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Everything posted by PKL

  1. That's because without it, Cog will go much worse right? If you're sure that turn will save more later go for it.
  2. It's probably never gonna return. Since the removal of weapon weight came along with Casual mode in FE12, I always thought it was part of the attempt to make FE easier to newcomers. I guess adding current AS somewhere like FE10 could help, but then it's also just an unnecesary weapon restriction. And come on, there's nothing strategic about weapon weight, it just limits steels needlessly and forces more Iron and Killer usage. Armorslayer requiring thought to use in FE8? Thats a new one. I spam the shit out of it.
  3. ^ Actually, most people 5 turn. It's usually viewed as lame because doing the 4 turn usually results in others having to rig it too and it needlessly makes the very first chapter incredibly annoying for everyone that wants to try and beat the other :P. But this is another case entirely. I'm sure no one will mind the rig. Except Espinosa if he wants to beat your TC in the future.
  4. 4 in a day? :o Liked how you got all 3 things you wanted. When are Pure Waters buyable btw? I forget
  5. Lol...an Eclipse tome. I guess it would've come in handy to nuke Ch19 walls...meh. Why does an Eclipse village have so many thieves going for it...IS seemed to overvalue Eclipse or something idk, ill never understand them. But from the way they placed Eclipse enemies in some maps and guard a village with it I get the impression they thought it was a good tome... @ Dondon- FE6 hitrates are the reason Lugh and Sue are that overleveled for me. Javelins might be bad, but I kinda have to use them to KO mages. Also, I did Chapter 18 like the same day I posted Chapter 17 Screens, but I've gotten lazy and dont want to have to post a bunch of screens and come up with stuff for them. When I feel inspired I will. Speaking of chapter 18, I used a savestate at the end of that map for once. Wanted to make sure Fir or Milady could kill the boss (needed 2 hits 2 Killing Edge crits on him from Fir or a Milady Killer crit or a Milady hit + Fir crit+hit) so Roy could seize without tent enemies coming. Those tents are pretty bull.
  6. Yeah, I remember unlocking 19xx once and regretting it. It really wasnt worth the dance grinding and Kishuna killing for me.
  7. That would honestly not be LTC anymore. You'd have to spend quite a bit of turns getting hils to Level 7.
  8. I had never seen that Florina dialogue when she opened the door o.o
  9. If you're gonna 6 turn C17, try to check if Lucius is recruitable.
  10. The really big issue with Parablossom Astrid...is that that Paragon is better used elsewhere. I tend to strip both Geoffrey and Astrid of their paragons and give em to good units like Marcia.
  11. It was posted in my competitive scene's Facebook group so I thought I'd share and then Lucina (the user here) told me it was fake and people posted saying it was fake in the group and yep :/. Wish it was real though. They really like to toy with us when a new smash is about to come out huh?
  12. Finally a moderately interesting chapter after Lyn Mode. Not gonna lie, not looking forward to chapter 15. Though I am definetely curious for Chapter 16. I'm guessing you'll robeflorina skip it.
  13. Ok...I can see how people think Palutena will be OP now. When I was reading that translation, it seems she's gonna be one of those characters that is designed to be overpowered intentionally. All of her miracles have great advantages without a drawback, unlike most other custom moves I've seen. EDIT: I now know which character to blame if custom movesets are banned Day 1 in Smash 4 offline tournaments.
  14. I find magic usually hurts Manaketes pretty well, so you shouldn't have trouble with stationary manaketes. Also, dat Lilina spd. At least she gets +3 spd on promo.
