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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Saving exp til endgame is literally the worst thing one could do. Because you're sacrificing said unit's performance during the rest of the game in exchange. It is possible to not accumulate the BEXP, have an easier time with all those chapters and still be godlike for endgame.
  2. Better question is: why is Jill still 2nd tier in 4-P?
  3. Not gonna lie, this playthrough is amusing :P. I was surprised you didn't use Lilina, I always thought she was terrible.
  4. I'm not 100% gone yet and I might still log in from time to time. Why did you have to bump this thread? Why? This thread and the user that made it are ridiculous. And I hope you didn't mean me, because I NEVER stole anything. In fact, I gave A LOT OF CREDIT during my run to whoever's strat I happened to use (and modify it a bit in most cases). I've ignored the past couple of posts by that user since that user that made this thread is in my ignore list and I would like to keep it that way. Now stop bumping bad threads.
  5. Almost every unit below top tier needs resources honestly. Even some of Top tier likes their speedwings like Palla. Ryan isn't the only one that likes the bow forge, every potential horseman likes it for xp gain o.o
  6. Darros isn't instabench material :(. He's got some decent bases, speaking of, Belf and Leiden also have decent bases. EDIT: I love bad levels.
  7. Well, aside from the obvious Ryan Prologue contributions over Gordin (which are huge), Gordin's stats are below the 50s, which means it's likelier they won't proc. The 10% str and spd in this case is huge, Ryan has a bow rank lead and can get a 2-4 level lead depending on the avatar being used. Gordin's growths are just too low to be a longterm unit. 50% str 35% skl/spd and 25% def as a Hunter is just not going anywhere. Cain and Roger give back more for their training than Gordin ever should. Note that 35% spd is the same as FE10 Micaiah :(. At least 45% spd is fixable with 2 wings.
  8. I think it might be an area event then.
  9. From the pic, the Swordmaster was probably in range of Palla but the wyvern moved first to hit Linde and blocked him.
  10. That's proven wrong by the fact that I've parked Minerva very close to the Hunter+Wyvern and nothing happened though. It has to be related to the swordmaster. Guess I should rush my playthrough and test it thoroughly. Or Irysa could test with the map save.
  11. I didn't know there was a weapon exp gain cap, probably because I've never turtled enough to find out. Good find. I knew there was exp decay, found it in my H4 playthrough. You can find out who the real Roro from the prep screen by Viewing Map, moving the cursor to one of the Bottom Roros and changing enemies until the cursor lands on one of the top 3 Roros. The first one it lands on is the real Roro. C11's trap seems to trigger with the left Swordmaster being in range of someone. Not even being in range of the left Hunter only pulls them. As I've had Minerva park in range of the Hunter and next turn get the Elysian Whip. I'd have to check a bit again because im not 100% certain, that trap is Lunatic exclusive (Maniac has it too but it seems different) and I haven't tested it enough. Usually LTC skips the trap completely in it's 5 turn. I'd recommend: : one to Catria one to Caeda : Palla : Linde/Merric (probably Linde) : Draug or sold : you've rigged enough that no one even needs it o.O though I suppose you should give it to Palla to cap her spd because yes and it would allow her to double Fire Dragons. I forget if she has 22 spd or 21, if she has 22 then give it to her after reclassing to Pally. Also if she has 22 she doubles Fire Dragons already. Goddess Icon: Draug or save it for Devil sword! Catria. Palla could use it well too in Iceland, but sometimes having a 2% crit lightning rod is good. Arms Scroll: you're not LTC'ing so your weapon levels are super inflated, so i dont even know. Usually it goes to Horsemen.
