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Everything posted by PKL

  1. To (kinda) quote what Integ once told me: If it isn't explicitly allowed in the rules, assume doing it incurs a penalty.
  2. Rutger is free and also in the units list.
  3. Yeah, it's a lame practice but whatever. Milady should save enough turns later on to be the first pick imo. Marcus covers the earlygame. Alance are kinda meh and just selfimprove early on anyway.
  4. This. I think Rennac might cost turn/s but I cant check if thats true atm.
  5. Isn't Mari better than Ren in Eph?
  6. There's like a million BEXP in Part 4 and her BEXP levels hand out a lot of str/spd ones. Rescue+flight+Tempest Blade shave some turns in 4-2.
  7. PKL

    Map Saving

    I prefer them being tiles because then you have to take them into account in your strategy. How do I get there at the right time? Do I save with X character now or do I wait til later? Will I be able to later?
  8. PKL

    Map Saving

    Battle Saves were way too abusable though. :/
  9. Yep, nerves are a big thing. I remember being a nervous wreck back in 2008 when deciding if i should go to my first Brawl tournament. I got wrecked but I kept on going to tournaments because I wanted to be good at the game. I didn't overcome my nerves until 2009 and I only got really good at Brawl in mid-late 2009. Started getting Top 3 sometime in 2010 and started to get 2nd/1st in 2011 and dominated Brawl in my scene until this day. It takes time to get good at any of the Smash games but don't let that discourage you. I started Melee competitively sometime in 2011 and while I am one of the better ones, the ones that I can't beat (HDL, Excel Zero and Master Gheb) have been playing since 2001, 2004 and 2005 respectively so they have a bunch of experience over me. I learn fast but not fast enough to beat them yet. Getting into Melee is entirely possible still, you'll get wrecked right away and need to effort a lot but it's worth it. I've only been getting Top 5 in Melee here but that's good for someone relatively new to Melee. As for Project M, It's fairly newish in my area. We all started with a tourney back in 2.6 in late 2013. So our scene for Project M is fairly new. I'm one of the Top 3 for it mostly because of my experience with both Brawl and melee tbh.
  10. Wouldn't Milady give a super huge advantage to whoever drafter her? I'd say banned or free. Perceval doesnt need to be free due to what Horse said.
  11. PKL

    Map Saving

    Ah, ikr, it would be so much better if there was one in chapter 1 H5. Those javelin hitrates mang
  12. As long as she doesn't have a good way to pressure shields/get out of pressure, Zelda is going to suck. From what I hear, her Din's Fire still gets beat out by every aerial in the game, making it quite useless for zoning. Her lightning kicks are still sweetspotting only super close to her so they can't be used to space on a shield or hit with the tipper to try and kill with more safety. Her uair seems to kill less (why the F would the balance team even nerf zelda wow). Her new down b is garbage as it doesnt have much range if not charged and if charged, it is obviously too slow. The down b phantom also disappears if hit which is just dumb. Her grab is still laggy to come out like a tether so she wont have a good grab game as usual. Her usmash also seems to be nerfed in every way possible. The only positives I've heard is Nayru's Love being a kill move/faster, faster movement in the ground (which is nice but not enough if her moves still suck and her grab is still bad) and that her lightning kicks sourspot aren't as punishable on hit even though they still do 4%. As for Peach, I've seen her melee double jump back in the direct. When they show the balloon fight stage. EDIT: Something else I remember is that her utilt doesnt kill now but it might be a good thing if it has been speed up and can combo.
  13. This is honestly one of my favorite features that DSFE introduced. I missed them a lot in Awakening and I wonder if it'll come back in a future FE? I thought it was handled pretty well. What about you? Did you like map saving? Do you want it back?
  14. You're completely making that up. In Brawl: Olimar, Diddy Kong, Snake, Falco, Toon Link, Pit, Fox (large part of his gameplay is his lasergame), ROB are all higher on the list. And most lower tier characters are ones that lack an approach option and aren't ranged characters: Mario, Bowser, Captain Falcon, Jigglypuff, Zelda and Ganon aren't projectile-based at all. Samus and Link are the only ones there that have a projectile-centric game and they're not bad because of their projectile game. They're bad for other reasons. In Samus's case is because of her terrible options for killing and sluggishness. Link's is mostly because of his recovery, slugishness and difficulty with mechanics of the game.
  15. Reflectors generally suck at their job, so I don't think Megaman players need to worry about that. He has a quite good Forward Air, decent recovery and other stuff that could be effective. It's too early to tell, but good players that use projectile based characters dont even fear them eventually. Also, what made Snake strong is his control of the stage with his projectiles and good close combat game.
  16. Usually it's free and aside from Pass, you don't lose out on that much Neph exp. This is a casual draft taken seriously anyway. o.o
  17. Ah, that rout draft 2-1 craziness. Never.ever.again. I still remember how some enemies dont even move at times and in others they do in the same situation. It's so dumb lol. Much rigging wow.
  18. In FE4 I could save every turn so its not even needed. I only savestate in FE6 when I'm about to be up against a boss, usually to rig Rutger or make sure he isn't crit because fuck FE6 bosses. I never use it in FE7 but I do use em in FE8 because I need to test if stuff works in my hack. I don't use it in vanilla obviously. I play FE9, 10 and 11 on console so yeah. And in FE12 I never use em, I just map save. I answered no in the poll because I only use it on 2 special ocassions on 2 games while I play many more..
  19. For a long time I was looking for that tier list and couldnt find it due to the millions of pairing threads being made... someone found it too late it seems :P So, anyway -I usually reclass her at Level 10 right away so that I can start working on her axe rank and feeding her kills. But that's just because my runs tend to be Avatar-less. When using Avatar, I reckon she can get a few more levels before C8's Second Seal is obtained. -Optimal? Well, sometime after Chapter 8 if you're using Avatar (since he/she will get the Renown Seal more often than not). -I find she pairs up well with all sorts of people. Vaike and Kellam gives her good offense+defense. Frederick gives her good offense, defense and move, but hes contested. Lon'qu can get her doubling much quicker, etc. I find it better to give her an offense boost for lategame though, as her spd is usually overkill with Lon'qu by then. As for resources, she likes a Ladle forge from Paralogue 3 or a Bronze Axe forge. The Paralogue 4 Arms Scroll can also help her a lot. EDIT: The tier list was outdated wow. Miriel definetely isn't unviable.
  20. After playing a friend's Project M with a custom Skyward Sword Zelda with an orange Nayru's Love, I realize I need Skyward Sword Zelda in Smash 4. Make it happen, Sakurai (and please buff her)
  21. IntSys needs to remake this and POR and give us Maniac Mode and the much more superior RD Japanese script ;_;
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