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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Isn't Pirate Doga oneshot by C1 enemies?
  2. Are you gonna get all the chests next chapter?
  3. [spoiler=Chapter 16x] There's nothing glorious about this chapter... Man, I hate this Bishop boss sprite so much. It's reused too often. :/ I guess Yodel can use it. Saul is definetely never getting to S. Bolting immediately coming in handy. <3 Gave the Seraph Robe from the secret shop to Sophia. I doubt she's gonna be taking hits well anytime soon but it's a start! Nice dodge! I took the staves from Saul so that Silence doesn't target him. I had to reset 3 times because the boss would berserk Milady and Saul was silenced too then I remembered this is a thing. Silence enemies wont target units without a staff or magic in their inventory, I learned that from dondon. Making it easier to use her. She will always get doubled though, probably. So fast! I hate him...so much. Dat avo Whew... Wow Zeiss. Amazing level. Fun fact: I don't actually know his growths yet (havent looked at em in SF) but I assume he's an Est with that level. She was actually not OHKO'd by this armor thanks to the Seraph Robe. Not surprisingly, she couldn't actually double the armor... I give Saul back his staves so he can restore Tate and take em with Milady. Now I have to dance Saul to reach Zeiss. I....hate...Windam. Good thing it only has 3 uses. Otherwise i'd be raging a lot more. Sue finally gets hit. Milady being OP. Sadly, I couldn't feed this kill to Sophia, though that was the intention. Oops. At least my Saul isn't bad enough to be doubled. Silence: 0 Lugh: 3 Oops...Zeiss can actually take the hit and survive, but because of the heavenly arrows... I decide to have Perci rescue him, dance Perci and drop him near combat. ...well, so much for being an Est NO This is just how paranoid I am. Can't have a unit with less than 10 HP around so I use a vulnerary. Uh-oh...arrows plz don't... Milady/10 Holy crap, she capped str already! Arrows didn't kill Sue, whew and I have her chip then Zeiss gets the kill for an amazing level. Yeah, I forgot to give him a Mend or another staff...welp. Screw it, i'm paranoid enough about the arrows to use physics. This has to be the worst Saul ever I lure the 2 aircalibur mages on each side and kill them off. These bishops are so bad at hitting. So is Perci. See? It's the Bishops and purge. Bolting hits just fine. Nevermind Adios! I actually moved Milady here to lure that Sniper and surround him eventually so Sophia could chip until it dies... Silence: 0 Lugh: 4 Btw, that silence bishop came out of nowhere. It was a reinforcement in turn 10. Never seen him before. Good thing he didnt have a purge or Sophia wouldve died. It's sad when even Zeiss is dodging these. My plan to lure these snipers doesnt work, they just dont move for some reason. So it's time to start beating their face. NO Bolting finally hits someone. I said screw it here all of a sudden and decided to weaken him a bit and see if he moves. Spoilers: he didnt. Stationary mages = time to train Roy for free! Well...at least he got mag. He got hit by an arrow, so I vulnerary him just in case. You never know if it'll strike twice in the same place. I surrounded the Sniper with Sue and Sophia (can never be too sure he wont move) and have Sophia start chipping him...or attempt to. another silence bishop out of nowhere... On any other unit I would be saying this is a bad level. But its Sophia, she definetely needs more Skl and Lck. Roy struggles to 2RKO stationary, squishy mages. Sigh... Whyyyy? Roy finishes the mage and gets a pretty good level. I want to kill him with Sue because of the exp for Sacae. A million chips later... Dammit Sue! Bulkylalum. He got hit enough to be at 7 hp by the arrows so I used an Elixir just in case because Sue needed to be Physic'd and look at what happened! Another arrow right at him. I would've raged if not for the elixir. The amount of misses and stuff was ridiculous. I hate FE6 bosses. And Sophia finally finishes her lunch for a good level. The exact same amount of turns as last chapter...