  12. PKL

    FEE3 2014

    Disregard my previous post. Won't submit anything. Don't feel confident on it and I dont want to make a big deal of it in case it turns out its bad. I'd rather just make a more discrete thread for it eventually
  13. FE6: Rutger (never gets str), Roy (never gets...well, anything), Shin (spd cursed everytime I used him), Lilina (never proc'd spd until i benched her), Raigh (never procs much of anything), Saul (my Sauls are barely better than base Saul when they promote, that's how freaking bad my sauls are, shame because I like him) FE7: Florina (will u please get anything other than shin levels someday for me?), Kent (shin levels gallore) FE8: Everyone is a god here. FE9: Ike, Ilyana FE10: Nolan (Shin deluxe levels all the freaking time), Leonardo (same as Nolan), Zihark (base str + promo gain by Tier 3, oh the joy), Ilyana (unless I deliberately go out of my way to make her good by resetting a .99 level at the start of a chapter, she never gets good levels normally). FE11: Gordin (to be expected), Catria, Ogma FE12: Rody, Sirius (im still shocked everyone else's Siriuses seem to get all the perfect levels), Malicia FE13: Sully (Shin levels all the time, just awful in general I cant believe ppl think she's better than Stahl), Sumia (likes not getting str or def, her growths are a bit on the low side there so its understandable), Henry/Ricken (aside from 1 special case, these guys never get good spd for me, at least Ricken has huge mag most of the time for rescue but Henry is just benchworthy), Miriel (27 hp 7 def in Chapter 21 as a Sage, NEVER FORGET)
  14. I tend to use them ASAP so I can get the most benefit out of them. (the earlier you use them the more chapters you'll have a powered up unit in) Though I sometimes do save them for a later unit. This is pretty much how I've use them in the past:: FE6: Angelic Robe- Roy, Shanna (NM), Tate, Lalum, Niime Energy Ring- Shanna, Tate, Warpers, Sue, Lugh, Fir Secret Book- sold for more Boots Speedwing- Miledy Goddess Icon- sold for more Boots Dracoshield- Miledy, Shanna, Tate Talisman- Miledy, Shanna, Tate Body Ring- Tate, Shanna Boots (desert)- Miledy FE7: Angelic Robe- Florina (LM), Fiora Energy Ring- Florina (LM), Kent (LM), Fiora (EHM) Secret Book- Sold for some reason but whenever I play FE7 again im definetely saving it for Sainadin like dondon suggested to me once. Speedwing- Marcus, Heath Goddess Icon- Marcus Dracoshield- Marcus, Florina, Fiora if Florina turned out awful Talisman- Sainadin, Fiora Body Ring- Fiora after Hector promotes because then she doesnt care because she cant rescue him anyway Boots- Heath, Fiora (EHM) or Florina usually FE8: Angelic Robe- Vanessa, Tana Energy Ring- Vanessa, Tana, Warpers Secret Book- dont remember I think I usually didnt get the ch5 one, knowing me I probably sell em. Speedwing- Seth, Duessel, Cormag Goddess Icon- sold or to Vanessa because I can Dracoshield- Vanessa, Tana Talisman- Vanessa, Seth, Tana Body Ring- Vanessa or Tana if shes a combat unit as Wyvern, otherwise I give it to excalibur user like Saleh Boots- Vanessa, Tana, Cormag (if Eph) FE9: Angelic Robe- Marcia, Tanith Energy Drop- Marcia, Tanith Spirit Dust- Soren, Calill, Tormod Secret Book- usually don't obtain them Speedwing- Jill, Soren, Tormod, Calill, Body Goddess Icon- Marcia Dracoshield- Marcia, Tanith Talisman- Marcia, Ike, Jill, Tanith Boots- Marcia FE10: Angelic Robe: Jill, Micaiah (in drafts), Tanith/Sigrun Energy Drop: Jill, Mia, Marcia, Nephenee Spirit Dust: Usually not obtained Secret Book: Usually not obtained Speedwing: Haar, Titania, Ike Goddess Icon: Sold for Gold Dracoshield: Jill, Marcia Talisman: dont remember Boots- Jill, Haar FE11: Angelic Robe- Caeda, Marth Energy Drop- Caeda, Palla Spirit Dust- Merric, Wendell Secret Book- sold Speedwing- Palla, Barst Goddess Icon- Palla Dracoshield- Caeda, Palla, Marth Talisman- Caeda, Marth Boots- Marth FE12 (theres a ton so im just gonna list who I think uses each well): Angelic Robe- Marth, Palla, Caeda, Linde, Cecille, Minerva, Avatar Energy Drop- Caeda, Catria, Minerva, Cecille, Draug Spirit Dust- Linde, Merric, Etzel, Malicia, Katarina, Mage Avatar Secret Book- Luke, Draug Speedwing- Palla, Sirius, Luke, Ryan, Minerva, no-growth-drop-marth Goddess Icon- Palla, Katarina, Catria Dracoshield- Avatar, Marth, Palla, Catria, Luke, Draug, Ryan, Rody Talisman- Luke, Draug, Ryan, Rody Arms Scroll- Luke (bows), Draug (bows/swords), Ryan (swords), Rody (swords/bows) Boots- Marth FE13: Angelic Robe- Cordelia, Sumia, Morgan, Lucina, Nowi Energy Drop- Cordelia, Sumia, Morgan, Lucina, Sully Spirit Dust- Avatar, Morgan, Anna, Libra, Ricken, Miriel, Dark Flier Sumia Secret Book- Tharja Speedwing- Stahl, Frederick, Vaike, Ricken, Cherche Goddess Icon- Tharja, Cherche Dracoshield- Cordelia, Sumia Talisman- no one really minds having more res, though I tend to give it to whoever is the main flier. Arms Scroll- Panne (axes), Dark Flier Sumia (tomes), anyone who could use Fortify with it in Lunatic and also Lucina or units that start out with lame rank in a weapon, basically every reclassed unit ever. Boots- tend to give it to Morgan, Avatar, Cordelia, Sumia, Panne or Stahl/Sully Naga Tear- usually the same as the Boots unit, though I give Naga Tear first obviously.
