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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Hardin and Athena. Just wondering, who do I pick a class for now? And why isn't Caeda a cleric already :P. If I have to choose for both Randa and Venno, then Caeda goes Myrmidon->Swordmaster and Castor goes Knight-General.
  2. The Steel Bow forge was a much better investment and you didn't forge it. I don't see why you'd forge the Win Spear, it doesn't make the game much easier like the Bow forge if that's what you're wondering. It can only really be useful in C5, 6, 8, 15, 18 and 19. Maybe for like 1 General each in Ch20 and 20x. That's a lot less chapters than in FE11.
  3. Wait, dont I get to choose Baldrick's Barst classes?
  4. Hmm, who's the best unit here though? Thinking Caeda but she's probably gonna be turned to Archer!
  5. Oh no no no, feel free to rig all you want. But next time, consider thinking before calling someone else a cheater? ;)
  6. Ok, I need help. I cant beat Paralogue 17 with these low-res units. Any ideas? I want Tiki.
  7. What I mean is that the probability of 8 AS brigands, 2 wraths, those levels and a 6 turn happening is extremely slim, is all. Calculate it and you'll see.
  8. I was wondering why the rn burns. I think there's a way that yields a good Lyn level without a single rn burn and still 5 turns?
  9. The probability of a 6 turn with Str and Spd on Eddie and Miccy getting def is ridiculously low but ok. Both of those are significant difficulty softeners in the next chapters. For example, Micaiah isn't OHKO'd next chapter and Eddie doubles Fighters.
  10. I'll be at an extreme disadvantage because i'm on cartridge. So I'm still thinking if i should enter. You guys will probably savestate scum Chapter 1 for example.
  11. I conveniently forgot the hard drive. Can't speak for Gyarados.
  12. Teams is usually played with Friendly Fire on, so its actually gonna be awkward to play as the team of the Mii Gunner. He certainly wont be able to spam ranged moves and smashes, as it will hurt his teammate more than help if he's not careful.
  13. Typical Horace ;_; Such sadness. Best thing is how the OP said this is the first time he's motivated to finish. Not sure if sirius or trolling.
  14. You guys would be sick by now If I complained about Toon Link never appearing in pics or pretty much anything.
  15. PKL

    FEE3 2014

    Project Name: PKL Eirika Lunatic Mode Patch Base Engine: FE8 Creator: PKL Submitting: Playable demo (up to what chapter remains to be seen, but for now I'll have to play it safe and say up to Chapter 12 because there's not nearly enough time to polish the other chapters as much as I want to polish them)
  16. They realized Melee is love, Melee is life http://www.gfycat.com/BoilingBabyishAphid
  17. Generally once you submit a final TC, you can't redo anything. Not like it matters because it's not a true competition for money or anything, just beat him next draft or something if u want :P. Go out proud that you finished first?
  18. FE8 is just not fair. Even if one banned Franznessa, someone still gets screwed.
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