  4. My first FE playthrough ever was in Path of Radiance and I only used Ike, Soren and Titania. I thought Soren was overpowered. ^ I played Easy Mode. I replayed FE10 around 30 times before I joined SF. I didn't like Shadow Dragon in my very first playthrough because characters barely grew. Shadow Dragon grew on me on subsequent playthroughs. I beat H5 the first time with Gen Wolf. I used to grind heavily in FE8 before joining SF. I used Nosferatu in my first FE13 Lunatic playthrough to cheese the game. I BEXP units in FE10 prep screens to .99 and rig their first level all the time. Aside from the map saves, this is the only rig I just can't resist. I have a love/hate relationship with FE13. Sometimes I hate it, sometimes I don't. I once tried to rig an Elincia Stun on FE10 2-E's Ludveck...little did I know that her bio played a part on her proc chances and she only had 1% of stunning him.
  5. I like the split teams idea of the map tbh. And I like the chapter much more than 16x which I just did. I was so paranoid at all times during 16x because of the arrows. Wow, chapter 17 sacae looks intimidating. Fog of war, new territory for me, completely blind, I foresee rage and game overs already.
  6. [spoiler=Continued] This gives me an idea...but Sophia is like, on the other side of the map doing nothing....damn. The armor she crit previously attacks her and is now deaded. The Miladytructiontrain has no brakes! Stuff happens. That's 3 misses and only 1 hit. The hit might as well not count because the target was Roy. My thoughts when this happens: "I can't wait to reach you" Guess his eyesight can wait. Bye Physic jerk! This is actually pretty clever. Rutger and Lance both have a sword so Douglas will have issues hitting them and they barely do anything back at him. Now she can tank mages even better! Dat crit tho. Aaaand the mages are done for. Hugh being useful. No crit :( Ok, I don't understand his AI. He's clearly suicidal because he went for the unit that did the most damage to him. Now both Rutger and Lance are blocking his path and do 0 damage to him. Clever I know. Perci opens the treasure chest room door with the 2 snipers. It's amazing how he can ORKO these guys. Lugh finishes off the one that got Javelin'd in EP. Tate and Milady beat on the wall a bit. I had to get Astor to the boss but with Douglas being in range, I had no idea what to do. In the end, what I ended up doing was move Rutger 1 tile down, move Astor to Rutger's previous tile, dance him and then Sue rescued him out of range. Douglas can't even hit Rutger. Even if something bad were to happen, I have an Elixir nearby (Hugh). I'm not completely blind again, I know from normal mod playthroughs that some mercs spawn there. At this point I was worried because I made a slight mistake, I moved Lance a bit too far up and Douglas is now not in range. I was worried he'd go to the left instead of up. In that case I would've just moved everyone inside the throne room and relure him with Lance though. He moved up anyway. Raigh finishes off an Armor thingy near the throne. Because Milady needs to be even better! Tate breaks the wall and I finally get Zeiss. I forgot to grab a screenie of his stats, but from what I remember, he has 37 hp 19 str 13 skl and 12 spd. Reinforcements start happening. Rescueeeee, why is it later than warp tho? :/ ...am I...dreaming? Is...is this real life? Rutger...got....str!?! :o Meanwhile...Douglas still can't hit. And Lance gets the exact same level Rutger got just a while ago... Milady is now dangerously low on HP so im gonna have her retreat. And have Tate handle the mage reinforcements. Eh... I quickly change him to Iron Sword with Lalum after killing this merc. Rutget gets rid of another annoying Merc reinforcement. When do they stop spawning? >_> Tankylugh is still a thing. More boots! She could OHKO this mage. With great strength comes great responsibility. (now Douglas has a target with which to kill himself...eventually) Sure, more boots. .... Rutger kills some more of these seemingly endless mercs. And I think hes dodged everything in this chapter. K SUE WHY YOU DO THIS? This was a double miss FYI ...meanwhile Tate keeps handling endless mages. Definetely useful. I wonder where I'll use it though. I barely know anything of Sacae. At least she hit twice this time. Zeiss gets his first kill and damn, 60 exp for a single mage... You know I'm going slow when I'm seeing FaexSophia supports already. Yes! yes! She crit! She gets str too! Awesome! A few million turns later...but actually only like 2. Now Sue and Fir can tank Douglas instead. Milady picks up Astor and is healed by Raigh. And this happens, she could reach safety from all over there. The wonders of boots. Lugh chipped the dragon at some point, which actually was almost a ORKO and then She gets a very very uncharacteristic level. Double miss on the other dragon. Love Javelins. Now that's more like the Sophia we know! Dat offense. I think she's at base in all the other 3 stats tho Lance takes care of this guy that spawned earlier. Now Astor was free to loot the place up. I have Milady get both cards from Rutger and Hugh and make her way to Tate, which gave the cards to Zeiss and in the next turn, I bought 1 Whip for Zeiss, 1 Ring for Sophia and 1 Angelic Robe probably for Sophia. 27 turns. Very efficient. But before I seize... One last chip on Douglas.
