this known? Or am I the first to make the observation? EDIT: Actually, it seems 29 exp is a thing in Lunatic Reverse. Maybe reduced exp? I didnt notice this in my other Lunatic Reverse Casual run... EDIT 2: Ok made some test, it seems that Ryan does indeed get 1 less exp when he kills (as opposed to even chip exp decreasing like 13) Rody finally. So, if he attacks 1 time and finishes him off, its 30 exp gained. If he attacks twice, he gains 29 exp.
  17. 2 or 3 instances of it vs a plethora of other awesome things >_>
  18. Aside from Chapter 10, which is boring as hell (but not poorly designed anyway imo). Tell me, what other chapter is poorly designed? I find almost all of them to have genius stuff in them. And cleverly positioned enemies and side objectives.
  19. In what alternate dimension is FE12's map design bad?
  20. Speaking of one sitting...we might want to coordinate so that everyone has at least 8 hours or so to do this. The other speedrun draft started at 7 PM my time, i wouldnt be able to play through RD if its at that time again, thats for sure (supposing it takes like 8 hours, its just an estimate, idk how much ill take, it might be less) as I would still be playing at 1 AM or so and I have college the next day during the morning.
  21. I'm in. Though it's not guaranteed that I'll get a capture card by then, is that alright?
  22. Idk, everytime I did the chapter Vanessa ORKO'd him. So I never noticed.
  23. Yeah, those too >_> I hate every status staff ever.
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