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Everything posted by PKL

  1. >Calls quint a cheater. Proceeds to get all the wrath crits and good Eddie levels.
  2. Midia has all of Ch20, 20x and 21 over Michalis. Both are extremely bad, but Midia has a shot at doing more due to availability. While she does face critrates, it's not as bad as Michalis. Both are never getting to Level 20 by endgame either, unless you slow down considerably. Of course, not having suficiente bases and not being able to get exp fast is why they're in Bottom Tier. Anyway, I was thinking of making a tier list for No DLC items, no Lunatic boosters, no mixed class sets Lunatic, but I have trouble seeing who exactly would go down/up. Like, I'm sure Linde and Ryan are worse off in this kind of playstyle, as they actually have trouble getting started without their respective boosters and Ryan no longer has Horseman as an option. But does anyone other than Draug get that much better in a run like that? I'm sure Marth also lowers to like Mid Tier, as suddenly he's that much more prone to RNG screwage without his Growth drop or Rainbow Pot. Something like: Top Tier Avatar Malicia Feena Palla Catria Caeda Xane Sirius Etzel High Tier Draug Luke Rody Minerva Upper Mid Tier Ryan Linde Cecille Arran Yumina Ogma Merric Navarre Cain Julian Barst Leiden Darros Roger Wrys ??? didn't think it through, but that's where you all come in. Discuss.
  3. I didn't even want to play. And I don't want to LTC for a good while. Taking a break.
  4. 1-P Edward weakens things and Miccy gets the kills. Edward got a Wrath in on the boss and then a normal hit and I took a turn to feed him to Micaiah instead of risking the second Wrath on Player Phase. 8 turns Copying Quintessence because I can. Level 2.48 HP 16 Str 2 Mag 8 Skl 9 Spd 7 Lck 10 Def 3 Res 5 Light D Level 5.20 HP 20 Str 8 Mag 0 Skl 12 Spd 12 Lck 8 Def 5 Res 0 Sword D Also, I am not gonna try for lowest turns or anything. I'm kinda gonna play like Quint.
  5. So, bring back one of the most broken mechanics ever?
  6. Wow, that's a lot of great levels in a row o.o Anyway, I think dropping Linde too makes sense. Without her Lunatic booster Seraph Robe, she won't really ever escape 1HKO'd status. You also won't have the 3 Lunatic booster Spirit Dusts or Rainbow Potion to fix her mag, so she doesnt seem worth it. Both Ryan and Linde are much much worse in a run without Lunatic boosters and Rainbow Potion. Hmm, I might add a no boosters or RP tier list to my FE12 H3 Tier List.
  7. Maybe you got 2 Wraths? Idk lol. I'll try it tomorrow.
  8. Im probably gonna start tomorrow. Quick question to Mar-mar though: It's been a while since I last saw a LTC of HM or played it myself, but wasn't a 7 turn of 1-P only possible with Leo chip?
  9. Well, all 6 of you should vote first on Ed/Nolan's fate in 1-4 before we proceed. If we need a tiebreaker, I'll break the tie.
  10. FE12 can only be Low turned though apparently, who cares if you can bring the lategame scrubs up to par, amirite? The problem is that they're all Est-like units. Theyre labeled unusable when in reality theyre just tough to use. By your description of your ideal difficulty, you might enjoy FE12's Lunatic.
  11. With growths that high, multiple speed tiers to reclass to and a plethora of statboosters and forging, it's gonna be beatable way way more often than not if you are rng screwed. The run might be slower, but it wont be over. The only thing to regret from FE12's hardest mode is the presence of a terrible lategame joiner cast imo. :(
  12. FE9 MM and FE10 HM buff defensive stats too much so it tends to be hard for the wrong reasons imo. Hector Hard Mode is just weak in general. The only chapter I liked was how different Cog of Destiny was, otherwise it was ez mode all over again. FE8 is lol. FE11 H5 has an extremely bad earlygame, with shaky javelin hits being the norm and otherwise is too easy and easy to break. FE13's lunatic isnt that hard due to various reasons that we all know but if you don't use that stuff it can be a decent difficulty. FE6 is usually hard because of the hitrates. I think FE12's Lunatic takes it, easily. Adding new enemies to the maps, new AI behavior in a few places, buffed aggresive stats and HP instead of buffing their def, removal of Warp and Silver Card are things it does well.
  13. The intention was for them to be free, but I see what you mean. It can be interpreted the other way too. Bad wording on a new ruling from my part, sorry.
  14. Mostly because if you turtle with them as Generals they eventually are invincible. Caeda Lena and Wendell are the real breakers of the game.
  15. @ Bolded- What? Hector Hard Mode is very weak in the difficulty department. I take it you haven't played Lunatic in 12 or 13? 12's is anything but "just buffed enemies" and FE13 does have some genius stuff (that is not noticeable due to Avatar and other broken stuff). And how is reclassing a bad mechanic? Sure, FE11 was just Heroes for class B and Dracos/Paladins for class A, but it was a very fun new mechanic that added replayability and even made units more versatile and added to strategy. It was also optional
  16. PKL: Part 1 Team: Micaiah, Sothe, Laura, Aran, Jill, Rafiel, Black Knight, Nailah = not that bad. I'll live. Hopefully I get Aran to be decent. Would've prefered Leonardo but we'll see. Part 2 Team: Marcia, Leanne, Geoffrey = I just noticed I only have free units for Part 2 o.o Part 3 Team: Ike, Titania, Oscar, Ranulf, Reyson, Janaff, Marcia = 2 mounts, 2 laguz with hax bases. I'll be fine. Endgame: Caineghis, Nasir, Gareth = best endgame for what it's worth.
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