  7. [spoiler=Chapter 16] GG Narcian. Now that I think about it, he IS very incompetent. A lot of his actions are questionable, like not assaulting Nabata like he was ordered to. I start off by having Sue fire the Longbow at this Bolting mage in the right side of the map. She can't ORKO but it's something. Milady reaches Sue with her amazing move and trades her Longbow for an Iron Sword for EP. I have Percival and Lance bring Roy over here. The Bolting mage decides to heal thanks to Sue. Holy mother of...Pegasus. That's a very nice level. Buildin' dat sword rank. Y'know, I almost forgot Zeiss was a thing. He comes pretty late to the party :/ It was a worth a try, ok? Fir also missed, surprisingly. The brothers heal Tate and Fir. Sue finishes this guy off. Milady finishes the Bolting guy off and gets a decent level. I make a weird rescue here to get Sue out of a Killing Edge merc and a Bishops range. Its a lot easier to recruit Hugh if you move Roy to the right side. I'm gonna be paying him the least amount of money possible because I won't use him. Ouch, see? This is why I take precautions. Omg she also missed, FML Percival is OP Even with that merc crit she was still safe. Milady <3 I have a great idea... YOLOOOO NO OF COURSE IT DOESNT OMG WHY ARE YOU SO BAD? A few minutes later, i'm in the same place, but rearrange my actions. I have Sue attempt to kill this merc and then... ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つGIVE 70 EXP༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Actually not that risky because I had ways to rescue Lance if that had crit. Looking more like a typical Roy now. The dancer gets better levels than the lord, yep. This was a ORKO, yes, a ORKO. My str cursed Rutger can still ORKO cleanly. It's totally not that fighters suck. No, sir. Worth it. She's like, perfect for killing mages, hopefully I don't overdo it and go to Illia... Never fails. They love targetting scrublord. I think this Purge guy never hit in the chapter o.o Longbow OP That's Roy using a Pure Water More Sword rank training Rescue Drops are gr8 Milady uses a Pure Water A wild Hugh appears, he's barely out of range of everyone as you can see. Nevermind about the Purge guy never hitting. Forgot Roy sucks. Yo! Not really... B-but I said no ;_; Well...you don't even have half the stats of that other mage that joined in ch3... I've heard this before...Castor, is that you? Still no. Nope Dammit Roy Roy please T.T I'm sure I'll regret having 1 less boots later on. Amazing. The purge guy will now suffer his demise! ...or not. Killer Bow was kinda overkill... 1 hit out of 3. This Bishop really needs to get his eyesight checked. Nothing better than missing a longrange magic enemy only for him to escape from your range and then get healed so you can miss him again. Milady was parked barely out of range of the aircalibur mages but in range of this bishop. That armor sure took a lot of hits to kill >_> Tate gets a 2% crit on this armor and Perceval finally reaches the doors.
