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Everything posted by PKL

  1. That's not what I meant silly Quint. I meant that when you combine crit chance from a normal hit+chance of mastery proc'ing in the 2 attacks+the chance of an adept = very high chances of a ORKO.
  2. It can be both a fighting game and a party game. /thread
  3. In what context? In how much it helps ORKOs i assume? Astra and Impale combines well with Adept and crit chances to make Mia and Neph able to ORKO where normally she couldnt. Deadeye has good activation rate but I find it useless most of the time because both Shinon and Rolf usually ORKO in Player Phase without it anyway. I like the animation though. Stun is nice on the Seraphs for the same reason as Astra except the crit part. Flare is comparatively bad, but its still nice in drafts for the desert I suppose. Sol is pretty nice because on top of a OHKO you also get more survavibility.
  4. I've done it. It's possible to tackle the game with a few pairs more than normal in Lunatic. I've managed to use max deployment for all of Lunatic before. I've also been able to do a draft for it, though my team was ill-suited to recruit right away due to units having no resistance (my pairs cant wall properly when the dark fliers start arriving) so I havent done paralogue yet.
  5. I'm sad it took me quite a while to understand that haha
  6. That map is so bad that I usually forget it exists when talking about bad maps. But yeah, its super boring and you know I usually ragequit drafts after 3-6 because the map is just so bad and boring and ugh.
  7. I wanted to say you should ban Eirika and Ephraim but then I remembered its Fe8, your magic users will be overpowered compared to enemies anyway so....this wont be a challenge im afraid. Still gonna follow tho i guess.
  8. SSB6, since Sakurai said 3ds = 4 and wii u = 5 a while back :P. And Dr. Mario will probably have the kobe, the pills and no fludd.
  9. If mewtwo ridley dixie impa and mach rider are also in the game, Smash 6 will need something huge to improve on that roster. Just...damn.
  10. Congrats for finishing teh run! 8 is very likely to be a snoozefest though
  11. My order is Jolteon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Vaporeon>Espeon>Umbreon>Leafeon>Glaceon>Sylveon>>>>>>>>>>>>Flareon
  12. Yeah, they're pretty bad. I think I've never actually used one o.o
  13. Fiona is shafted by so many things in RD. Low level, low bases, Tier 1 join in what counts as lategame for that part, low promo gains, weighed down by some weapons, movement impediments beginning from her first map (1-7 cuts move by 2 because indoors, she doesnt exist in 1-8 and 1-9, 1-E is indoors, 3-6 has swamps which makes her almost unable to move at all, 3-13 counts as indoors and she has to deal with at least 1 map of cut move in all Part 4 routes like every mount). She also doesnt exist in 1-8. 1 map right after joining. Not like she could've done anything of use in 1-8 though because of the swamp. I think the only map where she might be fine if trained somehow is in 3-12 and Hawk Army's 4-2. She definetely isnt worth the insane amount of trouble and time it takes to baby her, she cant even get to wield Double Bow unlike a certain other Baby unit with 35 spd cap. It's sad.
  14. Jolteon is the best <3. This is fact.
  15. Definetely Rafiel if you're talking Endgame. All of them are pretty valuable throughout the game though, but Rafiel is definetely the heron of choice for endgame.
  16. Regular mages get access to a very OP, buyable staff when they promote and dark mages don't. :)
  17. I tend to use Nailah because I love that character and I also sometimes use Tibarn. I rarely deploy the others in casual play.
  18. Wait...how did it happen? I thought you were short 1 tile with Florina? did you really just have to deploy her a bit farther north? lol
  19. Deploy Ninian farther north and rig dodges for her life? Actually, it would come up 1 tile short too, so it doesnt help...hmm...idk it looks impossible. Those hill and sea tiles are placed just right to not allow this...
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