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Everything posted by PKL

  1. I hadn't realized this was updated because you only edited the post. This is why I tend to make separate posts for new vids/updates in my threads :P Now post Chapter 11 and 12 HHM
  2. It's known, I noticed this oddity a long time ago too. My theory then (and still is) that the growth total is still the same, but the game treats it like the capped stats can still proc, hence why most of the time it appears as if the growth total is new.
  3. Told ya training Palla was something you wouldn't regret. As your Avatar can't be a Dracoknight, I expect your main team carrier to be Palla and she's very fit for the job. I still remember my first H3 playthrough where my Avatar sucked, Palla carried me so hard. Having a Dracoknight that can tank 3 hits or more (like a Lunatic boosted Avatar) is super useful, so you should consider giving the second Seraph Robe and some Dracoshields to her (the first Robe should honestly be for Marth to help his xp gain) just like a LTC playthrough gives a bunch of defensive boosters to Avatar to reach amazing HP+Def.
  4. It's ok, it's not like I ever liked you anyway. /tsun
  5. Thanks! Yeah, and fun too, it's kinda like a draft at the beginning. It was fun figuring out how to tackle Chapter 1 with only 6 units. Also, I think I should make more rules before I proceed further into maingame: 1. If a high tier unit is auto-deployed by the game in a chapter, that unit can be used for the remainder of that chapter. Ex: Catria, Palla, Sirius Examples of not automatically deployed by the game: Malicia, village units etc. 2. I can actually deploy High Tier units, but they may never enter combat while equipped with a weapon or use staves on anyone or anything. This is in case someone of a higher tier is neccesary to recruit someone. Example: Caeda with Roger, Sirius with Nyna, etc.
  6. Warning: Zelda fangasm incoming. 10- Fire Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem- It's like IS took everything that I would've wanted out of a Fire Emblem and put it in a game. I love the difficulty and how fast paced, but smart the gameplay is. 9- Super Mario Galaxy 2- I loved this one more than the first, which is weird. I guess Yoshi and the tons of new levels and vast amounts of things to do are the reason. 8- Donkey Kong Country Series- they always have great soundtracks and are just the right difficulty for me. Really enjoyable games. 7- Xenosaga Series- I don't normally prioritize story in a game, but damn, it didn't matter for these games. 6- Super Smash Bros. Melee- enjoyable in multiple ways. Love it so much ever since it was released in 2001. 5- The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds- what a great, fun game to play. Like...damn. 4- The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword- Loved the gameplay and the story was alright in my book, but everything about it pales in comparison to the other 3 zeldas for me. 3- The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker- Great artstyle that never ages, lots to do, it's a great game...if a bit too easy. 2- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time- This game is a masterpiece. It does everything pretty well but I can't help but like Majora's Mask more. 1- The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask- This is a game I loved right from it's opening. It's simply a beautiful game. Great music and atmosphere. The amount of sidequests one can do in this game is amazing. The masks were pretty cool and added a lot to the gameplay. The sense of urgency of the game while still not being enough to take away from the exploration is also pretty cool.
  7. It's actually still processing but I'm gonna leave it here anyway. I actually did the first part of map (before the map save) first try, no planning whatsoever, just improvisation. The part after the map save was actually a bit difficult to figure out without Caeda around because I wanted the units I'm gonna be using to each get a Thief kill. Sadly, there was no way to do the chapter without Athena getting the Katarina kill, what a waste of exp...considering she leaves and comes back too late to be salvageable. Prologue 8 is completed in 14 turns, which brings the final Prologue TC to: 59 turns Wow, that's pretty bad. I blame Archer Avatar. After this, I'm actually quite glad I'm using Ryan as Chapter 1 would've been impossible with only Marth Arran Gordin and Cecille. But having 2 Archers with a great Bow forge makes it possible. I'm actually gonna allow myself to use Avatar as a Cleric until Wrys rejoins. EDIT: I'm also really really really glad I saved that one vulnerary use in Prologue 3 by fort stalling because that was extremely close in Prologue 8.
  8. Understand this, people: Lucina did not take anyone else's slot, her inclusion doesn't mean someone else can't get in, having her in does not make the game suck, her being a clone doesn't mean the game will suck. She was originally going to be a Marth alt, so she was in the game anyway, but Sakurai decided to give her a slot because she lacks the tipper and that's a very veeeery significant gameplay change already. EDIT: Clones exist since Street fighter. Ryu ken yo.
  9. FE1/11: Palla FE3/12: Palla FE4: Fury FE6: Miledy FE7: Fiora FE8: Vanessa FE9: Marcia FE10: Marcia FE13: Cordelia I'm totally not obsessed with fliers.
  10. I just asked 4 Smasher friends that also play FE: First said Marth and Roy Second said Chrom and Tharja (whyyy) Third said Marth and Chrom Fourth said Marth and Roy Hmm
  11. Very well, I deployed Caeda. I checked to see if I could potentially 3 turn with Caeda deployed but even If I get rid of Cain by concentrating on that, I can't rout and zombie!Cain still calls the reinforcements, its hilarious. The best I could do is 5 turns while feeding Cecille the Cain bosskill. Cecille also got a pretty damn nice level, wow. The miss by the armor is actually inconsequential, Tears would still hang on next turn and I could've just had Ryan tank the myrmidon (hangs on with 1 HP) and chip Cain with Tears instead. Having 9 spd made Tears able to double Armors, but it also wasn't neccesary, a non-doubling Archer Avatar with her str average would still do 10 damage out of 34 HP with her Steel Bow, so Merric can still finish the Armor off when he needs to. The armor can proc 35 HP though and that can't happen in that case. If the myrmidons can double Avatar and Ryan doesn't have enough HP+Def, idk how I'd tackle the chapter but I reckon it's still possible with some move adjustments and settling with a 6 turn. Yeah, that's true. But I can't test enough mid tiers at the same time if i deploy a bunch of high tiers. I think I'd rather see what a bunch of mid tiers can do than see what only a few mid tiers can do. This is not a normal run by any means (thanks to Archer Avatar) but it should still serve to know the potential of some units anyway, I think.