  8. The dragons outside exist to overlap with any unit that obtains the Fortify (which is Warp in other difficulties). And your strat is a good solution to the map, perhaps IS didn't consider that some players wouldn't go directly to Gotoh or that they wouldn't know more enemies spawn later. My thought process was different when tackling the map, a lot different, but that's because I see things differently. I gotta go fast like Sonic even when playing casually. I honestly thought this map was cleverly designed, but like everything, a solution to trivialize it exists and you've proven that.
  9. The series as a whole has always had that issue where your units can grow past the enemies and be extremely difficult to take down for the enemy. It's nothing new. It's more noticeable in FE8, 9 and 13 though.
  10. That's...a lot later than usual.
  11. How much longer til Direct?
  12. It tends to be 13-16 for me. For some units I promote them asap (Level 10). For units that need to meet a benchmark, I usually try harder to squeeze exp into them so they end up at 17-18 before promotion even if they promote at around the same time as others.
  13. Welcome to Fire Emblem. I think offense is more important to Efficiency of this game, especially later on though. Did Chapter 14 make you hate this game? You seem annoyed lol.
  14. Interesting. I think you shouldn't do that. Your units already look normal enough imo. Sure, it cheesed some chapters, but come on.A Also, Chapter 14 is a lot easier if u had used the Fortify u receive. I'm actually a fan of this chapter when it comes to LTC because its challenging to play it fast.
  15. Huh? Interesting. One of my IRL friends (and fellow competitive smash player) told me MK8's online is amazing. Guess he's never found those issues or just thinks it's godlike in comparison to brawl's shittiness >_>
  16. I'm obviously up to win (shots fired) play an online sm4sh tournament. Speaking of, here's to hoping the sm4sh wifi is as godlike as I hear MK8's is.
  17. I remembered the other day this playthrough existed. I should continue it, probably tomorrow since I'm kinda craving FE6.
  18. Wow Wendy. She still hasnt gotten to the 10s in stats that matter.
  19. I have to agree with Irysa that Roy's Rapier is better though. But Roy himself and Eliwood are pretty bad. I guess Sword of Seals does make Roy's lategame pretty good. Eliwood can carry Hector promoted which is useful in drafts but he's mediocre through and through even with his horse. In HHM, he can have a nice C24 to Endgame though. EDIT: HHM NOT EHM
  20. Wouldn't both Rapiers be 12 after WTF? Since it lowers the MT of the weapon itself before effective coefficient, Roy's Rapier would be 4 after WTD and 12 after effective. Eliwood's would be 6 after WTD and 12 after effective.
  21. I think I might be the only one with no issues with the Assasin subplot... EDIT: Also, damn, Ogma is +4 spd.
  22. We should totally ban emulation on FE10 HM drafts.
  23. Why wouldn't one train the Prologue units though? They arrive in the beginning and can be trained alongside the Avatar and Caeda just fine. It's a good idea to utilize at least one of them. It's better to have a good Avatar, a good Caeda and a good Prologue unit instead of just a great Avatar and an overleveled Caeda. Luke is a great unit that meets spd benchmarks with 1 wing and RP pretty reliably and only needs 1 or 2 Arms Scrolls. He likes Wyrmslayer and can get access to it easily, which actually helps with Horsemen training during the dragon chapters a lot. While his contributions in the Prologue are bad (its mostly just feeding him exp), his maingame is good enough to be high tier. Aside from those resources, he also likes Drill Grounds here and there, like almost every unit. Depending on the strat for some of the lategame chapters and the team composition, he might like one of the later Dracoshields or Robes obtained too. It might seem like a lot of investment for one unit, but the payoff is big, considering the Horseman class is that good in lategame. Resources: 1 Speedwing, 2 Arms Scroll (its likely he won't get C swords on his own in LTC as he spends the vast majority of chapters in Hunter mode), Drill Grounds, plenty of use of the Rainbow Potion Ryan is a unit that has iffier spd growth than Luke, hence his position, but is very valuable in the Prologue and earlygame in general. He is generally a bit easier to feed exp to in the Prologue than Luke due to the nature of