  15. Quick update: Currently trying to figure out how low I can make Chapter 3 with the team. I know what to do with all the Dracoknights by now, the issue is after that, I can't get everyone (especially the Archers) to Julian's side to help out. I'm thinking of visiting the Door Key village with Marth and keeping it with someone on the lower end and using it eventually to take out the cavaliers and the boss, but then Matthis becomes an issue. Palla Arran Julian and Marth can't take on the Matthis cavs by their own on the north so I have to get creative, especially because there will be cavaliers and Dracos blocking Marth on his way to Julian too. If the trend continues, this will be double the minimum TC lol...so...33 turns or so? Much slow. Such depressing. Very Mid Tiers. So Tears. Wow.
  16. Arran got crit by a 1% just the other day when I was attempting Chapter 1 in mid tiers FE12. So yeah, I have been crit by 1%, quite a few times at this point.
  17. Well, I plan to use Cord and Gordin yeah. We'll see how Cord grows, if he grows well, he stays. I'm honestly not expecting anything from Gordin, probably gonna bench him when I don't need him anymore. Ryan seems to be in the same boat. If he keeps growing like this by the time I don't need him around, he's benched. And nah, How's everyone won't be a thing :P. So, I just found out the Rapier crit was indeed needed for that enemy movement. Sucks, but at least I got through. Would've cared a bit more if i knew it was needed earlier, since I would've re-recorded until I got a more favorable enemy movement. EDIT: Oh...I didn't ban How's everyone huh?
  18. Hmm, good question, I didn't notice that. I guess I would've healed Marth with Tears and Ryan through vulneraries and ignore the Cavalier in the right with full HP. Then he would've gone for Tears most likely. And I think she could take a blow, gotta check, brb. EDIT: Yeah, she would've hung on and since he goes first out of the cavaliers and soldiers, I think I would've been fine, as he would've gone for Tears first then EDIT 2: I always got a different result with the AI movement and this one was new. I do have to wonder if this particular AI movement was only possible due to the crit though. EDIT 3: Hmm yeah, that crit was needed with this movement. Lame. I got another AI movement in my other try where the cavalier wasn't that close, this time he decided to move further in and that's what caused this. Oh well, not like I'm gonna re-record. It was a rapier crit, it's not too bad.
  19. My least favorite chapter strikes again! I somehow managed it with this team, though at the cost of 7 turns. Cecille is getting all the good levels this run. Arran is the best unit ever. Gordin somehow got a good level with those growths, Cord got a good level somehow, Marth got a terrible level and Ryan, who usually does well for me, is now below his spd average. Note: Dracoknights can and will get 10 spd, at least one of the four around the boss almost always has 10 spd. At least one of the four must have 10 spd and cecille had to proc spd mid chapter with her 75% spd growth for her to be able to 3RKO the Dracoknight she needed to KO. If she hadnt gotten str along with it, Catria would've intervened with a bit of chip so she could finish him off. Chapter 2 is completed in 13 turns.
  20. On theory, Hard Mode should honestly be possible. There's Say'ri with Kellam, tonics and if you can manage it: Rallies. If you make it to Tiki it'd be fine. Lunatic should be impossible.
  21. Yeah, you are. Your strat made the chapter possible :P Arran is the best. Yeah, she is going to be staffbotting until Wrys/Yumina join and then she'll be benched. That does seem like a challenging suggestion for Malicia but idk man, i'd rather allow it or ban it. Yeah, Hammerne saves like 10 turns, Oh well. Yeah, I guess I'll keep the banned Hammerne. It's not technically needed but I would've rather saved the turns with it around.
  22. Your levels are making me weep ;_;.
  23. First chapter of the maingame. I decided not to kill Lorenz even though I could because killing him is 1 turn slower in this case. The chapter was actually pretty difficult to figure out right from the start with no high tier combat units. I needed to be able to lure the axemen on the far right without dying and I needed them to be as far away as possible in Turn 2 EP, otherwise bad stuff would happen. I was lucky enough to have a 22 HP and 6 Def Cecille for this chapter, (to be fair its just +1 HP but it mattered) she could tank 1 hit from the Axe enemies. I highly doubt the chapter would've been possible had Cecille not been able to tank axes. Good thing I remembered seeing this archer fort strat in Irysa's playthrough. I think it would've been pretty much impossible to do it any other way with this team. Chapter 1 is completed in 14 turns Note: It was possible to kill Lorenz with a combination of Arran's Silver Lance, Ryan and Gordin with the Bow forge and Marth Rapier. But I deemed it wasn't worth the turn lost. It's possible to get the kill with Mid Tiers only. EDIT: It's so tempting to allow Malicia's Hammerne >_< EDIT 2: Yeah, I originally intended to kill Lorenz but after the map save I changed my mind.
  24. I needed Malicia in Chapter 1 or the map save part (with the fort) was impossible. So I guess I'm allowing village units to be used for the chapter. Sorry I havent uploaded the vid, I've had the first part (before map save) done for a while but was busy so I couldnt finish and noticed today that the map save portion needs a second healer. I'll try to upload the vid tomorrow. Trying to update as frequently as I can :P EDIT: This might be the last rule fix, this mid tier stuff is new territory, so bare with me. I'll try not to change them from now on, the challenge playthrough is just starting anyway.
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