  12. DKCR was only extra hard for me in those freaking floating barrel levels, either my wiimote didnt work properly for them or I didnt know how to properly control that thing...or both. The rest of the levels were just alright, just how I like my difficulty really. EDIT: I dont remember enough of my original DKC trilogy experiences since it's been awhile but If I was able to beat all 3 back then, I'm pretty sure they can't have been that difficult. @ Chiki- Marth is one of the better designed Smash characters. Easy to pick up, rewarding for experienced players that space the tipper properly and his moves just flow. He's also one of the 2 characters responsible for the west getting Fire Emblem. A lot of people would've been upset if he had been replaced with Lucina entirely. Even if Lucina is a clone, the fact that she doesn't have a tipper will make her play out completely different already.
  13. Sorry for the post without a vid, but it is relevant and I might need to bump it to ask. Basically, Prologue 7 Cain is a huge pain in the rear, it's almost impossible to do it consistently, as Avatar and Wrys are ORKO'd by the Peg and I have no Caeda to block that fort. I can't make it to the left side fast enough to avoid it either because of the lack of offense. Should I deploy Caeda for a consistent recording or hope the Pegasus reinforcement doesn't proc 13 AS so it can't ORKO Avatar/Cecille? It should happen eventually, but it is soooo annoying and since my avatar is blessed in spd and it wouldnt happen normally, well...
  14. Went Draug route because I theorize Ogma route is a lot tougher with an Archer Avatar. The reward would be better, as I would be able to deploy Ogma in P7 and P8 unlike Draug and he's very good in the Prologue, but alas. Notes: Caeda was not deployed, as I already have the freedom to choose who to deploy and she's a Top Tier unit unlike the rest that I deployed. Ryan was given an Iron Lance so Cecille could trade it from him in a second Prep screen in which I also viewed talk conversations because of my OCD (cant let that thing shine green). Merric disappointed me so much with his level...sigh.
  15. Hero is meh in this game. Bow rank would be more useful.
  16. The crit at the end is kinda hilarious, I was just checking how much damage Merric would do to the boss and then I accidentally pressed the attack. Originally I was gonna chip with Caeda after Wrys healed her, chip with MU and feed merric anyway. I went Draug route, even though Ogma is superior I don't think Archer MU can handle that map.
  17. Units that I plan on using at some point/im interested in using: Ryan Cecille Gordin Linde (kinda like Ryan, to test them out in an environment where they don't get their ideal resources) Merric Wrys Yumina Ogma Barst Roger Minerva Darros Belf Leiden
  18. Thanks. I don't think I'll have an issue with getting Chapter 16x so I'll bench her before then. I'm actually not going to use Malicia at all, which is gonna suck a bit. Caeda is so good. With this chapter I realize I'm going way too slow due to the Avatar and the only Mid Tier unit among these is Ryan (well, Wrys too but he's not combat unit), so his level is inflated, which makes evaluating him at this point kinda dumb. I'm actually convinced Ryan would have a lot of issues in a normal H3 no DLC run though and think his placing should be Upper Mid Tier at best. Next chapter I might actually feed things to Merric btw as I might use him when he returns!
  19. Wasn't actually that hard to figure out. Though the strat was completely dependent on the first Fighter not having 10 Skl (5 Crit) as it made him target Avatar instead of Lance! Luke/Rody. If Avatar had 4 Luck, it would be completely consistent, but that wasn't a thing. I cut the video early so the next chapter is a surprise. Spoilers: It's probably Athena's as usual. EDIT: Yeah, I had to fort stall since I only have 1 vulnerary left. That's just how Archer Avatar works.
  20. Not having a tipper is huge. I hope it means that Marth will be rewarded more with each tipper and requires more skill, but is better in the end with great spacing, while Lucina is more beginner-friendly but is worse in the end. If Lucina ends up doing as much as Marth's tippers with her whole sword and they have the same range, speed, etc. she's obviously going to be better.
  21. True! I'll bench her anyway, which reminds me, I should try to not feed her that many kills since she's just for the Prologue. Oh, also, I've decided to add 2 new rules to the playthrough: 1. Full recruitment. 2. No deaths. Here's Prologue 2 The strat can vary a lot depending on who Luke decides to attack between Ryan and Avatar. In my case, he preferred Ryan in Turn 1 and Avatar in Turn 2 so it was possible to 6 turn. If he attacks Avatar in Turn 1 it might not be possible to 6 turn. After recording, is when I realized that Res proc was probably due to my Avatar's Future . Too bad she didn't proc her 75 Luck growth, I seem to have poor luck with luck growths in general. It would've made the next chapter more consistent. Also, I probably should've fed Luke to Ryan since I'm dropping Avatar after the Prologue, but whatever.
  22. Lmao, I just realized Wealthy isnt Spd. Note to self: Don't trust your memory. That's so hilarious that I might not redo.
  23. New playthrough is up! http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=48734
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