his damage and because he can be deployed in every Prologue chapter, including Prologue 8 to shave turns. Ryan's Prologue 7 Est 3 turn is iffy for sure, needing 6 Spd for the strat. While his average is sufficient, I recall Miikaya telling me it was a 60% chance to get 6 spd by that chapter. Luke can be deployed in Prologue 8 too, but he has to be blessed in Str (iirc, he needs all of his levels to have str) in order to team up for Thief kills. Unlike Luke, though, Ryan needs more to meet spd benchmarks, like Miikaya said, 3 wings and an RP and he's still only got 74% chance of metting the 27 AS requirement to double Warriors in Ch17. Aside from the wings and RP, much like Luke, he likes having Arms Scrolls, this time for his sword rank (reclass to swordmaster when giving them for better results), as it allows him to get a loooot more exp in the dragon chapters and eventually gain access to Master Sword/Brave Sword, the latter being extremely useful. Like Luke, he also likes Drill Grounds here and there to get a few more levels to help with benchmarks. Since rarely do you want 2 Prologue units longterm, whenever he's being used, he can get 2 wings and it won't be a huge loss. Palla is good enough that she can wait until the C9 wing and be fine. Sirius is the unit he would be competing for a wing, but usually he's fine with the Ch11 one, since he won't be doubled by Wyverns if he's leveled sufficiently anyway and he won't double them with it. Ryan's a unit that can be used from start to finish with success with these resources, so while he's not ideal unlike Luke, he's still better than the units below High Tier, considering all he can do with them. I wonder if giving him 2 wings right off the bat would be the best way to use him? It would save one from needing the bow forge completely, without needing the spd proc slightly above average during ch2 to double Dracoknights. In fact, if he hits 15 spd with it, he could double them all. Like all Horsemen, he might also like Robe + Dracoshield in the lategame depending on team composition. Resources: 1 to 2 early Speedwings, another Speedwing or 2 later (as long as it's 3 total), 2 Arms Scrolls (sword rank), Drill Grounds, extensive use of Rainbow Potion Draug has the best shot at getting amazing spd, not needing any Speedwings at all to meet spd benchmarks later on. Has no Prologue, which some people argue makes him better, as it means he doesn't need experience from it to perform well. His offensive bases are extremely nice but his defensive bases are extremely bad as a sort of tradeoff. If he can get a level before facing the C2 Dracoknights and he levels spd at 75% chance, he can double 10 spd Dracoknights after a Rainbow Potion use, which is neat. Due to his defensive issues, he likes a Seraph Robe whenever he needs to take a hit and he has trouble getting good HP+def for main Horseman jobs in midgame and lategame without it. Needs Arms Scrolls for his Bow rank in LTC and would definetely appreciate some more Arms Scroll bought at the Armory in order to boost his Sword rank for better xp gain during the midgame. Might actually appreciate an Energy Drop for Warrior killing and Hardin, those are the only Horsemen Str benchmark I can recall, but there might be more. Resources: early Seraph Robe, Energy Drop for C17 to 20, 3-4 Arms Scrolls, Drill Grounds, use of Rainbow Potion Rody, like Draug, has an amazing spd growth. Has a shakier start than the rest of the 4 Horsemen. His Prologue is much like Luke. Has no problem meeting spd benchmarks and his growths are all very nice. I don't have much else to say that I didn't cover already. In theory, he should be fine all around eventually when it comes to benchmarks in exchange for his annoying start. Dodgiest of the 4 Horseman, which might be a disadvantage here and there if you want him to be targetted. Resources: 4 Arms Scrolls, Drill Grounds, use of Rainbow Potion I've also been thinking about Ogma, he looks decent. Shaky str base that might not matter until C17-20, a good Prologue, plenty of time to be trained and 10% more spd growth than Ryan. He already has C swords so he can concentrate on his bow rank (definetely needs Arms Scrolls for it). Of course, he doesn't have the same snowballing potential as the earlygame Horsemen, but he still seems a like a very viable unit. IMO it goes: Luke>Draug>Ryan>Rody>Ogma, but I change my mind on the horsemen constantly >_<
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