  15. Ok, fine, the horse doesn't matter much because of Warp, but Eirika is still not that bad.
  16. I feel FE9 Ike is overrated in this list. His swordlock really hurts him for basically the entire game and one has to rig mag on him to get him nice 1-2 range before ragnell. He has decent combat after promotion at 1 range but that's it until Ragnell imo. Should be in the mixed bag tier. Marth from FE12 is solid, but Horace brings up a good point, what are his actual contributions and what is just feeding him exp for Medeus? It's hard to tell. He can use a Wyrmslayer pretty well if he hits 20-22 AS (after RP with 20) in the dragon chapters to quickly skyrocket his level, but that's fairly unimpressive too. He has the Shield that doesn't let him get doubled by any enemy in lategame (hits 27 AS) and he can use a Brave Sword to ORKO Glower Sorcerers pretty well without taking a counter I suppose. But all of this is stuff other units in High Tier and Top Tier can do too in some way and it takes a lot of skill to use Marth to his full potential, so i don't know to rank him vs other lords in the series. He might be better than Chrom from my experience but that may be because I favor Lucina and neglect Chrom for the Avatar or other units or simply don't know how to use him to his full potential yet. Eirika is way too low. She's definetely not that bad. She's fast, her Rapier is decent, Sieglinde is pretty good and she gets a mount later on for more move. Roy is too high, he should have his own tier below every other lord in the series. He really is special in a bad way. I personally think Lyn might be better than SD Marth (at least in H2 to H5) because she's really good in her mode like Horace said and I find her useful when ferried for nuking some enemies here and there with the Mani Katti in the maingame. That's probably better than what SD Marth is ever doing, as sad as that is. I'd so something like this: Top Tier 1) Sigurd 2) Alm 3) RD Ike 4) Seliph 5) FE 1 Marth Solid Tier 6) Ephraim 7) Leif 8) Chrom 9) FE12 Marth 10) Hector Mixed Bag Tier 11) FE9 Ike 12) Eirika 13) FE3 Book 2 Marth 14) Micaiah 15) Celica 16) Lyn Bottom Tier 17) Eliwood 18) Shadow Dragon Marth Badder than the Bads Tier 19) Roy
  17. [spoiler=Chapter 17 Sacae] NOT ANOTHER DODGY BISHOP BOSS PLZ I kick things off by using Barrier on Tate, I had to reset once before because I sent Milady to the right on her own and she got mauled by a thousand mages. At least she's not ORKO'd anymore... This was very common with these mages. Hit once, miss the killing blow. At least Tate can tank them for days. NO. Saul tries to redeem himself, but it's too late bro. Actually, I should totally use the last Guiding Ring on him...Tempting. Now that she's been Barrier'd, she can tank this mage pretty well. ...free heal staff I guess. A crit. Dammit Saul. At least he still lives. The ballista missed all his shots iirc. Makes me think Delphi was useless >_< Since he was close to Level 11, I fed him a kill before promoting and...this level is what he gets :/ Raigh and Roy trap a 2 range locked nomad for exp abuse. Since Saul was in danger, I had to have Fae kill the mage because Sophia couldn't do it. I think this was a Sage. Good riddance. They keep using Physic on the barely not dead mages, it's annoying. One down now. Eh... If I can figure out where he's hiding, maybe I could kill the guy... Typical manakete. This guy came out of nowhere, if that had crit, lance was done and I would've raged. That wyvern also came out of nowhere and that's probably the archer that was manning the ballista. Too bad he wasn't ORKO'd... Very good hitrate yo. B Swords. I guess it might come in...who am i kidding? I have Tate take down the Archer in PP after Milady helped reveal him. I think at this point there's no more mages around. I wanted to overkill this guy for appearing out of nowhere and having displayed crit on Lance. I didn't even need to Silver Bow, I just wanted to. Better accuracy I guess... Second ballista goes down. Another wyvern dies to Lance. Double crit too. Zeiss promotes. He's pretty good. But I think he might get doubled by some nomads. ...Tate, you had a great thing going with those levels back in Tier 1. I want that Tate back ;_; Also she almost dies to Wyvern jerks and I have her retreat and heal with a vulnerary. She's safe now... Thanks to Saul, of course. Raigh gets out of the way, roy takes his place and Sophia takes Roy's place. It's time to "have fun" trying to hit a nomad with sophia. At least she's getting nice levels. Reinforcement cavaliers started appearing here so I have Tate kill the cavalier that barely didnt reach Fae and prepare to kill more reinforcements there. I hate FE6 hitrates. Also, this jerk seems to be back for more. But not anymore because I finally found him. Lugh could ORKO that promoted nomad that attacked Perceval earlier o.o I bust out the wyrmslayer with Fir for lulz. Perceval plugs a fort where cavaliers are spawning. A bit of more str and def would be nice... Oh, right, I didnt save that village. Idk what was there and I honestly dont care at this point. It's weird how the Thief AI stops functioning completely after they destroy the village though... YES, it's not a Avo Tank Bishop jerk! Kinda bulky though, I guess. See? That thief reinforcement didnt even move. FE6 is weird. Owned. I tried. I tried again...(this was on EP after arcard attacked) and eventually I gave in and decided to kill him with an actually accurate weapon >_< So fast :o Hahahaha.... Fae Sophia B already. I sold this stuff so that I dont have to later. I have a lot less money than dondon had I think. Probably because of how casul I've been playing. Aaaand...she also caps spd. OP Roy: "Go on" Lance: "Have Milady do everything and bench us" Raigh and Lugh B also happens. ... I have to hit eventually, right? That's what I thought. but it happened right away. WHY I seize Turn 29. I forgot to mention I bought a Steel Bow because I have like, no Bows other than some Killers and Silvers left.
  18. C1 barely offers any exp to Level 6 units i'm afraid. So I don't think it's feasible to gain a level with Draug in C1 in LTC. Good to know for casual play I suppose.
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